We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Which killer do you think is underrated and overrated?



  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Plague is underrated with the CoH meta and Hag is overrated, people just don't know how to be aggressive against her.

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244

    Nurse Overrated

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Demogorgon is underrated and Nemesis is overrated

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,146

    Every killer is overrated, but I think Plague is especially overrated right now. You can't just play her in a CoH meta and expect that's all it'll take to beat good survivors.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2022

    I think Clown is underrated. A lot of people say he's the worst killer in the game, but if you run like Corrupt/Lethal and are good with your bottles to end chases lightning quick, he can be pretty good and fun.

    I also think Trickster and Huntress are underrated specifically on console. Everyone talks about how difficult they are to play, but I've gotten pretty good with them with a controller and I think they're very fun and rewarding. I can definitely win with them.

    I think Spirit is overrated. She is hot garbage at high MMR. Everyone runs Iron Will and they can hear exactly where you are but you can't hear them breathe, see blood, anything. It's terrible. You have to run MDR/DCB to even have a chance vs Iron Will gamers. Terrible

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    Personally I turn off crossplay when I play ranged killers too much of a hassle dealing with mouse twitchers

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I would love to turn crossplay off in general, but I'm on PS5 and it will only match you against other PS5 gamers which means I'll wait an eternity for a match. I hate having to play against PC players. The subtle cheating, the altering filters to make the red stain as bright as an ambulance siren, altering their settings to have the stain go through walls, etc. I wish they would have made a console only crossplay :(

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Hag: Flashlights and a constant harasser pretty much nullifies her. Sure, she can stomp randos super hard, but few killers struggle against those lobbies, I really don't think she is super crazy.

    Freddy: His addons might be hot garbage, but his ability to instantly teleport to a generator is often not appreciated enough. Plus, as weak as it is, he does have some measure of antilooping that helps with the whole, "great, you've injured a survivor, now what?" type of scenarios.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I agree with Clown being underrated, a good Clown player is scary. You can't loop them, they make it hard if not impossible to get from one pallet to the next and its easier for them to get a hit at a relatively unsafe pallet because its hard to see them.

    The scariest Clowns have builds like STBFL and strong slowdown addons perhaps with Brutal Strength as well. They catch up to you quickly. Obviously he's not S tier or anything but he is underrated.

    I'm not sure if there really is an overrated killer... but perhaps Hag? Some people think she's amazing in the right hands and she can be with certain maps/gen setups but against good opponents that constantly harass her traps from the start of the game, it's very difficult for her to get going.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Deathslinger is underrated imo. Not fun to play but still very good in chase.

    Ghostface is overrated from my experience. Anything over low C tier is too high for him

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I think most people stick Plague somewhere near the top of 'A' tier - but the current 'overcleanse' meta is actually really hard for her to deal with.

    Hag - yes. I'd still put her at low 'A', but good groups can definitely mess her up.

    Demo is solid 'B' tier. He's got a bit of everything. Honestly, one of the best overall designed killers in the game.

    Huntress...Huntress can be legitimately scary if she's good, but she can be rough to play on certain maps.

    I'd put Nemmy just below Demo, and that's purely because his addons are turd tier.

    Ghosty should be low 'B' tier after the rework. Some of his new addons are pretty fancy.

    Agree on Slinger - really solid, but just clunky to play. Twins-esque.

    Hag is still a very good killer. She's a bit like Plague in that she can always suddenly snowball. Just...not Big 3 level.

    The problem with Freddy's antiloop is that it's massively telegraphed and survivors can just leave the loop the second you poop out a puddle. His teleport is nice, but it's cooldown is absurd.

    Underrated: Oni. A few high tier players are starting to twig onto this, but he's the best instadown killer in the game.

    Overrated: As others have said, Hag. She's still a rock solid killer, but it feels like everyone and their dog knows how to play against her now, and if she never hits that snowball moment (or fails to capitalize on it) she can be handily beaten.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Clowns is super underrated . Old Clown was definitely in contention for the worst but new Clown has good anti-loop and only takes three seconds to reload and can counter Hold W with Yellow and Pink bottles for good combos. And additionally good perks for anti-loop or instant down makes chases scary short. Don’t really know anyone who is super overrated

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Underrated: Billy. He is so good in the right hands, even with the overheat.

    I also agree with Clown from the above comments. He can be really scary and snowballs fast. Most people see him as bottom 3 killer.

    Overrated: I don't know if there is any. Some would say Hag and I can agree with what they say, but I rarely play or play against her so I can't say that she can be slotted in as overrated in my books. Meeting a good Hag is very difficult, like Michi - it's insane.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,287

    Underrated: Ghostface. He'll only go as far as your M1 skills take you, but he can be an offensive powerhouse with his ability to 99 stalk multiple survivors. Big mistakes Ghostface players make: not stalking enough and not taking chase perks.

    Overrated: Hag. She has a sharp drop off as survivors get more coordinated. She can theoretically control an area, but that's only if survivors are impatient or run the wrong way after a trap goes off. The downing capability isn't there if a survivor doesn't step in a trap. She can be W gamed HARD, and she has to commit to a chase on the other side of the map from her web or leave chase to defend the gens.

    She's still great on indoor maps with lots of choke points. But she'll struggle if survivors have a lot of space to work with and can hold W up the walls of the map where she won't have traps.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,001

    For me, Doctor is very underrated. On the other side, Oni is incredibly overrated.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I love Doc. His static blasts gets you into chases instantly and shocks counter loops very effective. He is very good when played correctly.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Overrated Twins

    Underrated Pinhead

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I'd place Demogorgon at the end of A tier, just barely making it because of Leprose Lichen+Barb's Glasses. That Add-on combo combined with good Perks is disgusting

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Pyramid head I feel is extremely overrated. Most people I see put him in A tier because of his ability to bypass certain perks when survivors are tormented. However, even halfway decent survivors know how to play around it and getting people actually tormented can be a chore. Add in the fact that a lot of the best slowdown and information perks require you to hook first, which means you're either forced to run weaker builds that put you at a disadvantage against good teams, or you have to forego sending survivors to the cage so that you can hook them.

    It puts him in this weird spot of picking your poison. Other than that he has a highly telegraphed easily dodged anti loop ability. So for 90% of the time he's really just an m1 killer and nothing else.

    Underrated I'd definitely say doctor. The difference between a decent doctor and a great doctor is very noticeable and a great doctor can be tough to beat at all ranks.

    Also would say twins. Even with as clunky as they are. You don't even have to camp with them and they're still really strong.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The issue with Myers is that he has one addon that's too strong (TSP) and otherwise, even with T3, survivors can loop him basically forever on some maps (The Game, Badham, Eyrie etc.)

    Even with an instadown, after a certain point you have to have some sort of anti-loop or a way to force a survivor off a tile.

    It's a solid addon (actually, he has a lot of those) but it doesn't really help him with his core issue - Shred is incredibly telegraphed and easy to juke, and the punishment for missing a shred is strong. I'm starting to reach a strata of survivors that will literally slip by it every time, at the last moment and that's often a lost chase.

    Pinhead...I think most people put him overall around mid 'B'. He's nowhere near as bad as some people make him out to be (chains have flaws, but they are pretty great and if you can get a hunt going that can be GG right there) but he has some weak maps and people know how to counter him now in a way that completely nullifies the box (as in you can't teleport) on some maps.

    Doc's issues are:

    Madness is actually sort of crap against better survivors. It doesn't really do much.

    Shocks aren't validated on the killer's end, meaning that they have huge latency issues and are thus unreliable. If he got validation, he'd probably be low 'B'.

    Yeah that's Hag. Thing is - she is almost impossible to beat on those smaller maps (especially Midwich) and she can do some really evil tricks with Shackles. On the other hand, bigger maps with lots of safety outside of the main structure (Ormond, Cowshed, Eyrie...ugh) are really tough for her and she has to rely on securing a down and proxy camping with traps.

    That said - the CoH nerf is a small buff to her, and she's due an addon pass (one of the few killers that has multiple high tier addons that are legitimately worse than an empty slot).

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,764

    Underrated: Deathslinger. Even after the nerf he’s still pretty decent, you just need to actually aim now. I will admit I almost always run monitor on him now though.

    Can’t think of anyone who I think is overrated honestly.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,248

    I've played against this guy once. He got a 2K which both came in the end game collapse due to dumb mistakes. He was very good but the limitations of Billy against good survivors showed in that game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Overrated: Onryo and Spirit.

    For some reason, some people still reckon Onryo's on the same level as Plague and Artist and that Spirit is 'S' tier, ahead of Huntress and just behind Blight.

    I enjoy Spirit, but outside of the MDR/blossom addon combo she's not that strong. Probably mid 'A' tier.

    Onryo is 'C' tier, at best.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,764

    Meh I still think spirit is #3, just not above blight anymore.

    100% agree on Sadako in C tier, though I didn’t even think that was an unpopular opinion. I’ve seen some people say she’s better than that but not that many. But she is absolutely not on the level of plague, artist, and huntress.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,287

    The Game and Midwich are crazy good Hag maps. And yeah, I always use Dried Cicada on the chance I get Ormond or some enormous map. Luckily most survivors aren't SWAT teams, so she's still solidly A tier most of the time.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Spirit is overrated. The problem with her is, THEORETICALLY she can play around every loop but in practice you will face Iron Will a lot at high MMR and experienced survivor know how to juke her creatively. I only play her with yellow add ons so i don't really know about MDR/DCB add on combo, it's probably busted, but no one says Myers is S-tier because of his crazy add ons. She feels very frustrating to play right now and whenever i switch to Nurse it just feels like another class of killer.

    Twins is underrated, not saying they're s-tier but some people literally think they're one of the worst 5 killers.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Again, if you take one specific addon combo out of it, I'd probably stick her somewhere just behind Artist and Huntress.

    With that combo, she's probably #3.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,919
    edited April 2022

    100% Mikey. He is very underrated and a lot better than some give him credit for. That's not saying he doesn't need buffs because he does. But he is far from being one of the worst. He's not even bottom three. His low terror radius, insta down ability, and potential for snowballing are great.

    He's been my main for four years. The key to popping your tier 3 is when you know you can get the down. The problem a lot of Mikey players have is they pop it prematurely when a survivor can make it to a safe loop. Timing is everything. Even in tier 3 you can get extra advantages in a loop like faster vault speed (paired with Bamboozle is insanely good) and you get the biggest lunge in the game.

    As for overrated I would say maybe Plague. If you don't cleanse you reduce her to an M1 killer you can hear coming a mile away. You hear her pick up her corrupt purge then you hide and wait it out.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Oh yeah Plague is high in tier lists but I never see her, that's what I meant by underrated.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    Underrated - definitely Demogorgon.

    Overrated - I'd go with Hag.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Plague is an odd killer to play. She has an awful early game and relies on snowballing into cascading pressure in the mid-late game. She's one of the killers where you feel like you're getting stomped - and suddenly you win.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think some people are underrating Sadako who claim she’s the “worst killer in the game”. She’s on par with or better than Wraith in my opinion. I think there’s just a bunch of people who are trying to play her exactly like Wraith and failing when you need to play her like her own killer. And further evidence of that is from the streamers who are playing a ton of Sadako and doing at least as well with her if not better than with Wraith. She’s not the only killer this happens with either, I remember many, many people claiming Blight was hot garbage and the worst killer in the game (I was not one of those people).

    As far as overrated killers? … I’m not sure, the most common top tier killers people cite are Nurse and Blight and I agree they’re really strong.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Underrated - Trapper

    Trapper is generally considered to have a poor early game since he needs to set up traps before getting into chase. This is true, but efficient pathing makes it less of an issues (e.g. search for survivors while also setting up traps along the way). He's got super high snowball potential, can completely shut down loops that most killers can do nothing against, and has the potential to end chases in less than a single loop if he corrals the survivor correctly.

    Trapper is super dangerous in the right hands, but many of the problems that M1 killers have are exacerbated by his need to spend time setting up traps. He's a killer that can clutch a game in just a few moments, and he really only struggles on the maps that every other killer already struggles on.

    Overrated - Spirit

    Spirit was pretty good for a "turn your brain off and win" playstyle until the most recent nerf. Now, her main strength of doing """mindgames""" is completely gone. Since survivors have pretty good information on what the Spirit player is doing, they can give her a lot of trouble in chase and strong pallets. Pallets that other killers can still get hits on after it's dropped. I don't think she's an S tier killer, she's closer to mid or low A in my eyes. But that might just because I'm not good with her and I don't play against her often.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,248

    She's still S tier with the right addons. Mother Daughter Ring with maybe Dried Cherry Blossom. You're so fast that even good survivors won't be able to react if you're good.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    ah, fair enough man. I usually forget about how big of a benefit add-ons can be. I'm the kind of guy that hoards hundreds of health potions and never uses them, so I don't like using add-ons too much.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Underrated is Pinhead. I think there is about 1/2 other killers that are underrated but Pinhead is my choice.

    Overrated is tricky. I'm not sure where everyone places each killer to say who is and isn't overrated. If I'm going off the most recent tier lists video I watched (Otzs) I'd say Twins is overrated. Just think survivors have too many counters to her.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    Underrated: Clown. Clown's actually pretty oppressive in chase.

    Overrated: Sadako and Slinger are both a lot weaker than they seem from a survivor point of view.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Pinhead or Clown

    Oni - Overrated as has lots of counter play and quite survivor dependant.

  • IoSoD
    IoSoD Member Posts: 2

    Overrated - Onryo, Hag,

    Onryo - probably bottom C tier or lower. Zero chase potential, literal M1 killer. Stealth part is also unremarkable. TV teleportation is basically her only real power (condemned is a joke, seriously). However, good survivors literally can get rid of her teleportation power in a goddamn minute. This killer is just a bad joke from developers until she recieves a huge, huge baff to condemned status and/or video tape mechanics.

    Hag - this killer is actually strong, if we dont take flashlight squads into account. However, she is insanely, outstandingly, unbelievably boring to play against. It is a killer that no sane person likes to play against, and for all the wrong reasons. Silent teleport hag is even moreso boring, which is already mind numbing.

    Underrated - Leatherface, Plague

    Leatherface is despised because his chainsaw power is usually used for... Unsightly purposes. However, his chase potential with right addons on most maps is insane, if you master the killer. Stable 3-4k against most SFWs without camping/tunelling.

    Plague has got some recognition recently, but I havent seen good plague in a while. Probably because her whispers in corrupt purge state are simply too irritating to main her. But her power is nuts if you know how to play her, and it actually creates a difficult decision making for survivors.