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Can Behaviour get Stranger Things license back?

Member Posts: 15
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

Stranger Things being included in Dead by Daylight was so unique and fun! With the fourth season of Stranger Things coming out it would be fantastic if Netflix and Behaviour Interactive were able to come together again. I'd like if there was a question on the satisfaction survey that asked about Stranger Things or if Behaviour hosted a petition to get Netflix to consider bringing it back.

Post edited by KYLEisaGOD75 on

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  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Everything is possible but maybe Netflix wants way more cash that BHV don't want to give (not worth for them) to restore the license again or just Netflix don't want for some reason restore it at all.

    Or maybe some third option IDK.

    Anyway... Probably not gona happen sadly.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    They probably could I mean every thing has a price but the real question is do they want to? Netflix pulled a major d move in getting their license back because they wanted to make a game and feared having stranger things in another game would hurt the sales. Would you want to work with them again? I wouldn't but that sadly means we are losing out on a bunch of cool licenses

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It's unlikely.

    I was pretty disappointed in Demogorgon so idk if I want it back

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    PlsNo. Hawkins was a terrible map and needs to stay gone.

  • Member Posts: 308

    I am actually very curious to hear your opinion on what they should've done with Demo doggy? How would you have made him? I like the portal idea tbh.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Call me an idealist but I would love for the appreciation of Stranger Things by (hopefully) a majority of DBD players to supersede the monetary concerns. Besides, if they are advertising their fourth season why not promote it further with a collaboration? I feel like that could solve problems on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I cant claim to have all the answers behind why the license was terminated but the benefits they could reap from eachother seems worth reconsidering the break. With a creation such as Stranger Things I'm happily surprised they ever managed to pair with DBD.

  • Member Posts: 79

    In the wise words of the Million Dollar Man; "Everyone's got a price". I can definitely see it returning eventually when Netflix's game streaming service flops.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I mean how long did it take to get some decent reworks for killers? I think pursuing a license would only open the possibility for improvements down the line. I'd rather leave room for improvement or even possibly a new killer (who knows?) than to shut it all down.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Maps can be reworked as we've seen...I'm interested in what other maps could be introduced. Either way, at the least, seems like it'd be worth pursuing.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    iirc BHVR's Twitter said to give feedback to Netflix about Stranger Thing's inclusion.

    So uh, this was pretty much out of BHVR's power. It might've been a part of the contract or just a more unique circumstance. Makes me wonder if every IP in Dbd can just be pulled like that per request.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    They already said that they can still make balance changes for him and his perks.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I like Steve and Nancy.

    But Demogorgon was shafted when it came to his design. He's extremely bland and he could've been so much more.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2022

    It wasn't pulled, the contract just ran out. When licensing deals such as this are conducted, they usually last 2-3 years and after those 2-3 years are up, the license holder has the option to re-new it or just back out, and Netflix chose to back out instead of re-new. The reason why they refused to re-sign was due to the fact they are creating their own streaming service for games, the Stranger Things game was pulled off Steam aswell. So yes, any license can end up like Stranger Things did if the companies that own them refuse to resign the deal but I doubt we'll see anything like it again unless new problems like the Netflix thing arise, but even then it takes a lot for a company to back out of a deal like this as Freddy survived the legal troubles that occurred a couple years ago and Leatherface survived the unfriendly relationship BHVR had with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre holders for a while.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Some of the licenses havent been touched in like years it's almost like they experienced the same fate. I guess I'm in the right place to give some feedback after the fact. Itd be great if Behaviour invested even more time in some licenses.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I would've made him very different.

    Make the Upside-Down like Freddy's Dream World. Demogorgon can still interact with Survivors in the Right-Side Up, but he can chose to pull Survivors into the Upside-Down where he will be unable to interact with them until he also goes into the Upside-Down. In the Upside-Down, Survivors suffer from a moderate (5-10%) action speed penalty and are periodically revealed by Killer Instinct. There are two large Rifts in the map that act as Gateways between the Right-Side Up and Upside-Down. Survivors can use these to escape from the Upside-Down, they can also use Demogorgon's own Portals as an escape OR can have another Survivor let them out by standing in the same spot and performing an action. While the Demogorgon is in the Upside-Down, he is Undetectable.

    The Portals act as corruptions in the Entity's Realm, some other entity is seeping power into the map. These Portals expand over time and corrupt the surrounding parts of the map up to X meters.

    Once per game, the Demogorgon can send a generator to the Upside-Down. It will cease to exist in the Right-Side Up and can only be completed in the Upside-Down, but if it is, it opens a Portal to the Right-Side Up.

    You can still use Portals to teleport or you can choose to head to the Upside-Down. Debating on nerfing Shred or just nixing it.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    In terms of companies, absolutely an idealist. Both parties have to be willing to negotiate terms, go over contracts with lawyers and pay their legal fees, then one party needs to pay the other a flat fee for the IP + royalties for every sale (in this case BHVR paying Netflix). If Netflix or BHVR both aren't willing to negotiate, or if they can't agree on a contract, or if Netflix is charging too much money and BHVR simply cannot afford their rates anymore, then it's highly unlikely.

    Most Netflix collaborations are limited time, like Stranger Things in Smite or Fortnite. It's highly likely Netflix wanted to up the price or just pull it no matter what, which very likely soured feelings between the companies (Côté is the one that does the talking to other companies for DBD iirc) and makes a further negotiation even more unlikely.

    Everyone has a price, it's true, but not everyone can afford this price. And moral values mean nothing when you're a company that has to please the shareholders.

  • Member Posts: 308

    That sounds freaking awesome! I have to admit though... Just reading that amount of passion put into a single Killer.

    That mind set does not = BHVR...xD

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    There was so much cool stuff they could have done with Demo and I was disappointed in the final design.

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