3 gens under 90 seconds

Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

This shouldn't be possible. I was pig on Temple of Purgation. A gen popped before I could even get to it and 2 more popped during my first chase. This all happened under 90 seconds. This shouldn't be possible and isn't fun at all. I got 1 kill because I resorted to camping after the 5th gen popped in under 4 minutes. Fix your GD maps BHVR. A generator should never be able to be completed before a killer can physically make it to the gen. If a gen can be completed before a killer can actually walk to all 5 then you know your map is poorly designed. Be better.



  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    killer is hard but game don't really start till there like 2 or 1 gen left for killer anyways

    why you should also make sure there gens close to each other not done.

    when they 3 gens left on the map to do they far apart well you not winning that unless you have end game build or just NOED.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    That's what happens when you don't run Corrupt Intervention

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited April 2022

    I understand that, and that is not what I said.

    I specifically used the word “overcomitting” because in my experience that is the only time I have seen 2-3 gens pop and it’s a very rare instance for me. Where I might have wanted that first survivor to drop ‘x amount’ of pallets before I leave them. So shame on ME at that point.

    I just think that at some point people on these forums need to wake up and start realizing that it is not just generator speed to be blamed, certainly not in 2022 when there are too many ways to slow them down.

    Also for the record, I know you have to down someone at some point, I just think that you have to be smart about who and when you are downing too. I have no video evidence of what transpired during OP’s match, what I do know is that a segment of this forum will find ANY post to continue the same narrative that gen speeds are too fast, simply because they’ve had a bad match.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Umm they did reduce map sizes. And fixed loops. Again they can't add more onto survivors without fixed camping. There would not be enough time to do all the objectives. I agree using your knowledge and skill in chases is the fun part of DBD. It's a shame that killers took such amssive issues with this and had to create artificial dead zones maps to force downs. But hey at least we ae in agreement. Let's hope they revert a lot of those map "fixes" so survivors can really implement their game knowledge in chases but it's unlikely.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You're probably right. Running without gen slowdown will reduce drastically the kill rate, but at least killers will get matched against easier survivors, that spend the first 2 minutes crouching in the corner of the map.

    So that's a win, I guess.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited April 2022

    That's if SBMM worked, which it doesn't ~60% of the time. You'll probably have to lose ~30 games in a row if you wanted to get easier matches

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No issue in that. Especially with how our community reacts when survivors get a 4 man escape.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    You don't want breakable walls? I would be more then happy to revert them back to how they were, try catching me on any of the main buildings pre breakable walls. You could say "Well just remove the wall." The point of the wall is to give the survivors one good loop before its broken and heavily crippled for the rest of the match. As for COH, yeah you would have a lot of difficulty finding players defending COH, and if you do, point them out for me and I will call them out on it. Boons in general ae balanced. COH just needs a complete rework.

    As for dead zones its somewhat map dependent. The point was each map does have these. There is nothing wrong with the maps in DBD. I think a larger issue is the random aspect of DBD. You can have a map where shack, leads into TL wall and loops into another loop that connects into main building. Then on the same map, a massive chuck of it simply has nothing there besides maybe a single extremely weak pallet. Depending on where you start in a chase has massive impact. So yes DBD is weirdly balanced in a way that is unfair to both sides.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    It is rare in my matches. I have dumped 6.8k hours into this game so I understand if there are levels of skill, which is why I said it is what I’ve experienced. But for the most past that comes to how long you’ve been playing this game.

    Who said you have to dedicate 4 slow down perks in order to have a decent match? I only use Corrupt in most of my builds because Id rather focus on pressuring by downing quicker. Which is why I opt to aura reading perks etc.

    You seem to be stuck in this “takes 30 seconds to down someone” where are you getting that from?

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Same issue last night in a few matches, thankfully Oni can snowball and flip games on its head, not always possible though. Why weren't you running Corrupt or deadlock?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You should only talk for yourself, and don´t state your opinion as fact. Running in circles is, for me and some others, the boring part of the game. We like it more as a hide-and-seek game rather than a game of tag. The game is moving toward chases and away from stealth play to much anyway. In my opionion, there should be several ways to play the game.

    Some killers, you cant hide from, some killers, you cant loop. If every game just resolved around chases, it gets pretty boring fast, at least to me.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited April 2022

    Others have said this as well, but Corrupt Intervention is required on any killer who doesn’t have high mobility. Thanks to the current state of the game I get to choose two discretional perks as killer. My first two perk slots are filled with things that I can’t play without because 1) Corrupt is required due to gen times and awful map design; and 2) BBQ is required because the grind is so ridiculous and would take a lot longer if I’m not getting double BP.

    If the devs want to shake up the stale meta, make Corrupt base kit and reduce the grind so BBQ doesn’t feel required. Then killers can actually start to use a wider variety of perks.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Is it just me that doesn't mind holding on m1 on gens? I don't find it boring...yet somewhat meditative.

    The constant threat of danger never hurts either.

  • KrampusJumpscare
    KrampusJumpscare Member Posts: 71

    I wonder if you're referring to coconuts, I was watching him on badham and the match was exactly like that. And It was embarrassing to watch survivors of that level being able to potentially 3 man escape vs a huntress that was outplaying them within seconds in every chase.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772
    edited April 2022

    This is why I run Corrupt 9 out of 10 killer games. When I don't run it I except 2-3 gens will possibly pop before my first hook. Its dumb but its the sad reality of this game playing killer.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    He plays with meme perks, and goes out of his way to not play optimal. Why should he beat survivors who are playing optimal even if they are slightly below his skill level? It's no secret you are probably going to die quickly if huntress closes the gap on you, some maps will give you nothing to work with against her.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    What was your build?

    What was the outcome of the Match? The first 2-3 Gens dont really matter most of the time. You should not expect to end games with 5 Gens still up.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Having 2 Survivors on a Gen shorten the times by "like" half... so 40(ish) seconds

    And a Gen can be done within 80 seconds

    So it's not impossible... impractical... imbalanced maybe

    Plus with perks and Toolboxes it further shortens the time it takes to get a Gen done

    Yes maps are an issue... that includes spawns (for Killer, Survivors, Gens, Totems and Loops) and size

    Also MMR (the Survivors you faced) is becoming an issue

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    You know the game is balanced around people having perks, right? As killer I can get 1-2 DMS procs and literally win the game. Corrupt / Deadlock / NWO literally makes facecamping a viable 3k strat.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    If your strat involves facecamping/tunneling that wasn't a win through skill. Also if you're winning from 1-2 DMS procs you're playing against bad survivors.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    A gen that pops before you can reach it at start of the match is only because multiple survivors are on it, which is good, as killer you dont want each survivor on a different gen. Completed gens are parts of the map you dont have to go to anymore. Every gen that is done makes it harder for survivors to finish the next gen because its much more easy as killer to pressure the much smaller area. 3 gens in 90 seconds is VERY rare... is it fun? no. is it fair? no. should gen speeds be adjusted because of your 1 game experience that maybe happens 1 in 50 games? definitely no.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Well that's too bad, because it's a strategy that exists in the game. It doesn't matter how much skill it takes.

    If you are tunneling people out with a mori, 1 DMS can be enough. Especially on a 1 shot killer. You get the first down quickly, either through skill or mistakes, and then 45s of blockage on the first most progressed gen is enough to secure a half state into a mori tunnel. It's really that simple, bonus points for being an instadown killer and completely securing the half state with no counterplay other than all 3 survivors rushing the hook at the same time (never going to happen in solo Q)