I Slugged You Because...

I slugged you because flashlight saves are toxic. Stop doing this. I don't know when this community will stop surprise me :(
I mean...it depends on what exactly you were doing with the flashlight saves, which your screenshot wouldn't show (though you using not Head On gives you the benefit of the doubt).
I've been facing more and more two or more SWF teams where they have flashlights, head on and just sprint to lockers. If I chase one, they lead me right to the locker to get head on'ed. If I am about to catch one, they jump in the locker and force me to catch them there, where there flashlight buddy is waiting for me to open the locker for a free save because there's nothing I can do about it. If I ignore the two jerks, the gens get hammered because those two just go do gens until I go near them again, in which they run right back to the shack to do the whole dance over again.
You're God damn right I'm going to slug those people and let them lie there and think about why they're now in time out...
If all you did was use a flashlight, then the killer can stop being such a baby about it
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No, i don't like bully killer. Even i play with my friends, we are playing chill. Not toxic.
I am solo survivor here. We all were because everyone joined lobby one by one. She tried tunnel out the person who dc'ed. So i tried save him. 2 times i bm'ed her. Sadly team was not so effective, we lost. She won game but still she was only salty one.
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Some people are just weird to be honest, not really any better way to put it. Sure do a wonderful job at stripping any remaining meaning the word "toxic" has away bit by bit though, when you get people calling... playing the game toxic, lol.
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that's rough.
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She just decided to waste our time for no reason.
Yeah this T-bag version of killers, glad all killers are not like that.
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Flashlight saves are toxic. Because survs like to run in a group and do it like they're playing Ghostbusters. So slugging is a perfectly reasonable response. Every action has a consequence.
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God damn 4 stacks of wglf
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I was last survivor alive and she had hook. But she just let me bleed out. And you are saying this alright?
I am just feeling sad for survivors who playing against you.
Flashlight and bodyblock helped for stacks 😁
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Whenever an snobbish killer main does this to "punish" me, I just alt-tab to youtube and watch videos for a couple minutes while he sits there like an idiot thinking I must feel really bad for running him for 3 gens, like no doofus, I did what the game actively encouraged me to do.
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Did they really say that? To be honest, I did have a moment like this hours ago where I was just watching someone bleed out because hook placements on midwich are the dumbest things ever.
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Boy, the word 'toxic' has really lost its uniqueness.
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People get pretty weird about flashlights even flashlights at pallets are a bad thing according to them
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As far as I'm concerned, if you keep saving my one catch, the one that'll end up bleeding out is the one you've helped, not you.
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literal gold to the eyeballs oh my god
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I know right lmao
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Well, I mean... I would slug a flashlight user too? It is nothing personal, I just do not like flashlights in the same way that you do not enjoy bleeding to death. What can we do though? I expect you to play the game the way you want to, and I will do the same.
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"flashlight saves are toxic" I really wanna know your definition of toxic because to me a game mechanic and literal slur usage shouldn't come under the same umbrella term but maybe I'm just old fashioned
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I don't think flashlight saves are toxic, they can be frustrating when you get caught out but not toxic.
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The same definition most survs use for "toxic". It's a nice catch all for the inevitable teabagging and pointing that comes with the save. Oh yeah, multiply it by 2 or 3 = get what they deserve.
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If you're going for flashlight saves you should really try out self preservation, and if not that at least throw iron will on and it will be harder for them to know if you're around, so many times I see people going for flashlight saves without self preservation or iron will and you're almost guaranteed the killer will slug if they hear you.
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She just let you bleed out the whole time over a flashlight??
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She is the epitome of how ridiculous some killer players are. You know you tarnished their god complex the moment you got that flashlight save.
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Flashlight saves aren't toxic. Flashlight clicking is.
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considering everyone uses a different definition of "toxic" apparently, id like to again see what your definition is, please. because, again, literal slur usage and clicky clicky/head nodding shouldnt be grouped together imo
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Yes, i was last survivor at trial. She just let me bleed out.
I am not clicker, i am savior.
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That’s stupid.. over a flashlight lol
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Everytime you respond to me you add "literal slur". And toxic is exactly what I spelled out, just like survs can say even a killer spawning in a map or a certain kind for existing is. There's your "strawman".
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Everytime you respond to me you add "literal slur".
Correct, because in my belief slurs are toxic and flashlight saves are annoying at best
And toxic is exactly what I spelled out,
You have not given me a definition of the word "toxic" in use of video games. So no, you have not.
just like survs can say even a killer spawning in a map or a certain kind for existing is. There's your "strawman".
1) So you're proving my point that everyone's definition of toxic is different.
2) Tell me you don't know what a strawman argument is without telling me you don't know what a strawman argument is.
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Tell me you couldn't understand that toxic in gaming is subjective
This is why I am asking for your definition, darling. Do keep up xx
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And I'm not obligated to completely spell out MY whole definition of what I think it is. This is a forum, not a debate. If you can't understand from previous posts, then that's a personal problem.
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"And I'm not obligated to completely spell out MY whole definition of what I think it is."
Then simply don't reply instead of making nonsensical comments where you try and add 1 and 1 and somehow ready 5
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flashlight saving isn't toxic, but from the viewpoint of the killer if the same survivors flashlight saves too many times it tends to get annoying and they will want u out which makes the game toxic and you know the rest
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How about simply take the answer you're given and move on, instead of trying to bait nonsensical arguments that was already spelled out as subjective? Try to keep up, dear.
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How can anyone think that flashlights are toxic? Like what is even your definition of the term toxic? Flashlight saves are incredibly easy to avoid and if you're not good enough to do so, then use Lightborn. Pallet blinds can be annoying but if you're playing with headphones you should notice in which direction they're heading, it's not OP or something. There are far worse things the survivors could use than flashlights...
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I remain convinced that the role of killer goes to the head of the most psychologically unstable. The illusion of virtual domination that this position can sometimes provide leads to unhealthy behaviors, such as the 4 slug or repetitive hits on the hook.
Some really manage to scare me.
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You mean DH, IW, BT, CoH, DS, Adrenaline, Built to Last toolboxes, and Retina Melter 3000 flashlight tech with SWF? Or maybe the blatantly surv sided maps like Ormond, Haddonfield, RPD, Badham, etc? It's not about being not "good enough". You counter everything so easily? If so I want to know what uncoordinated groups you're facing lol. My definition of toxic is what the dictionary says. Game toxic is going above and beyond what's needed to purposefully bully, harass, and try to hold people hostage in game.
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Flashlight saves are not toxic.
I hate them, but they are not toxic. It's literally their intended function.
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Honestly, I don't even care about the bleed-out timer in this case. I consider this taking the game Hostage when you are last alive and they just sit and watch you bleedout. There should be a vote to surrender or something for this scenario because there's no excuse for the only options here to be either wait out the long ass timer or take the D/C penalty.
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It's part of the game. Flashlight saves I mean. Yeah they can be annoying but that's no reason to leave someone on the ground.
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Just hook 'em bruh
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This but unironically.
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One caveat - locker flashlight saves are essentially impossible to avoid, given the insane angles that they allow and once you're locked into the animation you have no control.
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I made a streamer bleed out after they annoyed me all game with flashlights and the usual SWF antics, he told his goon squad to report me for holding the game hostage while he cried to his twitch chat, lol.
Don't use a flashlight if you can't handle the consequences
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"I slugges you because":
You were hella toxic
There are people around and I don't want to give them an easy save
I need to make pressure.
I'm an #########
I'm playing The Twins
(All of the above, seperatly or combined. Are there any other reasons I didn't think of ?)
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I love how killers always make arguments that they are killers and need to do anything to kill, etc. When a survivor tries to survive though...
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i have over 3k hours and i rarely encountered people even trying it. There is also counterplay, its annoying but you can bait it or just go after the guy with the flashlight. Only because tru3 faced one of those crazy squads and the videos was going viral, doesn't mean it's something you see every 5th match or so
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More examples of the misuse of the term toxic.
Yes repeated flash light saves can be annoying but they are legit gameplay.
I don’t like them either but it doesn’t annoy me because I can just run lightborn so I don’t have to care about them. Or I play around them or I get hit by them and move on because hey I’m an adult and it doesn’t matter.
The counter post to all this is the use of slugging as a weapon, it’s again just part of the game.
You notice how everyone accuses each other of being angry and malicious as a justification for them being angry and childish.
Don’t assume what your opponent is thinking or their motivation because what will happen is you’ll cook up a little negative scenario in your head.
You’ll then use it to just upset yourself and not have fun and in future be crappy to others because of it.
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You had Boil Over and I think there is an xbox bug that makes Boil Over way more effective than it should be and I literally cannot carry you to a hook.
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i slug because i like to be thorough
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I mean you can use lightborn but it will also cost a perk slot