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Event points for survivors and killers (info from dev stream)

Member Posts: 3,104
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
This event allows you to get every outfit. You need 100 points for a coin and after you complete the 100 points it increases by 100, so at the last coin you will need 900 points. One coin gets you one outfit piece.
Edit: you will need 4500 points in order to get all outfits.
As survivor you will get 25 points if you escape with a vessel and 4 points per gen. So if you escape with a vessel after 5 gens that's 45 points
As killer you can destroy ONE vessel when a survivor is hooked... For 3 points. You also get 2 points per hook. If you destroy say the max amount of vessels you could get in a game (7) and hook everyone 3 times you get 45 points. This is bs, What are the odds that everyone will get hooked 3 times AND use a event offering AND as a killer you destroy ALL vessels. Might as well play survivor people as you will get more points by just doing gens.
Post edited by AChaoticKiller on

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  • Member Posts: 1,607
    225 gens for 9 pieces of cosmetics... that would be 45 games if you do all 5 gens
  • Member Posts: 3,104
    Gorgonia said:
    225 gens for 9 pieces of cosmetics... that would be 45 games if you do all 5 gens
    Even more games if you tried to play killer. I hope the devs change it so killers could at get more points for destroying vessels.
  • Member Posts: 495
    Survivor-sided event REEEEEEEE
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    this event going to make my head hurt I just know it.

  • Member Posts: 836

    this event going to make my head hurt I just know it.

    DBD events always give me a headache.
  • Member Posts: 1,053
    I mean like, in order to do get 45 on both you have to do really well. I honestly dont think I ever did all 5 gens when I’ve played survivor.
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    lucky if I can do 2 gen with out die.

  • Member Posts: 614
    edited January 2019
    I mean like, in order to do get 45 on both you have to do really well. I honestly dont think I ever did all 5 gen when I’ve played survivor.
    the thing is you get 2 per any gen what iv3 been told. Dont need to touch all the gens that were done. But the point is.
    45 points means nothing when you dont escape or get all of em(killer hooking survivors or survivors gens). 
    So you ether have to be selfish or be extremely good at the game
  • Member Posts: 614
    This event allows you to get every outfit. You need 100 points for a coin and after you complete the 100 points it increases by 100, so at the last coin you will need 900 points. One coin gets you one outfit piece.
    Edit: you will need 4500 points in order to get all outfits.
    As survivor you will get 25 points if you escape with a vessel and 4 points per gen. So if you escape with a vessel after 5 gens that's 45 points
    As killer you can destroy ONE vessel when a survivor is hooked... For 3 points. You also get 2 points per hook. If you destroy say the max amount of vessels you could get in a game (7) and hook everyone 3 times you get 45 points. This is bs, What are the odds that everyone will get hooked 3 times AND use a event offering AND as a killer you destroy ALL vessels. Might as well play survivor people as you will get more points by just doing gens.

    I mean like, in order to do get 45 on both you have to do really well. I honestly dont think I ever did all 5 gen when I’ve played survivor.
    the thing is you get 2 per any gen what iv3 been told. Dont need to touch all the gens that were done. But the point is.
    45 points means nothing when you dont escape or get all of em. 
    So you ether have to be selfish or be extremely good at the game
    The thing is, not all of the Survivors will escape. Some times all 4 will die
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    AChaoticKiller said:

    This event allows you to get every outfit. You need 100 points for a coin and after you complete the 100 points it increases by 100, so at the last coin you will need 900 points. One coin gets you one outfit piece.
    Edit: you will need 4500 points in order to get all outfits.
    As survivor you will get 25 points if you escape with a vessel and 4 points per gen. So if you escape with a vessel after 5 gens that's 45 points
    As killer you can destroy ONE vessel when a survivor is hooked... For 3 points. You also get 2 points per hook. If you destroy say the max amount of vessels you could get in a game (7) and hook everyone 3 times you get 45 points. This is bs, What are the odds that everyone will get hooked 3 times AND use a event offering AND as a killer you destroy ALL vessels. Might as well play survivor people as you will get more points by just doing gens.

    Dokta_Carter said:

    MyNamePete said:

    I mean like, in order to do get 45 on both you have to do really well. I honestly dont think I ever did all 5 gen when I’ve played survivor.

    the thing is you get 2 per any gen what iv3 been told. Dont need to touch all the gens that were done. But the point is.
    45 points means nothing when you dont escape or get all of em. 
    So you ether have to be selfish or be extremely good at the game

    The thing is, not all of the Survivors will escape. Some times all 4 will die

    solo player here most likely we all die out of 10 game I escape 5 or 6 and normally I'm the only one maybe one other we escape with me.

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    edited January 2019
    Die or not survivor is clearly the best side for gaining points. The potential to leave with a vessel alone makes the side better. While I think it would be cool to see somebody do this solely as killer, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to vessel interaction. Yes they can destroy vessels, but only while a survivor is on the hook and a vessel remains unclaimed. After watching survivors in past events, I seriously doubt vessels will remain hanging long enough to be broken.
  • Member Posts: 3,823
    I'm going to no life this event so hard.
    I'm turning my room into a bunker to be ready for the event.
  • Member Posts: 92

    Time to whip out the wallet then. :wink:

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    Sel said:

    Time to whip out the wallet then. :wink:

    I honestly think the devs made this event nearly impossible for players to get all 9 coins. The only people I think will have a chance are the extremely dedicated players and streamers like true talent. If you got a job or school like me than you won't be able to complete this event if your a casual player.
  • Member Posts: 372

    Can someone link me the cosmetics, at work so cannot watch the VOD atm.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    @Killigma said:
    Can someone link me the cosmetics, at work so cannot watch the VOD atm.

    I watched it at work on my phone in the bathroom. People probably thought I was ill.

  • Member Posts: 614

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    AChaoticKiller said:

    This event allows you to get every outfit. You need 100 points for a coin and after you complete the 100 points it increases by 100, so at the last coin you will need 900 points. One coin gets you one outfit piece.
    Edit: you will need 4500 points in order to get all outfits.
    As survivor you will get 25 points if you escape with a vessel and 4 points per gen. So if you escape with a vessel after 5 gens that's 45 points
    As killer you can destroy ONE vessel when a survivor is hooked... For 3 points. You also get 2 points per hook. If you destroy say the max amount of vessels you could get in a game (7) and hook everyone 3 times you get 45 points. This is bs, What are the odds that everyone will get hooked 3 times AND use a event offering AND as a killer you destroy ALL vessels. Might as well play survivor people as you will get more points by just doing gens.

    Dokta_Carter said:

    MyNamePete said:

    I mean like, in order to do get 45 on both you have to do really well. I honestly dont think I ever did all 5 gen when I’ve played survivor.

    the thing is you get 2 per any gen what iv3 been told. Dont need to touch all the gens that were done. But the point is.
    45 points means nothing when you dont escape or get all of em. 
    So you ether have to be selfish or be extremely good at the game

    The thing is, not all of the Survivors will escape. Some times all 4 will die

    solo player here most likely we all die out of 10 game I escape 5 or 6 and normally I'm the only one maybe one other we escape with me.

    Yeah i am a solo survior, and more of a killer main tbh,  but as a killer i know im going in on a 4 v 1 match knowing hey if its a swf i can net a kill or two if i play well enough, infact recently i have been playing without a headset since it broke, and i can net 2 kills just based on a more visual playstyle. 

    There will be gamea where i will be stomped on ether side, and then there is games where i will be one of those who do the stomping.

    Thia may be "more survivor sided" but a challenge will be fun as killer imo. So if there is more SWF bring it on, i wont be clowning around in game... Except the character.. But i think you know whay i mean
  • Member Posts: 1,534

    started having stressed dreams about event already... :/
    All 9 coins required and will be completed; ready for a casual sickie in there somewhere... :)

  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited January 2019
    Seems fine to me, honestly. Killer is going to be a more steady income. No, you're not going to max out every game. The survivors are not going to max out every game either, if they don't escape they only get 20 points at most. If you average it out, they're not going to be getting anywhere close to 45 points per game either.

    Also gotta' keep in mind that you need to actually be carrying a vessel. If you get hooked you lose your vessel, so any survivor that gets hooked at the end and slips out the gate while everyone else takes hits won't get those 25 points.
    Post edited by Peanits on
  • Member Posts: 1,867

    So, right now there is roughly a 30% survival rate, and in order to get the bonus points, you have to survive?! Yeah, my wife can kiss my arse, I'll be focused on killer during this. (If I'm wrong, so be it...)

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    So, right now there is roughly a 30% survival rate, and in order to get the bonus points, you have to survive?! Yeah, my wife can kiss my arse, I'll be focused on killer during this. (If I'm wrong, so be it...)

    Survive with the vessel* ..... you will still get bonus blood points as long as you offer the red envelope and when you finish gens you still get progress towards cosmetics.... this event sounds fair to me 

  • Member Posts: 531

    This sounds... very difficult to make it work in the game. The performances of both survs and killers will require almost near perfect results to farm an okay-ish amount of currency.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    @Dokta_Carter I actually used to rely on sound to intell I moved about 9 months ago. When I moved my headset broke and last X-Mas I finally got a new one so now I can easily track and find survivors by both sound and vision.
  • Member Posts: 6,493

    What are the odds that every survivor escapes? If anything, the event needs improvements for survivors, so that killer queue times don't become 30 minutes long again.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Gorgonia said:
    225 gens for 9 pieces of cosmetics... that would be 45 games if you do all 5 gens

    If you completely ignore the lanterns yes

  • Member Posts: 757

    I shall just insidious camp in protest.

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