Grades wont be shown in post-match screen anymore

yes, if it doesn't matter it should not be shown imo
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I always thought what was the point in showing it, match makings aren't decided by that.
good they took it out
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Maybe now people will stop needlessly complaining about getting matched against 4 iri grade survivors as a silver grade killer.
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if you are a silver killer you basically red anyway.
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That's true, my grade ranking has taken a HUGE dive since SBMM. The matches I play are simply too short to get anything done really. Either all gens are done in 4-5 minutes or all the survivors are dead in 4-5 minutes and nobody ever really gets any points. Especially since I mainly play instadown killers who don't get any emblems to begin with.
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If we are getting rid of them, can we get the player portraits instead? I'd love to quickly see "alright Nea got the highest points on her team, that makes sense i saw her in a lot of chases" vs "Hex: Moaning into Mic" got highest points...i don't remember who that was...dang
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This is a change that I approve of, certainly. I'm definitely also going to echo that I'd like to see them replaced with the character portraits, I think that's the most appropriate replacement.
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honestly don't feel its neccessary to remove grades from post match. It only shows you how much others have played the game this month, a lot like steam profiles. Next step is to make people unable to look up your steam profile and see your 12000 hours in DBD?
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Neither are truly necessary and only lead to false accusations.
(To be honest i liked checking the survivor profiles for swf, even when i don't really care, as it gave me something to do while waiting for the minute in the lobby since always one of them didn't ready up, last second switch or not)
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A lot of players still think grades a part of MMR so removing them is the right choice
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Inform their playerbase. Not our or BHVR the majority of people are idiots. Again these ppl could just click their steam profile and see if they were a devoted dbd player or a new player. But then again I met quite a lot of ppl with thousands of hours that play like they just bought the game.
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Wonderful. If they would actually change something that has an impact like removing depipping, instead of something they are tired of reading. Why not give everyone an instant win button if we are at it? People are going to grumble about losing so we can solve that issue too!
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The devs said that several times that grades don’t effect matchmaking.