What Are Some Non-Meta Perks You Enjoy Using?

For me, it'd have to be Hex: Pentimento. I recently decided to use it together with Hex: Ruin and Hex: Undying and holy.
It puts Survivors in a big lose/lose scenario. Either deal with Hex: Ruin, which is a pain on Artist, or go out of your way to cleanse 2 Totems, only for them to become Rekindled Totems and now you repairing and healing 30% slower.
It doesn't last the whole Trial, as they're Hex Perks, but for the time they're active, the game's on halt
Quick and quiet
It allows you to do the ultra fake because the killer might think you faked the window but really you are on the other side laughing at them
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Q&Q can be really mean on indoor maps
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Discordance never fails me most of the time. Sure tier 3 is worst then tier 1 but it’s still kinda good. I forgot it was reworked, but it still good for killers like pyramid head who can hit multiple survivors on gen
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How is Tier 3 Discordance worse than Tier 1? It has a bigger range
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Parental Guidance + Smash hit; a straight up chase ender. It also rewards you very heavily for camping pallets which is pretty funny since normally that's bad
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Auto Didact, Alert, Solidarity (basically just got nerfed)
All time favorite is still
OBJECT OF OBSESSION god is this perk fun, especially when you abuse a killers perk (light born) against them
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It used to be worse at tier 3 I believe. but I think they changed it to where 3 was better
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My fault, I don’t pay attention to patches. It was reworked 2 years ago. It used to be global but I guess the range makes up for it
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What was the upgrade of old discordance? Like was it like 64/48/32, or something like that?
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Old Discordance didn't have a range requirement. The duration of the noise notification was the thing that was buffed every Tier
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i think thats why it was better. because it would go off more.
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Yeah, but it wasn't all that much better
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Mad Grit Demo - instill fear in those pesky survivors with your beautiful voice!
If you want full blown meme build, which is surprisingly effective even in mid-mmr and against swf, add STBFL,IG, Agitation.
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I'll never stop singing Fixated's praises as a stealth perk, but I also absolutely love the playmaking potential of For the People.
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Spies from the shadows, Agitation (not with Starstruck), Mindbreaker, Plaything, out the top of my head.
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Zanshin Tactics.
Fight Me.
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You're sleeping On Penti + Ruin + Thrill combo. Thrill of the hunt with penti and another strong hex is amazing. Boons are almost shut down while you have thrill up and they have the chance to break thrill instead of ruin after spending 2 years cleansing.
But if they break ruin,you can put up penti and it will take 6 years to cleanse it.
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Yes its a very fun combo I use it with Power Struggle and Flip Flop too, I love this build
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Survivor: Bond and Diversion
Killer: I'm All Ears
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The good ol' flip flop power struggle combo. Sprint Burst is fun as well because mini frenzy. :>
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Quick and Quiet plus Lithe is one of my go to combos. Break line of sight, hit a window/pallet and you're long gone while the killer is still searching around the loop.
I'm All Ears is one of my favorite killer perks, and is super strong on certain killers. I play a lot of PH, and on him I run it pretty much every time.
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It's amazing on both Nurse, PH and even Deathslinger/Huntress. Even on killers which isn't that good, I think it somewhat still helps in mind games on certain loops.
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Pentimento, Ruin, Thrill is good, but you're basing your whole build on Pentimento, which can be unreliable.
Ruin, Undying, Pentimento is still good, but more reliable
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Q&Q, Lithe, and Dance With Me. Takes up a few spots but it'll end chases pretty quick
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Aftercare, Flashbang, Boon: Exponential, For The People, Any Means Necessary, Second Wind, WGLF.
All fun to use perks, non are very meta. Most of these are situational but when you get to use them they are rewarding.
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Killer: Hex: Pentimento, Hex: Haunted Grounds, Oppression, Scourge Hook: Gift Of Pain, Call Of Brine (Don't know if that's considered meta or not).
Survivor: Detective's Hunch, Boon: Shadow Step, Blastmine, WGLF, Flashbangs, Head On, Any Means Necessary.
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Detectives Hunch, and We'll Make It.
Hex: Devour Hope, and Oppression.
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Survivor: Urban Evasion
Killer: Whispers
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Shadowborn, I've dropped pretty much all gen perks and have replaced it with chase perks and shadowborn and oh my lord, I've yet to be juked twice in a match. Shadowborn is such a nice QoL perk
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For Killer I'd have to say Hex: Devour Hope, Mad Grit, and I am very much attached to Whispers...like, maybe too much lol
For Survivor I have to say I have been enjoying Smash Hit a good amount recently, and I use Detective's Hunch a lot depending on my build. Honorary mention to Autodidact, I use it off and on every so often depending on build or challenge.
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Oooohhhh, I can see how that can get annoying and/or is not helpful, lol
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As survivor, I love running Desperate Measures since it lets you unhook quickly against camping killers. Combos well with BT. I also like Detective's Hunch for killing totems, Aftercare as a spicier Bond for solo queue, and Ace in the Hole + Pharmacy so I don't have to spend bloodpoints on survivor lol.
As killer, I unironically love Stridor. Not sure if some of these count as off-meta, but I run StBfL for fast downs, and Plaything + Retribution so I can proc Retribution several times per match. I also dream of using Deathbound + Discordance as a combo, but no one knows how Deathbound works so they always split up lol.
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Penti and two hexes is pretty reliable. You'd be surprised.
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Deception and Balanced Landing, that's my personal meta <3
For killer.... I usually have to optimize strong builds, but for when I try a new killer: I'm all ears or Hex:Plaything (if I get them in the bloodweb).
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For Killer I love running Dark Devotion, Eruption, Forced Penance, Blood Favor, Mad Grit, sometimes Gearhead and Overcharge
As Survivor I really like using Ace in the Hole, Aftercare, Autodidact, Desperate Measures, Fast Track, Lithe, Pharmacy and Vigil
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Myers - Coupe De Grace with Fire Up and Bamboozle (Not sure if Bamboozle is meta or not, doesn't really seem like anyone uses it)
Survivor - Head On, Built to Last, Flash Bang, Pharmacy, Plunder, Ace In The Hole, Parental Guidance, Empathetic Connection, Quick and Quiet, Pebble etc etc
Really most perks in the game are fun to use and offer an enjoyable experience at this point.
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Q&Q, Kindred, and Windows.
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I love autodidact. Also stakeout + fixated together.
Devour Hope is my #1 favorite killer perk.
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I've been seeing survivors use this perk more and more. I wouldn't call it bad at all considering it hard counters lethal pursuer and the bbq repellent is very strong in the right situations.
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The extra 4th token it received doesn't seem like a huge buff on paper but in reality I think it helped it a lot.
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As a killer my guilty pleasure perk is Make Your Choice (MYC), the perk is underrated and does wonders on high mobility killers
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Its been coming in very useful for faster healing, speeding up hex cleansing, open exit gates etc. In one match it even helped get someone off the hook fast enough for the rescuer not to get grabbed even though the Wraith had STBFL.
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Came to say this! Always run Leader + Bond whenever I play Dwight. It's come in so handy every single time.
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Any means necessary for survivor. Its an amazing perk for tracking where the killer is and I don't think people realize that. The ability to reset pallets is just an extra benefit.
For killer: hex devour hope. Its not really strong and usually you need to combine with with undying, but oh boy is it a fun perk. Even just by itself I will usually get one insta down from it, so I consider it to be better then Hex: Haunted ground.
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Thrilling Tremors. Personally I would like to see a slight buff to its cooldown as it only blocks the gen when a survivor isn't on the gen the frame you pick up someone, not during the time you're carrying the survivor.
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Object of Obsession
I FREAKING LOVE getting chased by the killer. The funny thing is when the killer sees my aura I try crouching as if I am scared of being chased but little the killers know that I'm luring him into losing the first 3 gens by chasing me.
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Survivor has a ton of off meta stuff that I like to use there's honestly too many to name because survivor actually has perk variety when compared to killer.
Break down is one of my favs tho to mess with scourge hooks.
For killer, I've been enjoying messing with play with your food. Mainly on clown.
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easy, Blast mine!
I love to watch the killer kick the gen and get stunned xD. Then I would run over and block it with Repressed alliance :D.