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What are three things you refuse to do in DBD?

For me

  1. Run Dead Hard
  2. Run Noed
  3. Burn map offerings(unless new map comes out)

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  • Member Posts: 5,047
    1. N/A
    2. N/A
    3. N/A
  • Member Posts: 5,735
    edited April 2022


    Obviously not talking about basic things like: never cheating, horrible end game chat, etc.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    For the most part slug unless it's like a very obvious decisive

    I just find it absolutely boring to play that way

  • Member Posts: 890

    Play feng min

    Play meg without her hockey mask cosmetic

    Play twins for anything except a daily

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited April 2022


    I try my best to never be toxic/BM

    Play killer, for the most part

  • Member Posts: 509
    1. Tunneling/Camping unless in rare occasions if I got one hook after 5 gens (or when there are 2 hooked and 1 not hooked survivor)
    2. Prestieging some of the characters, because I have "rare" offerings and items on them
    3. Not buying the Stranger Things DLC when it becomes available
  • Member Posts: 890

    You can still get a stranger things code on g2a, but they are going up in price. Demo is not totally lost yet

  • Member Posts: 509

    These sites are such a clutch sometimes, I know on sites like G2A you can get games cheaper than them being discounted on Steam

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    Play by the survivor rule book.

    Leave the hook while you running circles around it

    Play by the survivor rule book.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    1.) Run Dead Hard unless I need to for an Archive challenge.

    2.) Teabag a Killer.

    3.) Attack a Killer for their playstyle. Killers can play how they want. If they Basement Bubba, camp, tunnel, AFK Pig, etc I just go on to the next match.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    • I don’t play Nurse, she’s the only killer I actively don’t play. I can’t stand staring at the ground half the match.
    • I’ve never intentionally disconnected from a match. It’s super rude to the other players to ragequit like that.
    • If the gates are open and I’m positive I have zero chance of getting any more hooks I don’t bother going to the gates, I just look for pallets to break or see if maybe I can close hatch if it pops up. And yet in virtually every game the healthy survivors will still stand around in the gates waiting for me for some reason, I’ll never understand why they don’t just leave aside from some dumb thing of wanting me to watch them go or whatever.
  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Play a basic m1 killer

  • Member Posts: 155

    1)flashlight clicking and teabagging

    2)running any combination of iron will, dead hard, and ds.

    3)idling at exit gate (if im the last survivor) or hatch until the killer pushes me out.

  • Member Posts: 285

    Stay on hook while Bubba camps me if it's at the beginning of the match, I will just die so I can move on, esp because in 99% my teammates will be running around like headless chicken instead of pushing the gens

    Obviously if it's at the end game I will hold on, but other than that I am out. His camping is extremely broken mechanic and since I mostly play solo, I really have no tools to deal with it

  • Member Posts: 590

    1) Blame the killer for camping when survivors are literally floating around the hook

    2) Blame the killer for tunnelling when a survivor literally unhooks in front of their face unnecessarily - usually after leading the killer back to the hook

    3) Gloat about easy wins at the end of the game unless the opponent(s) were obviously and overtly trying to be toxic in some way

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Refuse to allow the Entity to beat me at the bloodweb war, where she strategically attempts to mindgame me n steal the nodes I plan on claiming next😤

    Also, refuse to facecamp, cause that’s not how I enjoy my kill

    Refuse to take any pleasure in stale, boring Shelter Woods, entirely, on both sides

  • Member Posts: 6,825
    1. farm
    2. hack
    3. cleanse dull totems
  • Member Posts: 500

    Basement Camp


    Instigate toxicity (I'll still return the favor with a vengeance, but if a killer played nice I'm not teabagging, clicking at him)

  • Member Posts: 3,546
    edited April 2022

    -Using Alc Ring on Blight more than 2 games in a row

    -Playing Hag

    -Playing solo surv

    (Also hacking and exploiting and all that)

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Good, you're saving the dull totems for chad Inner Strength Nancy players

  • Member Posts: 11,534
    edited April 2022

    Play the game anymore /s

    Seriously though

    1. Using exhaustion perks
    2. Owning trickster
    3. Never burn a map offering
    Post edited by Phasmamain on
  • Member Posts: 3,910
    1. Quitting matches
    2. Intentionally playing for the purpose of angering others
    3. Cheating/etc (breaking rules)

    Anyone that does any of these 3 should re-evaluate themselves.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    1. Be a toxic player for no reason
    2. Cheat or break the rules in any way
    3. Use dead hard. I'm sorry but I think its the most brain dead get out of jail free perk in the game
  • Member Posts: 141
    1. run dead hard
    2. play sweaty Nurse (i dont know how)
    3. purchase 100€ auric cell pack
  • Member Posts: 3,302

    1. Run dead hard

    2. Tea bag the killer

    3. Appreciate the skill of Doctor

  • Member Posts: 10,910
    edited April 2022
    1. I refuse to play another killer more than Spirit.
    2. I refuse to do gens against Spirit.
    3. I refuse to run Iron Will so if I get a Spirit she can have fun.
  • Member Posts: 7,669
    1. i refuse to accept the Deathslinger nerfs
    2. i refuse to accept Hillbillys overheat
    3. i refuse to BM the other players in my matches (unless they deserve it e.g. by purposefully selling out their teammates)
  • Member Posts: 3,195

    accept friend requests

    sorry, i kinda just collect those as trophies.

  • Member Posts: 3,452
    • Bm'ing
    • Wasting my opponent's time (bleeding out for no reason, staying at the gates for no reason, etc.)
    • Running noed
  • Member Posts: 3,660
    edited April 2022

    Basement bubba

    Afk pig

    play toxic towards the killer so no tbagging and flashlight clicking

    edit: I know you said 3 but playing as nea or Claudette would be one of them too I hate them

  • Member Posts: 4,692
    1. Run NOED
    2. Teabag the killer
    3. Tunnel
  • Member Posts: 50

    Farm and running meta builds all the time. I play to have fun and those things make the match pretty boring for me.

  • Member Posts: 2,513
    1. T-bag unless I'm drawing away a camping killer to let my team get the save.
    2. run noed (unless I'm memeing with an endgame build.)
    3. Slug, camp, or tunnel any more than absolutely necessary as twins. (they've got a bad enough reputation already.)
  • Member Posts: 64

    DC-you are absolute scum if you DC on first hook or cause the killer found you first.

    Run DH, never have, never will.

    Chase the clicky clicky flashlight player, I see you, I just dont give a damn.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Any Rift challenges that interrupt optimal gameplay or force me to run bad perks/perks I don't normally run. I hate what the Rift has done to public matches. Give me a ranked queue where Rift challenges can't progress

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    • BM
    • Cheat
    • Play Freddy
  • Member Posts: 7,224
    1. Running COH (with the exception of testing the nerf on the PTB) or NOED.
    2. Playing basement bubba, doing afk pig, or playing hag at all.
    3. For whatever reason I have this weird thing where I don’t like running a survivor’s teachable perks on that survivor. Partially to make it unpredictable for the killer and also just because idk. That doesn’t apply when I play killer though.
  • Member Posts: 124

    DC, camping, intentional tunneling, teabagging.

  • Member Posts: 345

    Reading lore.

  • Member Posts: 61

    I refuse to.....

    1. Use flashlights to blind the killer at pallets, unless I need blinds for an archive. Even then, I try to use Blast Mine instead, but sometimes, if the challenge is taking too long, I will cave and use the flashlight. (I personally hate it with a passion when survivors go out of their way to blind me over and over and over again, so I refuse to do it to other people.)
    2. Allow a survivor to go free if they try to sandbag or backstab their teammates. I will tunnel these people out of the game instead.
    3. Rescue a fellow survivor that decides to struggle on the hook. If you gonna be impatient and cost us valuable time, I'm just gonna do this gen. If someone else wants to get you they can. I don't.

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