why i love noed

i use it as a karma perk, if i get bullied its my revenge. i 4k so many survs who are cocky in swf and that sweet 4k is worth it after getting looped/flashlighted the whole game.
it is the perfect scare and revenge perk and i love it. its like dead hard but sucks cause once you break it its useless and its a end game perk which could use a buff to be better in game and not end game.
Noed sucks? Ok lol
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delete death
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So, you were bad all game and because you got 4% more Movement Speed and an Insta-Down, despite failing, you suddenly feel good?
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Some games don't go as planned. If they need the boost to have a fun game, that's okay. No need to minimize their enjoyment just because you don't experience the same.
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If they got kills; what did they fail?
Oh right; the Survivor BS 'You failed at 5 gens' non-logic. People still believe this garbage?
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I used to use NOED for the same reason, but over time I realized that what normally happened was I'd catch one person, hook them and the others would leave. Or I'd camp, and they'd find NOED and eventually brute force a save.
So I switched it out for Distortion on a lot of killers, and suddenly I was getting 4ks more regularly and before the endgame.
NOED is a very bottom heavy perk and you essentially have to assign another slot to NWO or BW if you want to get the most out of it. Then you're basically playing out matches with 2 perks and it's no fun.
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Yeah, if you need a 4% Speedboost and Instadown to get Kills and cannot prevent 5 Gens from being done...Yep, you failed.
It would be totally different if NOED would be a Perk which rewards Killers who did well all Game, but this is not the case.
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Yeah, if you need a 4% Speedboost and Instadown to get Kills and cannot prevent 5 Gens from being done...Yep, you failed.
By what metric? And no 'Because Survivors say so' is not valid. Neither is 'My opinion'. Neither of those actually impact the game.
According to the game; The Killer got kills. Therefore; he did not fail.
You're wrong.
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Nah, it's just a different strategy. You're building for the endgame. It's the same as going LP or Discordance to help with the early game or STBFL/regression perks for the midgame.
The problem isn't NOED - it's that:
- It works too well with the kits of already strong killers, like Nurse.
- Survivors don't care enough about the endgame if they're already winning. I think that this is where a lot of the NOED hate comes from. Once you've done all 5 gens, it feels like you've won - because without NOED, that's usually the case. Then NOED comes in and it feels unfair. I honestly think there needs to be more scary endgame perks - the endgame should be a crisis point for both sides, not one side sitting in the gates teabagging.
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To be fair, it's usually a shock when a good killer hits me with NOED. Typically it's the default outfit killers that got run the entire game who have it. You usually can tell because they have no game sense and will be chasing me for like 4 gens through the strongest areas of the map, and get rewarded for basically throwing the game and not being able to take smart chases
The good killers usually have 4x slowdowns and the gens are never getting done in the first place
I only use it on killers I am learning, after that I move onto better perks that consistently get me 3ks and 4ks instead of a pity 1k at the end of the game
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I use it because, if I manage 2 kills during the match; no one expects it at the end. It's a great way to scare Survivors into making mistakes.
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Noed never worked well for me but then again I only used it a few times.
I guess I'm unlucky with the totems because even if I get a down, noed gets cleansed when I hook that one person.
But is insta down really that crazy except securing a kill? I don't think moving speed is that good either. If you played infinite tier 3 myers you would know that insta down is not that op on m1 killer against more experienced survivors or swf.
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...Why on earth are you running 4 slowdowns?
I mean, I get running CI+Ruin+Undying, or maybe Plaything+Penti+PR. Otherwise you've got 1, likely 2 perks doing nothing.
From what I've seen, good killers run some combination of:
- 1 early game perk (Discordance, CI, LP)
- 1-2 regression perks (PR, CoB, Pop, Ruin, Deadlock, very occasionally Penti or Surge).
- 1 utility perk (BBQ, Undying, Agitation, Insidious, FoR etc.)
- 1 combat perk (Starstruck, Devour, STBFL, very occasionally PWYF)
- 1-2 endgame perks (NWO, NOED, BW).
I've actually started seeing a lot of killers shifting to a more endgame/combat heavy focus and only running Deadlock for slowdown.
4 regression perks would be silly.
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4 slowdowns is what they use in the tournaments. I consider NWO / BW slowdowns. CI is a slowdown. Anything that is just giving you more time to kill the survivors is a slowdown in my book.
The strongest killers don't need chase perks at all. 4 slowdowns is always optimal if you can get the downs fast enough and have good enough game sense to not need tracking perks. Some of the strong but non mobile killers can probably use tracking perks better since the punishment for mispositioning can be high. Nurse / Blight / Spirit / etc are not punished nearly so much for going to the wrong gen
I use Rancor for all my endgame needs. It helps you a bit through the whole trial too. Rancor is usually banned in tournaments too from what I have seen. Depending on the killer it can need some supporting perks but it's straight up nuking people at the end instead of screwing around having to hook them
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Shrug. Well, if you want to use that definition, you've just described maybe 80% of the viable perks killers have right now :).
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I've done something similar in the past
If I've gotten a few bully squads and are therefore getting frustrated, I will sometimes throw NOED onto a M1 killer. I'll still play as normal and just kind of gauge the match. If they're being good survivors and not A-holes about it, I've actually NOED'ed people down and then carried them to the gate (I know I shouldn't feel like NOED is a "cheap" kill, that's stupid BS that people use to "shame" killers out of using a perk but honestly, I still can't quite shake that feeling when I get a NOED down).
But if they were another squad of jerks, well...NOED is the Ace in the Hole I need to take at least one of them down.
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...because I get to do this🥳
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I would use Noed if the killer had to do something to actually earn such a high reward as a speed boost and insta down ability. Like if you had to get X amount of hooks during the match in order for it to activate. But as it is now its just a perk that rewards failure. Very much like dead hard in looping scenarios.
The argument that survivors should just do bones is a poor one. Especially for solo queue. You don't know who has done what totems. You can waste your time running around looking for totems for a perk the killer may not even have. If you're not doing gens the killer is getting free pressure. Its not a fairly designed perk in my opinion.
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You can waste your time running around looking for totems for a perk the killer may not even have
That's the point. The Killer has to assume Survivors have Dead Hard, D. Strike, and other perks and play around them, even if they don't.
If you're not doing gens the killer is getting free pressure.
Again; that is the point. The THREAT of NoED forces Survivors off gens, which buys the Killer time.
Or you can ignore totems and possibly get hit with NoED as punishment. It's called 'Risk vs Reward'.
I don't get why or how people can point to NoED doing what it is supposed to do and say 'These are flaws'.
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I personally prefer blood warden as my revenge perk. I hope they do something about 99ing the exit gates soon. There was talk about hemorrhage or something on the ptb that would do that.
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In the case of dead hard its got nothing to do with assuming they have it, its how they use it to correct their own mistakes. If you mind game a survivor at a loop your great play is instantly erased because they have dead hard to make it to the safe pallet or window. Its why dead hard is a poorly designed perk. It rewards failure. Like Noed.
With D-strike if you choose to tunnel then that's on you to eat a potential DS. D-strike is in a very fair spot now and is a true anti tunnel perk. So if you eat a DS then you deserve it.
Risk vs reward is something like Devour Hope. You risk running it hoping it won't be found, and the killer has to earn hooks in order to get it to work. Noed is just do nothing and getting free insta down and speed boost at the end. I can't speak for other players but any kills earned from Noed feel cheap and unearned to me. I didn't do a thing to earn that.
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Survivors complain if a killer runs NOED and get kills in end game, but also complain if the killer slugs all 4 survivors out and wins at 5 gens. There's no real winning here, no matter what you do you suck if you get the 4K.
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In the case of dead hard its got nothing to do with assuming they have it, its how they use it to correct their own mistakes
Yes but Killer still has to assume it exists. If they swing without assuming DH; they miss. That is how it's SUPPOSED to work. The 'DH for distance' is a flaw.
With D-strike if you choose to tunnel then that's on you to eat a potential DS
The Killer still has to assume it exists and slug people. They still have to play around it without knowing if the Survivor has it.
Noed is just do nothing and getting free insta down and speed boost at the end.
NoED is 'Survivors did not do bones, and GAVE the Killer insta downs and a speed boost'.
Risk vs reward is something like Devour Hope. You risk running it hoping it won't be found, and the killer has to earn hooks in order to get it to work.
BOTH are 'Risk Vs Reward'. It just changes who is doing the risk.
I can't speak for other players but any kills earned from Noed feel cheap and unearned to me. I didn't do a thing to earn that.
You can feel that way. The problem is that OTHERS are saying 'Killers did not earn it because I said so. My feelings must be made into game balance.' or 'SuRvIvOrS bAsIcAlLy WoN!' and 'NoED rewards failure!' Which are factually wrong; the Killer did not lose, and Survivors did not 'basically win' at 5 gens.
Pretty much. According to many Survivors; I can't get a kill before 1 gen or I 'sweat' and I can't get a kill after 5 gens because I 'basically lost already'. 🙄
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Don't gotta be bad in some cases to let a match fly. Play the wrong killer on the wrong map, and things get increasingly worse.
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They're saying when the survivors are bullying you or acting in bad taste, they use it as a sort of "F you" perk
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The killer doesn't have to assume it exists. You can be right on them and hit them just before they would make it to a pallet or window. That's when you do it. If they have dead hard they get away. If they don't they go down. That's why its unfair. If you play it to perfection, hit them at the right time before they would make it to the window or pallet, they will either go down or get out of it because they have dead hard. Whether you take a swing at them or not at the correct moment doesn't matter if they have dead hard. They still get away.
That's their own choice when it comes to DS. If you choose to focus on one survivor to tunnel then you are putting yourself in that position.
In swf you can make that argument they didn't do bones because they all know who has done how many totems. In solo queue you have no information. You do not know who has done how many totems. You can run around wasting time looking for totems that may or may not have been done, and for a perk the killer may not even have.
You're one person, you can't account for what your three team mates did. You also can't do everything by yourself. You can't get chased, do gens, do hook saves, and be going around the map trying to track down five totems. That's just not feasible.
Nobody is talking about winning or losing. They're talking about what is fair and what is earned. Yeah the killer wins if they take everyone down with Noed. That's fact. Everyone is dead. Killer won. No question. Did the killer earn those kills because they had a perk they didn't do a single thing to earn except lose all five gens? No. That's why people say it wasn't earned. I agree with them. Its not.
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This. Love how people play against once in a while bully teams and then feel the need to bully potato solo teams because of it.
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I refuse to run I view it as a lazy second chance perk like Dead Hard. Nerf both
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I agree with that. Unbalanced maps, meta perk load outs, souped up tool boxes etc can stop even the best killers from winning.
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You will never convince some people.
Won at 5 gens left? You were sweaty and toxic and did not deserve that win. Think of the Survivor's fun.
Won after 5 gens pop? You were bad and toxic for using NoED and did not deserve that win. Survivors 'basically won already'.
The killer doesn't have to assume it exists. You can be right on them and hit them just before they would make it to a pallet or window. That's when you do it. If they have dead hard they get away
That's what I mean by 'assume it exists'. Survivors says 'Just bait it out'. It's the DH equivalent of 'Just do bones', but Survivors don't want to admit it.
In swf you can make that argument they didn't do bones because they all know who has done how many totems. In solo queue you have no information
There are information perks that track totems. But a perk that gives totem counting would not go amiss.
You're one person, you can't account for what your three team mates did. You also can't do everything by yourself. You can't get chased, do gens, do hook saves, and be going around the map trying to track down five totems. That's just not feasible.
It's a team-based 1v1 game. You'll notice you only win, as Survivor, if YOU escape. It's meant to have you think of yourself as alone, and wondering if you can risk it for the 'team'. That's what SWF ruined.
Nobody is talking about winning or losing. They're talking about what is fair and what is earned. Yeah the killer wins if they take everyone down with Noed. That's fact. Everyone is dead. Killer won. No question. Did they killer earn those kills because they had a perk they didn't do a single thing to earn except lose all five gens?
Onec again ignoring the Survivor input of DOING THE TOTEMS to just assume it's all the Killer's fault (or lack of skill, in this case). A dishonest argument made to shift the blame away from Survivors and create a flaw that does not exist.
A proper argument would be 'Do the Survivors deserve to be punished for gen rushing and not doing totems all match?' and the answer is 'yes'.
That's why people say it wasn't earned.
Well, they are wrong. They are assuming every killer perk has to have Killer input and make them DESERVE the win. Because doing so shifts the blame. They ignore the FACT that Survivors got punished for slamming gens to PRETEND 'The Killer did not earn the kills'.
It's dishonest and factually wrong to argue it that way. They are inventing a requirement (All perks must require the Killer to work for them) and then claiming that is why NoED is 'unfair' or flawed.
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Baiting it out is not the equivalent to just do bones because in the case of baiting it out its feasible for the killer to get the down because if they have it, and they can't make it to safety of a pallet or window you get them. If they don't have it you still get them. Its in the aforementioned scenarios where even if you time it right to hit them right before they would make it to safety, if they have it they get away. That's why its a stupidly unfair perk. You can time your hit perfectly, you can mind game them beautifully at a loop, but if they have dead hard they erase their mistake. Your beautiful mind game play means nothing because they pressed E.
In the case of Noed in a solo situation you're in a situation where you have no information. You can't take the burden of taking the killer for a run, pressuring gens, doing hook saves, and hunting down five totems.
It is a team based game. I never thought of the game as just me alone surviving. Again I can't speak for anyone else but I don't feel I won if I was the only survivor. The killer won that match if they eliminated most of your team. Yes its nice and all if you survived, but in terms of the match that was a win for the killer. This is one of the reasons why solo queue is a constant source of frustration for players because you have team mates who think like that. Just think about themselves. Don't do gens. Creep around the map staying away from the killer. Won't do hook saves. Just play selfishly. That's the kind of team mates that lose you the game. Its supposed to be 1 v 4. If someone isn't pulling their weight then you're not likely to win.
I don't understand why survivors deserve to be punished for "gen rushing". Completing gens is how you escape. Number of gens being done is the only common piece of information all survivors can see. Its like saying the killer deserves to be punished for kill rushing. I don't even know how you can say its factually wrong. If something is a fact it means you can prove it. You haven't proven it. You're just voicing your own opinion on why you think its fair. Like everyone else here. Its opinion. Not fact.
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In the case of Noed in a solo situation you're in a situation where you have no information.
What do you want? NoED to appear at the start so Survivors can cleanse it and move on? Would be useless.
I've already said a totem counter would be a good change.
Again I can't speak for anyone else but I don't feel I won if I was the only survivor.
Again, what you feel is not how the game works. If you live; you won. if you die; you lost. That is how the game marks a win or loss for Survivors. It does not say 'You died but you ran the Killer for 3 gens so you won.'
I don't understand why survivors deserve to be punished for "gen rushing"
Because they are doing gens and ignoring NoED and totems. So if the Killer brings NoED; they get punished for ignoring totems. For tunnel-vision focusing on gens.
That. Is how. NoED works; You ignore bones & he brought NoED? You suffer. You ignore bones & he did not bring NoED? You took the gamble & prevented giving the Killer much-needed time to kill.
I can't explain it any better; NoED exists to punish the 'Hold M1 until I win' mindset. This is not a flaw. This is what the perk is meant to do.
If NoED worked in ANY OTHER WAY; Survivors could either nuke it from orbit, or gen rush when the Killer does not bring it. It, literally, has to be an unknown threat to slow down gens by making Survivors take the bones gamble.
Basically, your arguments are 'I feel like', 'I think like'. 'I feel like I did not earn kills with NoED'. Good for you? Why should everyone else play that way?
That's the mindset that makes entitled Survivors blast NoED users; 'I feel like NoED is cheap' and now they demand Killers not use it because how they 'feel' is a new rule.
The bottom, FACTUAL line is that Survivors DID NOT WIN when 5 gens pop. NoED is NOT 'rewarding failure'. And Survivors DO NOT WIN if they died. These are not how I 'feel'; these are literally how the game is programmed. And people need to stop pushing how they feel over how the game works.
Because how they feel is why Survivors attack Killers for: NoED, 'cheap powers', 'cheap perks', 'cheap tactics'...See the trend? 1 Survivor 'feels' something is 'cheap' and suddenly they feel like the Killer was 'toxic' for being 'cheap'. Now they are not at fault for firing back because 'the Killer was toxic first' in their heads.
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All these survivor tears… do bones.
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So, survivors didn't cleanse totems all game and because they got killed by NOED when they rushed gens despite ignoring totems they feel suddenly bad?
Yikes. Those survivors were awful.
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Revenge perk? Lmao this is a joke right?
Stop taking the game so serious and personal.
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this game is about having fun what are you talking about.
if someone is acting as a degen i love noed for this reasons. now i am slugging and hooking all the tbaggers and flashlight spammers and my revenge has been paid for the bad experiance i had to deal with.
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Not that cleansing Totems is a good counter to NOED anyway. You just end up wasting time, possibly not even reaching the point where 5 Gens are completed because you cleanse worthless Dull Totems.
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eh, without NOED nothing would really changes.
Just more bubbas and that's bout it.
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you use noed because with a 4% haste status and an instadown a 5 years old child can kill a survivor
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On the other side NOED can be viewed as a perk that rewards bad gameplay. I think it depends on the scenario, which makes me have mixed feelings about the perk
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A survivor who escapes after using Dead Hard basically lost because they got rewarded for bad gameplay, getting hit, with free health states lmao. Same logic