Unfair killers
Why do survivors playing with full meta perks + huge bodyblock + toolboxes + broken add-ons are expecting fairness from the killer ?
I mean, you bring 4xDH, 2xBT, 2xboons and toolboxes to gen rush and then you cry cause the killer has used dirty mechanics to win, how is your mindset to think this way ?
When you bring all those stuffs into a trial, you have never expected a fair match as on your side you took everything to have a huge advantage over the killer and you clearly just want an ez escape.
I did a daily as doctor the other day. Hardly use that killer. Got him to 40 for his teachable and that's it. I got a 3k. Someone yelled at me to play a killer that's fun? Fun for who? You? I could play my p3 nurse. Would you prefer that?
Post edited by EvilJoshy on27 -
If I encounter body block then the survivors just end up on the ground in a dying state as they bleed out. Dead Hard isn't that hard to overcome either. Usually for me it just delays them getting hit. Their are more effective perks for a survivor to choose.
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Can’t speak for everyone, but I would! 😁
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so your solution to deal with unfun playstyles, is to be unfun yourself. Also DH/BT still allow for a match of DBD, they do not deny the killer the ability to play the game. Yes it can be frustrating, but you as a killer can still play. Camping and tunnelling denies all players the ability to do what is the most fun aspect of DBD (the chase) so its not fair to compare them.
Any players who says, I only do x because everyone else is was going to do it anyway.
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Tunneling, camping, slugging, playing efficiently is playing fair
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I do not deny the survivors to play the game, on the hook or on the ground :).
On the hook the surv can move his/her arms, on the ground he/she can crawl.
And no, 4xDH/BT hugely prevent the killer to score hooks by the time the gens are done. 1 DH use = 30 seconds more chase. Since the hit validation on this perk, DH became way too strong. You cannot even bait it as if you use it right when you hear the start of the attack, the server will validate it.
With DH/BT/bodyblocks/toolboxes, the killer can do 3 hooks by the time 5 gens are done.
So yes, they come in the trial with broken loadouts, i play with a broken strategy.
Don't expect fairness from someone when you don't want to play fair.
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Ah, yes, Killers only play scummy because the Survivors bring Perks.
The Survivors can be completely perkless and Killers would not change their playstyle.
Play scummy if you want. But dont blame Survivors for it, it is your decision to play that way and not because of them.
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Before SBMM and some changes (boons, DH server validation etc...) there were way less camping and tunneling. But the META, decided by the survivors, just brought more and more toxicity.
Killers cannot win if all survivors are using META perks + broken items. It is the way it is.
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Nope, there was not less camping and tunneling. Killers just pretend that certain changes are the reason for their "change" of playstyle.
Same happened when Ruin was reworked. Or whenever one of the (rare and justified) Nerfs to strong Killers happened.
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Yeah this attitude is a prime example of why DBD has taken such a negative direction.
You utilize strategies that are simply unfun. The devs have allowed this and players see no issue with abusing this. So others respond in kind and those same players seem shocked that people respond just as negatively.
The devs stance on camping/tunelling is always amusing.
"it's a legitimate strategy, so we won't fix it." However here are a bunch of small bandaid solutions, that don't really fix it but make it somewhat bearable. D strike, BT, soul guard, off the record, baby sitter ect. Its like they are saying, we know its awful and we want to fix it but we also don't want to upset killers. So please use this and we hope it helps.
It would be far easier to just to outright fix it.
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Tunneling, camping and slugging isn’t scummy. It may not be fun for the receiver but it isn’t scummy. It’s no different from survivors trying to efficiently complete their objectives.
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It is amazing, how they consider killers playstyle "scummy" when it is literally tactics used in every competitive DBD tournament.
People who cry about PVP being scummy, just not ready for PVP games, go back to Hollow Knight
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Cause it is fun to face 4xDH/BT/DS ?
Fact is they broke the game balance adding DH/DS and BT. It has been years now that survivors are just abusing broken things, and now, everyday i see a campt/tunnel complain thread here.
- survivors used to abuse infinites
- survivors have always abused items
- survivors now abuse DH and boons
- survivors are abusing 360 (that just work thanks to the garbage killer's aim assist)
How long do you expect killers to continue to play the game ? How is it possible to be so self centered all the time ? Everything has been done to pollute the killer gameplay. And BHVR is sending surveys cause they do not understand why we are massively leaving...
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Ah, you’re one of those people. ‘Use = abuse’.
Did survivors design the infinites into the game? Are they not allowed to use items, but killers can use add-ons? Are they not permitted to have one exhaustion perk and a secondary objective? Get over yourself.
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Comparing regular DBD to the sad tournaments is as wrong as it can be, lol.
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Lmao, what a fried take. How expected from you.
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There is no regular DBD that died out long ago.
The game is PVP and as time goes it gets more and more competitive. Illustrated by the meta and how everyone knows once your MMR is high, you are no longer in a casual game.
You can pretend its not, but truth is, this game is extremely competitive, no one memes anymore. With SWF and comms, it is a tryhard fest and everyone knows it.
Its up to the player to step up to the challenge or stay at low rank MMR, I get sweaty teams every single match, cry me a river its a casual game.
Killers are not allowed to play casual, never have. Its a PVP game to us.
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you are 1 of the countless examples why so many people stopped playing his game, and that's nothing to be proud of.....if you need a company like BHVR to tell you that there is no problem with playing scummy while an entire community is complaining about the same stuff....then you will never get it......but keep getting your strenght out of other players who agree with you cause they use the same misserable play style. sad sad sad
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need i remind you that people dont play in a tournament but just to relax and have fun....same goes for you in my other comment
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Yes they did... and you know what happened, the devs stopped it, and I am glad they did. They fixed infinites, nobody defended them, they fixed items, there was some backlash as they made certain items useless, but regardless they fixed it. As for DH and boons, DH is in a weird spot where its overpowered most of the time, yet mandatory at high ranks, I would not be opposed to nerfing it, however it could break high end matches. As for boons, the only boon that's overpowered is COH and I support nerfing it. Now do surviors abuse this as you put it? Yes. But most are at least willing to acknowledge it. You on the other hand would rather defend your toxic playstyle until this game ends because you are just as toxic.
However when it comes to camping/ tunelling some players like yourself are so desperate to abuse this, they have fought as hard as they could to ensure it has remained, and thus the devs never fixed this.
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You forgot the question mark at the end. Please fix. 😏
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DBD is a casual game which is very easy compared to other games.
That you get sweaty teams "every single match" (which I doubt) does not make them tournament squads. You wont face a team with full organization every game. Tournament Teams are not compareable to every Team you encounter in public games. And you wont really face tournament teams on a regular basis, not even often, because they mostly dont play Public Games.
I have over 7k hours and I faced a tournament team exactly once, some time at 3 AM.
And you cannot compare tournaments and public games. In tournaments you have way better players than in public games and also you have limitations on Perks and Add Ons.
I really wish that every Forum Killer Main would stop thinking they are facing Seal Team 6s all the time and that they are just godlike that they get those teams on a regular basis.
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yeah yeah yeah everyone plays to relax, except they dont.
I have over 2500 hours in the game, you don't relax playing killer you figure out your mistakes and micromanage the match until you eityher win or lose.
Nothing casual about the game anymore, and in fact, people can play the game as they wish. You may relax and have fun but the teams I go against every night most certainly are not.
Put a couple thousand hours on killer then come say that nonsense.
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I'm sad because I like winning, and not you who judging other people for not playing for YOUR enjoyment
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blah blah blah its a casual game. I have played at the highest ranks for years now.
sure it is.
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It's just pure entitlement. Rather than reflect on how Survivor is a team role and that it's not supposed to be easy for one of them to take on the killer, they want to put the responsibility on their opponent to make sure they have fun. Yet, they never consider the killers fun when they do their best to prevent the killer from completing their own objectives.
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i play killer to buddy, and i decide how the game goes as a killer, even when i'm facing a swf they act differrent when you show you play to have fun
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At high MMR 100% of the players you face are try hard. Even without any perks they would still be able to win most games against at least half the killer as there are so many safe loops on every map that it is crazy.
Just play killer, rank up and then after 200h of sweat fest, come back here saying the game state is okay.
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As if getting to the highest Ranks at DBD is hard at all.
And yes - it is a casual party game. But if you feel better, you may keep pretending that DBD is the hardest and most competitive game ever and only you can be that good that you face Tournament Teams on a regular basis. Whatever floats your boat.
6 -
Also to those who keep repeating this is a "casual game."
Nowhere on the Store Page on Steam does it say that,... in fact it is called "competitive PVP"
Top reviews:
“Dead by Daylight has evolved into an unrivalled asymmetrical competitive multiplayer game, and one of the best horror games around.”
9/10 – Gamespot
“Dead by Daylight’s inventive concept for a competitive horror game strikes an incredible balance between two very different styles of play, and makes both compelling.”
9/10 – IGN
DBD has not been a "casual" game in many years, survivor mains just keep saying it, but the game is literally sold as online comp pvp.
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its mindblowing to see the amount of complaining killer on this forum, but when i play solo i get stomped 99 out of the 100 games...and thats not just me then, cause there are 3 other survivors to.....oooo its so difficult facing all those swf's, the swf's i never matched up with......and besides that...ever watched a stream from skermz or sweh....those swf sometimes and they are fun matches to watch and they die aswell in the end....
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If you’re getting stomped 99 out of 100 games. That’s not solo que. You’re just bad.
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Survivors complain more than killers ever will. You get stomped in solo because either you are bad or your teammates are bad. It's an MMR issue, not a killers OP issue (unless it's Nurse).
At least when the killers complain, they usually have better arguments.
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It is not casual anymore since SBMM and yes it is way harder to win as a killer than to be diamond at Valorant.
DbD is meant to be casual, the design is for a casual game but the devs made it into a sweat fest where killers cannot win if they play fair.
That is why the game is dying cause those devs are incapable to balance it, at least to some point. I have not seen a game so unbalanced at high level and i have played many games competitively.
Evolve has died because it was unablanced and guess what, the game was infinitely more balanced than DbD.
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yep i suck at looping....no problem admiting that...its just a fact...but i guess all other players that are in my team are just as good as me....so why wouldn't a killer take advantage off that and just stomp all those noobs right?
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In order to tunnel someone, you have to catch them. Which means you have to chase them, the most fun aspect of DbD is assured. Camping can be countered by playing smart, which leads the killer right back to chasing survivors.
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You cannot balance a game around the solo experience when you allow SWFs.
Sry. In every game it is like this, play Valorant solo at a good level, you will see that you will loose most of the times cause the other team will be a 5 stacks.
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That is very UNTRUE.
Before MMR killers could win most matches playing fair, that meant that they could beat most teams when playing at 70/75% their true capacity, with the occasional SWF team to beat them.
That was clearly a problem since you are not supposed to win consistently when not playing at your full potential.
MMR came into the picture and now killers are versing teams at their real level, since the easy 4k is gone there is a lot of complaining.
This is a much more balanced game, the strength of the two teams is relatively comparable.
If you are not ok in playing people at your skill level, DBD is not the game for you. Not anymore, a lot of content creators quit the game.
If you don't feel like playing on equal footing, leave dbd
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the bs mmr excuse....so acting like a normal human is not from this day and age anymore? its players who refuse to adjust there playstyle towards the team there facing ( and this should be clear in the first min of a game)
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Fact is, as I said on page 1. The game is sold as "competitive PVP."
The steam tags are visible and its not even in the "casual" category. In fact, it is in "difficult" "online PVP" categories.
Its marketed, and sold as competitive PVP. The only people who say its a casual game are survivor mains who most likely smurf to get low rank MMR game play. Rest of us sit at high MMR in an online competitive PVP game lobby.
“Dead by Daylight has evolved into an unrivalled asymmetrical competitive multiplayer game, and one of the best horror games around.”
9/10 – Gamespot
“Dead by Daylight’s inventive concept for a competitive horror game strikes an incredible balance between two very different styles of play, and makes both compelling.”
9/10 – IGN
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Ye okay, let me guess you are not playing killer at all 😂
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I never said it was abuse, but it is terrible game design (camping and tunneling, slugging has legitimate uses).
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See, now it seems like your real issue is just that you don't like losing to people who are better than you. Maybe pvp isn't really your thing. "Stomp all over those noobs" otherwise known as daring to try to win the game they are playing...
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Just want to state, I do not enjoy versing weak players.
I enjoy PVP and like the challenge. I used to play perkless OG Freddy in red ranks for "fun"
most killers understand this is PVP, and we like challenge.
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and me as a big hater of this playstyle have to agree with you....if you face a swf or even a very cordinated solo team then this playstyle is justifyable.....but most games are not against swf ( or maybe it is for those with super high mmr) and if you stomp on a noob team mostly at 5 gens with this kind of crap.....come on man, why does this even need to be adressed
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Why shouldn't the Killer take advantage of your weaknesses and kill your team?
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not even gonna respond to that.....
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Which is why we can be thankful base kit BT is allegedly on the way.
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its the way not the outcome get it? me and lots of players dont mind dying.....but the amount of games your getting where your not even getting a single gen to 40% is just...........
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A base-kit BT wouldn't really do anything, unless it's as good as the current BT. If it's shorter, Killers would just wait it out. Bandaid fixes aren't good