Swf why is a problem?

For me swf is a problem when the team can chat together during the game, if they can't chat in game it's ok for me just in the lobby, but when they chat in game they are too advantage of the game, one can said the killer is here or he follow me, do the gen, he left me, chat ok but in match not ok
I mean sure but your team is only as good as the weak link. I know that if the killer picks me as long as they decide to chase me I can make it 3-4 gens if not 5. If they go for one of my friends she is going down in 5 seconds. She is not able to loop to save her life (literally in game). It all depends really. I am more interested in my friends telling me they dropped a pallet then them telling me where to killer is because when I run to a tile thinking it would have a pallet to play with and doesn't that gets me killed more.
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But it remains an unfair advantage for the killer, or at least he should be able to listen to what you say or have a small advantage when it is a team (2-4 SWF)
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No sorry but they should not be given more info than they have and as swfs are not talking in game they can't force the other players to let the killer in to listen and know everything. Sorry but swfs have an advantage if you can't deal with it don't play killer.
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This has been discussed many many times, with all sorts of potential changes given.
With more than half of all survs in at least a two-man SWF, it is too much of the playerbase to eliminate SWF. The devs have said many times using comms is not cheating, even encouraging it with their own dedicated Discord area. They have also resisted splitting up the queues, and debuffing groups with things like penalties to repair or heal etc, or even warning killers they're about to face a SWF.
What the devs have been doing in recent months is bit by bit giving solo survs access to more information and possible coordination, with the ultimate goal of it not mattering if they're on comms or not. Whether this is the best approach, or even possible at all, is hotly debated.
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I was in a swf and one night discord was down. It obviously made a difference but it was still hilarious playing the game the way it was intended. I was running a meme build of head on+q&q. Even without headsets we managed to run the killer past the locker I was in for a stun lol
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So you don't need to chat ok swf but not ok for chat
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want an interesting idea for nerfing swf teams? if you play swf you CAN'T equip the same perk for everyone (meaning that a full swf will have only 1 ds, 1dh, 1ub, 1ad, 1 CoH, etc etc)
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They will still know what each has and take roles accordingly. It would help a bit but not much.
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Ehat i fear even more is that this approach is done with the same glacial paced mindset as for example the separate Mori/key changes and the long time between them.
If the devs make the same approach here and are successful in elevating solo to swf level without further buffing the latter but then take the same long time to balance killer accordingly because they "have to see how this influences things" for months then i see the game really dying with the killer population feeling even more left in the dirt and quitting.
But i myself are just a spectator now, interested in seeing if bhvr learns from their mistakes or not. But i don't have high hopes.
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Especially you dont even know if they chat ingame or not, or if they just talk about random things like most SWF do.
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SWF by itself is not a problem
SWF with 3rd party communication software like Discord is a problem
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Another issue is that the killer gets nothing to compensate for the communication that survivors have. Sure, some swf may not be on comms. We have to assume they are and plan accordingly.
Perks like knockout are negated by swf. "I am down by the killer shack come get me." That's an advantage. "My gen is at 90 get to an exit gate." Etc...
The killer player is just expected to deal with it and git gud. Swf (especially with comms) is an advantage.
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well when all killer stop playing we wont have to worry about swf because there be no game.
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You see, that's where you're wrong. The killer bots are just around the corner to fill the queues
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sure that will kill the game fast survivor will have no fun no one to bully
can't bully a bot.
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The survivors that smash gens as hard as possible and hold W at the slightest heartbeat won't care. There's plenty like that
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Yes, you are right.
But we all already know this.
That is the reason SWF has a big advantage. But this will not change in the near future or at all.