It should not be the players job to record and report cheaters.

I've done it more then a few times even on suspected cheating.
But The hoops we need to jump through to try and stop cheaters are very annoying.
I'm just glad that I don't run into too many that I can proove at least.
I'm venting I know but it's how I feel dammit
Yup. Everyone except for BHVR seems to be very unhappy with how awful the reporting system is.
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To be fair, Mandy commented a while back that the devs also wish they had a built in replay system for reporting (and just in general) but apparently it was determined that the way the game is built it's impractical to try and make one at this point. It's a bummer because I definitely agree that players having to figure out how to manually record their own games using third party software and attach those videos to tickets on the website is truly byzantine. And I imagine it's a pain for their customer service people too since it means they probably get a ton of tickets with bad attachments and no attachments, etc.
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We need an anti-cheat. But if even AAA developers can't do an anti-cheat system right, what chance does BHVR have?
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The game coded such a way that impossible to have inbuilt replay system.
The best way to imagine the current game system is that your games like nothing ever happened, the only way to have proof is if that you took a recording.
To change this, dbd 2 needs to happen, which as we all know wont ever be
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I mean this as nice as I can saying something very unnice
That's not my problem BHVR. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.
Your reporting system is bad and you should feel bad.
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I still record every match, but I don't waste my time reporting anymore.
Post edited by DrDeepwound on3 -
No, people should only be banned with evidence. Not by your word.
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Quite right, not our problem
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You are not alone my friend. I already mentioned it in an older discussion. BHVR could at least reduce the bureaucracy of reporting a cheater. It is ridiculous how many time Ive to spend only to report a cheater. That's also the reason I don't do it anymore. There are just too many and I don't have much time to play after work. The problem is that it doesn't hurt the cheaters much if their smurf account gets banned. They simply buy a new one for a few dollars. I only report people who are so dumb and cheat on their main account.