WOWZERS! Some People Still Surprise Me.

G'Day Everyone,
Hope we are all well and most importantly safe. I had an interesting game on stream that I'd like to share with you all. I was using Sadako at Lerys and kept them at 5 Gens (I'm still surprised I managed that best game I've ever played I think lol) Didn't Tunnel, Didn't Camp as I hate that playstyle I like to play a game the way I myself would like to be treated.
We get to death hook stage to which I had 3 DC'S and only one who accepted death hook. Now end game chat we get to the spice on my Killer Hook I have 2 Sadako Charms and Pride Charm, A individual take its upon themselves to say the following.
I noticed you had a Pride Charm just wanted to know if your Trans or Gay. Either way your parents don't love you.
Now why I bring this up I can handle trash talk but this is absolute appalling behavior! I reported the individual on both Steam and via In game, Please don't be like this person games are meant to be enjoyable and fun for goodness sake. We make mistakes and get frustrated yes that's normal hell I'm guilty of that lol. But I never take it out on others at the end of the day I guess I'm trying to say is think before you act, Your words and actions have meaning if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.
Stay safe everyone and have fun
I'll see you all out in the fog.
Why don’t you camp or tunnel? Do you like losing?
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Just the way I like to play, I like the challenge of playing a certain way it feels much more rewarding to me personally.
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Another reason you don't want an end game chat - noone will get offended by anything, which is a frequent occasion these days.
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I guess that's an option that could be discussed by the DEVS. Individuals just need to accept that you win some you lose some. That's life for you unfortunately. But I hope the post can bring light to unnecessary behavior not only in DBD but all games
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"Still" - like humanity changed for the better at one point.
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That is an option for anyone, except for console players -- they do not have any chat at all and its all good, everyone else can just turn the chat off and not deal with... people.
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Exactly very true. I personally love engaging with people I call out good plays and whenever I came across good teams or amazing survivors I call it how it is. Firm believer in positivity whether win or lose you always learn and grow.
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Well, yeah, me too. I keep negativity to myself or express is a subtle way. But, I do not think we should expect a lot of people, so...
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True buddy. I guess we can call out bad behavior and discuss it in a constructive way as we are doing.
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People who say things like that tend to be sad people who are too toxic to have real friends. Usually, their circle of 'friends' is a group of toxic people who always try to hurt the others in the group so they can feel better about their bitter, empty lives.
Since they tend to be the ragdoll of their 'friend' group; they take their vile personalities online, where no one can easily punish them for the sewage that dribbles from their mouths.
And for bonus irony: They are usually the ones who believe 'It's not my fault if you get offended' when they say offensive things or 'Everyone is a snowflake' if they get punished for their very anti-social behavior.
They frequently demand that people should be allowed to say anything they want with no fear of reprisal, as they are very much aware that they are horrible people who would get punished by anyone with a shred of decency.
The best thing to do is just laugh it off and walk away. When they don't get the outrage of offended reactions they desperately crave; they just get more angry as the gnawing void of their lives becomes louder. 😁
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Yeah just report it and move on I guess. Don't want the post to come across like I'm complaining. Just want to shed light and call out these individuals. I can handle the spice if it's directed at me but don't go after someone just because of a charm or if they identify a certain way.
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Offense can only be taken, to be honest, however, you are not far off the mark, I have had to reform myself as I was too vulgar to survivor mains. I hurt them and take full responsibility for my harsh words. They are good at the video game, my mistake.
As you can see, people like me can learn! We can grow! We can change! I love survivors, and I never would have come to realize this if I was not punished for my thought crimes.
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What an odd question. Why do you assume that every killer who doesn’t camp and tunnel loses?
Some of us like the challenge and still get wins.
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Kudos to you for playing like you normally do and not letting their words get to you.
I think this game tends to bring out the worst in people sometimes and unfortunately I don’t see it changing any time soon. There is toxicity surrounding this game, and it’s almost become part of its identity.