How often do you find cheaters/hackers?

I have 300 hours in dbd and never went into a game with a hacker or cheater as a killer and survivor.


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    The amount of hours means little unfortunately just means you may not be as observant as you think as there is subtle hacks and obvious ones. The only time i ever ran into ones that i was aware of were where killers using teleport insta down hacks the match even started with me and my friends all in the dying state. it was reported just dont know if it was ever addressed

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I had one game with a bill who use unbreakable multiple times, instantly healed, forever Head-oned, and then my game crashed.

    that was my one and only experience with hackers.

    edit: wait, there was one game with flying, screaming survivors.

    both were 6 months ago.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Last hacker I had was a guy using infinite firecrackers and using hacked for the people was confused but then I got moried by the killer so I didn't feel guilty

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    So far I've only encountered one obvious hacker (huntress with no lullaby, no terror radius, no red stain, no chase theme and no wind up noise) but maybe I've had to deal with some subtle hackers and just didn't notice it

  • MrHashtagYT
    MrHashtagYT Member Posts: 88

    You are probably right maybe survivors I have downed revived themselves without me knowing but when I go against killers they seem pretty normal to me, and when I mean against I mean like being chased by killers

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2022

    Does Nemesis have an addon that reveals the aura of all survivors when any one survivor cures their infection with a syringe?


    I was crouching behind some objects and avoiding a Nemesis pretty well for a good while (3 pebbles-worth of Diversion in-a-row).

    He finally left and was about 3 tiles away (I could still see him with the 3rd person camera). Yet, as soon as Bill cured his infection with a syringe (not near me in my corner of the map), the Nemesis suddenly turns around and looks directly at my hiding spot and bee-lines to me, never looking away, even though he cannot possibly see my model through the cover. I had no idle crows either.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Alot. And by alot I dont mean every day but its alot as in it's too often.

    The issue is alot of players cant tell someone is cheating simply because they're doing it subtle. I can tell you numerous times iv ran into a survivor using more than 4 perks, a quick example is an experienced player (like myself) can identify when someone is using resilience, spinechill for faster vaults so if that person doesn't have those perks it's a giveaway while a lesser experienced player wouldn't clock it.

    If you're on about the obvious hackers then about 10days ago (the last time I played)

    Versing hackers has so many variables and its mostly random who sees them. You may never see them but someone else could see 1 or more weekly.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I'm at 1500 hours and I've had two games where I can say someone was definitely hacking. The first game was on Midwitch with 2 blatant hackers who were constantly hooking themselves and stunning the killer. In the other game the survivor we left on second phase hook somehow escaped. When I play killer I sometimes feel as though survivors are using subtle speed hacks but I'm not really experienced enough with killer to say for certain.

    Here's a pro tip for all of you killers out there who find hackers in your game - Don't kill the only survivors doing gens.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    I maybe seen a subtle cheater yesterday playing mikaela, she blessed a totem and it was a healing, speed boost, recover from dying and shadowstep at same time.

  • BooomTetris
    BooomTetris Member Posts: 58

    There are not only Hackers and subtle Hackers. There are also "legit" Players, but their Accounts look like this:

    This is from someone who is streaming atm. 1200 of every offering, every Item, every add-on...on every Survivor (Prestige 3 btw)

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558
  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah I see that all the time. Everything unlocked with 999+ items and prestige 3, all perks, quite few streamer with that setup

  • BooomTetris
    BooomTetris Member Posts: 58

    That's was mine 10th report within 6weeks (everybody got banned), and that's only the Streamer who doesn't delete their VODs. Not everybody is streaming. If some of these people like to play on a Farm map, theoretically they can play this map 30K+ in a row. Last week I maxed out Nurse: I got 5 Sacrificial Wards.....for like 10 million BP

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Overt, blatant hackers? I've seen about a dozen in 700 hours.

    Subtle hackers I suspected? Maybe 1 in every 10 or so games.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    I recently came back from a break and began recording every match, and wow, I have noticed some things.

    instant, endless sabo being one. Had a Jane sabo a hook and within 10 seconds inst-sabo anotheer in front of me as I carried from one to the other.

    Subtle cheating is probably more than the blatant ones.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    On a tangent there was a report this week of a very large ban wave. No idea how many people it hit or what impact it had on subtle cheaters but it apparently had something to do with improved cheat detection. If so, great! Fewer cheaters the better.

    As far as my own experience, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blatant hacker doing obviously impossible things. Once in a while I see something a little fishy, like a survivor I can’t seem to catch up to in a straight line when I play a slower killer or a survivor who gets up suspiciously fast multiple times from a down, but it’s kind of impossible to tell for sure when something like that is actual hacks or just my imagination. 🤷‍♂️

  • Rooftopper
    Rooftopper Member Posts: 141

    im not a streamer, so once a month at most

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited April 2022

    Subtle ones are more common than you think. I went vs. a yui earlier and had no idea she was hacking until the endgame and she had permanent sprint burst. And she didn't even have to show me that, if she hadn't been showing off I'd never have known.

  • GrafSchalke
    GrafSchalke Member Posts: 29

    ~ 5% of my matches have a cheater.

    80% of all matches if you include VPN killers (which i do consider being cheaters, since they have an unfair advantage of usually 2-3 meters, sometimes more than 5 meters)

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    More then it used to be but it isn't as bad as it was like 1.5 months ago. I hope BHVR will improve the report system and invest more money into a better anti cheat.