Why is Artist considered boring to play as?

I have seen posts saying she isnt fun to play but i bought her as i had enough iri shards. I have had alot of fun with her so far. She is able to apply alot of pressure and allow you to work out what part of the map you need to go to. her aiming takes practice but No other killer has been able to allow me to play around loops the way she has. (i am absolutely horrible at beating survs on them. What is more boring about her than any other killer?)
and with so many killers complaining about survs power, she very clearly is very capable and able to play against some of the very powerful survivor resources. I of course still lose with her. I have multiple 4 escapes with her but those games still felt like i DID something. and didnt feel as tilting as playing trapper and 4 gens done before you get 1 hook or even find a surv. i dont feel like I have to run NOED to make up for the inability of some killers(combined with my skill of a 1-200 killer hours to have any chance of playing against 3k hour survivors surv).
Losing with her doesnt feel like you just wasted 5-10 mins of your time because survs can run you around like a moron.
its just my opinion anyways.
i have hundreds of hours on surv and i also very rarely see Nurse, artist or blight even tho blight and nurse get complained about so much.
Seems like well over half the killers in my games are freddy or sadako, or ghostface. Deathslinger, blight, wraith, trapper, oni, and the rest of the gang are almost unheard of to play against. i am perplexed by this. I am very tired of feeling like i only play against freddy and sadako, especially sadako as imo she just gives me a very boring vibe.
Whats the opinion of you all?
Here's my opinion...
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She feels uninspired, her sound effects piss me off, and I'd much rather play someone else than her. Like she just puts me to sleep, her power is like Pyramid Head but they removed all the fun from using it.
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Birds go brr
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I don’t see it. Her power can be used in multiple ways and she has a high skill cap which greatly rewards improvement. I’ve seen people say it’s because her power is an amalgamation of other powers, though the same can be said for many killers, and I don’t see why that should make her inherently boring regardless.
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The Survivors can only hold W against her. So this is what they do. In the end, you follow them and at some point you catch them, because you are faster. Thats it.
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I love her tbh, no one else's opinion matters. People complain about sound effects, but imo spirit is the worst offender in that regard.
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Most people don't know how to play her, myself included, so they result to the usual "put bird at Pallet/Window", and then call Artist boring when Survivors inevitably ShiftW
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Put Bird at loop, watch Survivor hold W, repeat.
Snipe someone on a gen, watch them jump in a locker to instantly remove Bird, repeat.
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IDK. She seems like one of the best killers in the game when someone actually knows how to play as her.
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Idk if I would say she's boring.
But her power isn't intuitive to use and fairly hard to master. It's not effective to trap pallets or vaults against good survivors, because they'll take advantage of your set up to make distance. Her main strength is the ability to threaten damage at range, but if all you do is constantly throw out crows to attack people doing gens and never commit to a down then you won't get anywhere either.
Ultimately I would say she's not very rewarding for the amount of effort you have to put into her. She has one of the highest barrier of entry (likely 2nd to nurse) and honestly if you are at the point where you want to put nurse level commitment into a killer, you might as well be playing nurse.
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She seems ok to me, not my favorite killer to play but I don’t think she’s boring. 🤷♂️
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i could just be too noobish rn, but i dont bother keeping birds idle. It seems if you just focus on hitting gens and using bird info to cut them off you can keep them from even trying a loop or as soon as they go to a loop you can time your bird to swarm and they seem to almost alwasy abandon it.
I have noticed that sometimes when your power charges back up and you try to use it, it will not generate the line to shoot the bird. for like up to 5 seconds. is this a bug or some other reason?
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cant you simplify that process for any killer tho?
nurse: warp across map get immediate down
Pig: lose
Trapper: trap and down
nemesis: run from zom boys
and on and on?
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On these forums, "boring" has two different meanings.
- "puts me to sleep"
- "I can't be bothered to learn how to handle it"
What use of boring do you think is intended here?
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I have relatively limited experience with her as I’m just getting to grips, but I don’t actually find the hold w boring. The survivor running away is always under threat of a snipe, and you can use this to your advantage to either snipe them outright, which is highly satisfying, or to zone them into a bad position, which I don’t mind as there’s a bit of a back and forth between me and the survivor with some fun little strategies such as cutting them off from their intended direction and towards a loop or dead zone.
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hm, I personally found her rather easy to pick up. (far from mastered tho)I havnt even tried nurse because i know i would just get disoriented and it kinda looks ugly to me to constantly snap to different locations. blight also seems crazy hard to use as well. a little bit of prediction with the birds and you can get downs or keep a relatively high tracking status on them.
do 2 scourge hook perks stack together? im trying to grind and get the pinhead hook of pain to match with her pain resonance perk which seems like that would be busted if you have good hook location. gen regression(possible surv location added) AND oblivious on first hook? I am very excited to try that combo out, just have to get it.
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As mentioned her sound effects are enough for me to stay clear.
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it feels like there is alot more interaction going on too which makes her feel much more enjoyable imo. You can almost constantly be applying some form of pressure and depending on the team you can very effectively halt progress least when i am having a good combo game with jolt and resonance. with her you wont ever have a game where 4 gens are done before you find a surv which are probably the most frustrating games to have. I just lost my last game(4 escapes) but still had a good time. Survivor still called me trash at the end tho =(
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I can see that, with as much as you have to put out birds the screeching can be annoying, especially when hearing running and pain sounds is covered up by WHAAAAAUGH every 5 seconds
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I keep assuming I’ll get on Artist and be like ‘ohhhh, I get it now’ but I don’t, she hasn’t been boring for me yet. Nothing but fun. Hell, Otz just dropped his 50+ Win streak vid and it starts off with some Artist tips and beginner mistakes, so now I’m even less bored knowing I’ve got even more room to improve~
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What do you find fun with her?
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Yeah that’s part of why I enjoy her so much, combined with the high yet rewarding skill cap, but most of all it’s hitting those juicy snipes by predicting where the survivor is moving/standing. It’s like blind hitting people through walls on Pyramid Head, but even better and more versatile.
They’re probably unhappy in their life and are acting out, or they’re just some douche bag who gets joy out of being one. Either way, any comments like that aren’t a reflection of you, so just take it for what it is, disregard it and set your mind to more Artist domination.
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Lmao Pig
Legion: Run fast
Doctor: shock survivor at loop until hit
Hag: chase survivor towards trap and hit
Pyramid Head/Nemesis: Use power in a survivor animation lock
And also Billy: Hit objects and overheat (and lose)
But anti-loop gameplay like Artist, Nemesis and Pyramid really are boring to go against, and some find them boring to play as. Nemesis and Pyramid Head aren't as bad because you can keep looping, you just have to ignore the window/pallet for a dodge until the right time. I don't see why that makes it boring for the killer though, that just means Artist is better.
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I used to think her power was pretty uninteresting at first glance, then i started to really play as her and now i find her a lot more engaging to use.
Also really like her sound effects
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Not a challenging killer. Auto pilot.
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by not challenging you mean survivors cant run from one safe pallet to the other taking up 5 mins of a chase
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Sure, but that's her entire counterplay. You can't really loop a good Artist.
She places a bird correctly in a loop, you need to run to the next tile.
She snipes you on a gen from across the map? You need to hop in a locker to kill the birds.
Her entire kit promotes an extremely boring game for both sides.
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idk, i find it nice to not spend my games that already can be over within a few minutes at safe loop spot to safe loop spot against people who have thousands of hours doing it.
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Because her power is makes survivors hold shift + w, they know they can not stay at loop if i put crow. And this makes game unfun for both sides.
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Its not fun for killer when most maps have safe loops every 5 feet.
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I like the concept but her sound design doesn't click for me, I don't know why. Plus I don't like much her game mechanic of hold M2, click M1, then wait, than hit E, all to shoot a projectile. It feels sloppy kinda like old Doctor.
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i dont even notice her sounds really. im too focussed. adn her power is a bit clumsy. had to rebind shoot from control because that was miserable to use.
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Almost like people have DIFFERENT opinions and are allowed to like something you might hate
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She has a high skill cap, which can turn many players away from her because you have to send a lot of time to learn her power. Also experienced survivors just tend to hold W against her, which can be very boring. But personally, I love her.
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I enjoy playing as and against her.
I'm not super great with her power, but she's fun and I appreciate her sound design, even if it can be lacking at times.
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Her gameplay is pretty binary, but lacks the dopamine rewards that Nemesis gives.
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It's weird because she's pretty widely considered a very strong killer, but you just never see her. I play her a little bit but not very often, as others have said she's sorta just... meh, not very fun.
I don't know what it is specifically, I mean yeah she makes survivors just shift+W but there are other killers that promote that gameplay too who are played more.
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Because her gameplay is very straight forward and basically the same every time.
Reach a loop, put down a bird, survivor holds W away. Rinse repeat. Your power is such oppressive anti-loop that the ONLY thing survivors can do is pre drop pallets and holding W. It leads to gameplay that basically feels the same no matter what you do.
"time to kick another god pallet that the survivor dropped when I was 12 meters behind them"
" Ill place my birds at a specific angle to outplay th- nevermind survivor just ran away to a different tile"
"wonder how the survivor will play this til- oh theyre just putting the pallet down to make me walk around it so I lose a slight amount of distance while they just run into a corner of a map"
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This is not a problem for a good Artist player. He always keeps this in mind. Yes, it can become a problem on literally a few maps, but it still doesn't stop her from quickly catching survivors.
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She has 3 birds but only one can really be used in a chase with a tiny window to hit.
She has a wind up to place a crow, a cool down to use the crow, a slow down for placing a crow and a slow down for using the crow.
She is tall making mindgames harder or impossible.
noisy and clunky.
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I've read the question again, just to be sure, and it really was "what do you find fun in her?".
I'll give you an example of answer: I find the Nurse fun because you can often surprise survivors through a wall or a ceiling without line of sight.
And here's another: I find the Huntress fun because hitting trick-shots feels very rewarding.
The question, not directed to you at all, seem to have hurt your feelings while you projected some persona in it. Do you understand how it looks?
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Sure, you catch them. But it is boring HOW you catch them IMO. And I cannot really blame the Survivors for that, because it is how the Devs designed the Character.
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Or killer facecamp using Dead mans switch, Corrupt, Deadlock + whatever and the survivors do gens when they can. Makes a different style of game for both sides and this Artist build and style is very hard to face, almost impossible for us solos.