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General Discussions

WOWZERS! Some People Still Surprise Me.

G'Day Everyone,

Hope we are all well and most importantly safe. I had an interesting game on stream that I'd like to share with you all. I was using Sadako at Lerys and kept them at 5 Gens (I'm still surprised I managed that best game I've ever played I think lol) Didn't Tunnel, Didn't Camp as I hate that playstyle I like to play a game the way I myself would like to be treated.

We get to death hook stage to which I had 3 DC'S and only one who accepted death hook. Now end game chat we get to the spice on my Killer Hook I have 2 Sadako Charms and Pride Charm, A individual take its upon themselves to say the following.

I noticed you had a Pride Charm just wanted to know if your Trans or Gay. Either way your parents don't love you.

Now why I bring this up I can handle trash talk but this is absolute appalling behavior! I reported the individual on both Steam and via In game, Please don't be like this person games are meant to be enjoyable and fun for goodness sake. We make mistakes and get frustrated yes that's normal hell I'm guilty of that lol. But I never take it out on others at the end of the day I guess I'm trying to say is think before you act, Your words and actions have meaning if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.

Stay safe everyone and have fun

I'll see you all out in the fog.

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