What’s your main killer build?

Just curious to see everyone’s main killer build for most/every killer. I personally run Corrupt, Deadlock , Blood Warden and No Way Out, my go to build for a high MMR on every killer.
Stacking the best slowdowns corrupt, brine, pop, pain resonance.
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Shadowborn, Lightborn + usualy BBQ / Enduring / Bamboozle (depending on my mood / need or the killer I play).
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Pain Resonance, No Way Out, Dead Man's Switch and Lethal Pursuer for Legion Build.
A good pressure early game and can save a bad match in late game.
Sometimes I go for Coulrophobia, Distressing, Sloppy Butcher, Jolt but with the nerf to the Iridiscent button, the new self-mend feature on the new add-on that applies "Broken" and the new Hemorrage, I think I'll go only for the first one.
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I play flickbilly with lethal/shadowborn/nwo/bbq, but whenever i play other killers i go for corrupt/bbq, on some killers endfury and on others pop eruption, pop call of brine, or ruin undying.
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I’m definitely not high MMR but I realised recently that worrying about gens stresses me out and tanks my enjoyment of the game. So I currently run an all hex build on Myers. Ruin, Undying, Devour Hope and Haunted Ground. Occasionally I’ll swap out this build for for something like Corrupt, STBFL, Jolt and then something like Infectious Fright, Bamboozle or what I think is an underrated perk on him Fire Up.
Some games I do get stomped, but generally these builds gets me at minimum 2k, simply because it buys me enough time to commit to chases.
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BBQ, POP, Bamboozle and Lethal Pursuer
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It really depends heavily on the killer, whatever complements them the best I will usually run. The only thing approaching a theme is heavy gen slowdown (corrupt, ruin, etc.) on the low mobility killers. I like the PR + DMS and Pop + CoB combos, but I wouldn't say I run those enough to call them a "main" build.
I use BBQ most of the time, but honestly almost exclusively for the BP, like WGLF on the surv side.
I just don't feel like there are any killer perks that are so strong I have a hard time not running them; I am constantly mixing it up.
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Currently? BBQ, Pain Resonance, No Way Out, NOED
Stacks, some gen defence, late game help if I suffer. Good for a minimum of 4 stacks and a 2k, if not better.
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How do you find it having no "chase" perks? The slowdown won't help if you can regularly hook survivors.
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When I actually play to win this is what I use
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It depends who I'm playing.
I generally don't like blocker perks as they tend to backfire later on, but I'll run CI on Hag and Trapper to give them time to set up.
On killers with good sustained mobility (Wraith, Spirit, Demogorgon etc.), I run CoB+Pop+BBQ+Discordance or CoB+Plaything+Pentimento+BBQ/Discordance. I also like the latter on Plague and Cenobite.
On killers with setup, I run CI+PR+Agi+BBQ/STBFL.
On killers with secondary objectives, I like PR+Plaything+Pentimento+Discordance/BBQ.
On Nemesis I like CoB+Pop+BBQ+Discordance (the CoB noise attracts zombies).
On Myers and Ghostface I like CI+Surge+Discordance+BBQ/Devour.
On most others I go PR+Agi+Starstruck+FoR/BBQ
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Oni -
Tinkerer: for suprise demon strikes/gen defence
Infectious: for snowball potential
Deadlock: for slow down
Pop: Well, pop
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Blight: Shadowborn, BBQ, Agitation and Pain Resonance
Nurse: Shadowborn, Agitation, Starstuck, BBQ/Infectious
Pyramid Head: Corrupt, Deadlock, Enduring, Nemesis
Twins: Ruin, Thrill, Devour Hope, Pentimento
Spirit: Corrupt, No Way Out, Shadowborn, Devour Hope
Oni: Shadowborn, Corrupt, No Way Out, Infectious
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Notice a pattern, you'll never guess it
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Corrupt Intervention - Pretty much required at high MMR unless you are playing one of the top killers and can down survivors every 10-20 seconds.
BBQ - Both for bloodpoints and information.
And then one of these combos depending on the mobility of my killer
Tinkerer&Pop (Good on Blight, Billy, Demo, Freddy etc)
Pain Resonance&DMS (For the rest)
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Right now Pentimento+Plaything Pyramid Head along with Floods of Rage and I'm All Ears.
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Mark of Pride
Quick Slash
Unbreakable Strength
Steady Body
Nailmaster's Glory
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I don’t have a main, I play the killer I have a mission for that day. I also prestige when I hit 50 so I don’t stick with a single build all the time, I make loadouts out of what I get.
But some of my favorite builds are
- Doctor with Distressing, Unnerving Presence, and two other Terror Radius related perks. I love that this is the killer that actively wants the survivors to hear him coming. 😄
- All Hex builds. My Hag often uses these since she has Hexes as starting perks.
- The all Obsession build - Dying Light, Save the Best for Last, Dark Devotion and Play with your Food. If I chase the Obsession, I injure them and give them my terror radius so I can ambush someone else using Undetectability plus a token of PWYF. If I chase a non obsession I can down them quickly using Save the Best for Last and gain a token of Dying Light. Optionally I might sub out Play with your Food for Rancor as well, no speed boost but it fits the theme of literally saving the obsession for the end.
- Bloodhound, Save the Best for Last, Thanatophobia, and possibly Deerstalker or Infectious Fright. Basically it’s a build for hitting and downing individual survivors and slugging them to keep up pressure on the others. Bloodhound makes it extremely difficult to evade being rechased while injured, Save the Best for Last gives someone you hit much less distance on a possible follow-up, Thanatophobia slows the game down when you have one or two dying survivors and Deerstalker or Infectious Fright helps easily keep track of the slugs and who is coming to rescue them. It doesn’t have a ton of gen slow down so relies more on pressure from chasing constantly to allow you time to whittle away pallets and hook one of the survivors three time to get them out of the match.
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That seems fun
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It's a fun build, but I find IAE to be a bit of a wasted slot. I'd rather throw Retribution into the mix (the aura reading on this one is bonkers strong and it pairs nicely with Penti) or ye olde Discordance (imho the best information perk in the game).
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On Mikey I run corrupt for that early game necessity. Pop and Scourge hook pain resonance because at high MMR they're pumping the gens. Bamboozle because its so good on Mikey, especially when he's in tier 3.
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That seems fun
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my main 2 builds are:
BBQ, Agitation, Starstruck, Pain Rez
Lethal, BBQ, Noed, No Way Out
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Nurse : BBQ, PR, DMS, Agitation or Noed
Blight : BBQ, PR, DMS, Agitation or Plaything if I want to have fun
Any other killer : BBQ, Corrupt, NWO, Noed
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Bbq, corrupt, pain resonance, the last one is usually a wild card.
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Corrupt/PGTW/BBQ/No Way Out.
Swap BBQ for Bamboozle on M1 killers
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- Corrupt Intervention
- Call Of Brine
- Barbecue And Chili
- Pop Goes The Weasel
I swap BBQ for Enduring if I don't need BP.
- Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt
- Hex: Ruin
- Hex: Undying
- Hex: Pentimento
You could swap TOTH for Hex: Plaything if you want more Pentimento stacks instead of Boon slowdown.
EDIT: A more consistent build would probably be:
- Hex: Ruin
- Corrupt Intervention
- Hex: Plaything
- Hex: Pentimento
Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on0 -
Corrupt/Deadlock/No Way Out/NOED.
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Perks in alphabetical order kek i used to do the same
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i cant stand it any other way lmao
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Call of Brine - So there's a reason to kick gens
Corrupted Intervention - So there's an early game mechanic
NOED - So Totems have an actual purpose
Shadowborn - To have an acceptable FOV
Pretty much as ways to fill the holes in design spaces, much like Borrowed Time.
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Lately I've been loving: corrupt, pain res, BBQ(for BP) and then depending on the lobby I'll put either no way out or thanataphobia.
But I leave the last slot to how the lobby looks, 2 flashlights I'll put lightborn, all items I'll put Franklin's lol. Been working for me so far. Although pain res rng sometimes bites me in the ass -_- but whatever lol
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Pig (cause most of the time I'm playing her... and have all perks unlocked on)
Call Of Brine- 200% regression... sign me up
Eruption- 6% Regression for downing... ok
Corrupt- For early game stall
Whispers- To find out where Survivors are (bonus if they are trying to hide)
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I tey to have builds that play to a Killers strength, but I will say if I have a generic build its generally Thanatophobia/Devour Hope/I'm All Ears/Nurses Calling
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i usually try to keep builds varied but shadowborn, rancor and enduring are pretty common perks for all of them.
still waiting on that fov slider bhvr
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Blight: My favorite boi with green speed
Call of Brine: Portable ruin that can be applied to multiple generators at once
Corrupt Intervention: Early game slowdown
No Way Out: End game back-up
Thanatophobia: Surprisingly viable and can mean the difference between gen pops
I tend to play a hit and run blight and while boons do hurt big time, thanatophobia makes them heal after every chase or take the slowdown. I've won games thanks to its slowdown.
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Hex ruin, BBQ, nurse calling usually always and currently I use merciless strom as 4th perk but I tend to try other ones like noed or tinkerer sometimes.
Noed, BBQ, hex ruin and as 4th perk bloodhound/deerstalker/nurse calling
Agitation, iron grasp, insidios and monsterous shrine or lightborn
Normal BUBBA:
Agitation, BBQ, hex ruin and tinkerer/nurse calling
Noed, hex ruin, nurse calling and BBQ/tinkerer
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Why Furtive Chase. They perk is terrible..
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I have a very hard time answering this question, because I barely see any similarity between any of the perks I run on each different Killer.
It think at most 4 killers each run BBQ?
Do players seriously use the same build for every Killer?
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i typically struggle to roll for bbq, but for some reason I roll just the yellow Rancor fairly frequently for new killers. Ive come to appreciate the tracking that it provides. i had yellow rancor and green fearmonger on blight for the longest time