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Grabbing Off the Hook Promotes Camping



  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Killers who camp typically don’t care what the survivors think of them. Example when I camp to generate pressure or bait the survivors into altruism, I don’t concern myself with how they perceive it, I’m just playing the game as intended and using the tools available to me. Being camped is boring and I can sympathise with that, but it’s just a game at the end of the day.

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    edited April 2022

    I meant as soon as the killer hooks.

    I mean like, not even giving a moment to leave the hook.

    edit: and the whole team just rushing the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Removing hook grabs promotes unsafe unhooks and sloppy gameplay.

    They're called 'unsafe unhooks' for a reason. And now, 6 years later, it's not fair? 🤦‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Don't forget Bubba 100% prevents unhooking.

    They really need to add unhook validation. Too many times I have even baited an unhook with a facecamper, only to find that my survivor body has resumed normal position and was grabbed anyway. So it is technically next to impossible to unhook (facecampers rewarded) due to server lag. Once again, the killer seems to have a priority when it comes to grabs.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Not being able to grab promotes hook farming.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I think killers know what they should do but camping is easy option. I understand camping totally when gens are done I mean what else are you supposed to do at that point unless you have noed and know you can take them down. But facecamping when there is still 5-4 gens left is not neccesary for win but some still do it. I do it when I do something else at the same time like eating.

  • Member Posts: 458

    When many games 3-4 gens are done within 5 mins what do you expect? there isnt TIME to do 10 chases in some games when a survivor has meta perks and absurd amounts of safe loops.

    There isnt TIME to spread out hooks when any decent survivor can make a chase 30-60+ seconds in length

    I avoid camping but when survivors dont give me time to even play the game you best bet im at MINIMUM proxy camping the only survivor i got a hook on that game

    Games that actually take time to play out I dont camp because i dont need to. I have TIME the thing survivors have and killers dont to be able to chase.

    But dont get mad at us when you dont give us a chance to play and all 4 sit to tbag taunt at the exit and insult us in game chat when we say gg.

  • Member Posts: 458
    edited April 2022

    I enjoy chasing when I actually have the time to do them. when survs know what they are doing and make sure people are always on gens the game is over so fast and it is so humiliating to have 0 kills when survs refuse to leave after they have the gates open, they wanna sit 2 inches from the safe exit so you literally can do nothing while they taunt in safety. The games i have the most fun in, regardless of 4ks or 0ks are games that go longer. period. Those games I feel like i actually got a chance to play. Not pick trapper and before i even got traps 2 down 2 gens just popped at the same time. then people get mad when killers run NOED because "no skill" i dont mind DH and company but those are "no skill perks" as well

    edit: but to add on real fast, people who camp at 5 gens left are lame

  • Member Posts: 763

    How about survs stop unhooking in the killer's face, then we can talk about camping.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Getting a grab off an unsafe unhook is not 'crutching'. This is yet another BS buzzword from Survivors.

    The SURVIVOR misplayed and got grabbed. It's not 'no skill' or 'crutching'. Those are BS terms that shift the blame; it stops being 'The Killer took advantage of the Survivor's bad play' to 'The Killer used a cheap tactic that I could in no way counter because it's crutch'.

    It's not 'crutch', and anyone who gets grabbed screwed up. Using a term like 'crutch' is trying to blame the Killer for the Survivor playing bad. It's literally shaming Killers for winning while pretending Survivors could in no way counter it.

    Stop using buzzwords and blaming Killers for your bad plays. No; grabbing should not go away just so bad Survivors can get free unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 465

    I noticed they changed this recently. They broke hook grabs, and you get pulled off easily now. Maybe this was intentional

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I'm not blaming killers for survivor mishaps. I'm blaming the game mechanics for gifting an imbalanced advantage to killers in the survivor's most vulnerable situation.

    And I probably play more killer than any of yall. You are welcome to look at my profile here on the forums if you want to see my killer credentials. "Buzzwords from survivors."

    It is a crutch to lean on.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    The POINT is that the Survivor is vulnerable there.

    So apparently the Killer trying to win is 'a crutch'. Apparently a Survivor doing A BAD PLAY is a Killer 'crutch'. Sure. Whatever. 🙄

    This is the only game where I see one side literally say the other side having oppertunities to win is 'crutch'. 🤦‍♂️

    Hook grabs are fine. Stop trying to handhold Survivors.

    Between this and 'DS should be automatic'; Killers are literally not going to have nay way to win soon. What's next? 'Hooking is unfair'? 'Survivors should get a skillcheck to avoid being hooked'? How about 'Killers need a Hard skillcheck to pick up Survivors'? Lord.

  • Member Posts: 541

    fake outs... They're a thing...

  • Member Posts: 941

    Just play killer yourself! :D

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