how come no one plays hag?

i kinda forgot she existed till i browsing killers to see which one i wanted to add to my roster.

I didnt think i would find her playstyle to my speed but shes quite intuitive.

unless matchmaking is pairingf me up with potatoes with her, she has been the most oppressive killer so far. my other games, i dont start feeling the power till 3 or 4 gens are done. with her its at 0-1 generally. and boy is it fun to set up big chains of hexes.

i can see where her chase power isnt great so proper planning of hexes seems extremely important but if done right and they are so hard to see it can help you have rather large presence.

I can see COH being a massive problem though.



  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471

    She's grown on me a little after using her for more than the odd game today.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094

    Personally, i always found her rather dull to play as.

  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    My main! <3 <3

    Yes! we need more Hag lovers in here! People don't like her for the same reason they don't like going against nurses...she's strong (not S tier but she is high A). People don't like her because there's no chasing with hag, which is what a lot of survivors like. But playing AS her is a different story, because arguably you need good map sense and killer intuition as well as strategy to decide how to use your resources effectively and when not to teleport when your traps are being harassed.

    She has plenty of counters, and going against a coordinated team who knows how to go against a hag is rough. But she's a strong killer and is definitely fun to play!

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    very very fun. ill need practice on best placements for surv paths but she can be all over the place with good set ups im finding. its been probably 50 plus surv games since ive seen someone use her sadly.

  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    oh yeah I rarely ever see honestly, so from survivor POV i have no idea how effective some of her addons are, like disfigured ear and grandma's hear (which i feel should get reworked bc they do nothing).

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471

    It could be it's rather disorienting teleporting when you start out.

    Not used to being short either.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    Obviously she was one of my starters a long time ago to get ruin in the time when good skill checks made the generator explode.

    What I didn't like about her (and I maintain the same opinion until today) is that she is either very strong or very weak, with a boring game play.

    I'll explain better: Freddy, Hag, Trapper (i'm not counting with PiG because her traps are not allocated on the map. Same for Nemesis bc his power ir more than just zombies). These three are the triad of killers who constantly set traps on the map as a way to be omnipresent in the game.

    The problem with these killers are they need to have some form of counterplay by the survivors, otherwise it's the same thing as summoning multiple killer entities across the map.

    And the Hag is the most dependent on traps to teleport and injurie survivors, and with little chase potential, since she is slow. Thus, traps have very little counterplay by survivors because it is only deactivated with a flashlight (crouching is not a counterplay, because you don't deactivate it).

    Scenario 1 - Solo/Disordered Survivors: Freak show because the amount of traps she sets is huge, a complete spider web negating an entire part of the map, with practically no effective counterplay (no crystal ball to know who will be the killer and bring flashlight)

    Scenario 2 - survivors with communication: Walk-simulator, since you will play only walking around the map, giving tp and having the traps constantly activated when you are focused on a chase with someone already injured or carrying someone.

    In both scenarios, you have serious killer design issues.


    Hag needs more tools that make playing with her more fun in chases and not relying on traps that only serve to teleport across the map. At same time, survivors need more tools to disable traps, which can also be reworked to be more deadly and more useful than just teleporting (create new debuff stats "bewitched", which slow the survivor, prevent them from vault windows, for example, and will help against the survivor you are targeting while in chase).

    my opinion/view.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I am thankful she is not more popular. It feels so gross to play her, especially against noob survivors.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    She gets such a bad rep so I don't play her. I think I have been conditioned to play Killers that often get's praise

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    Honestly I'm glad she isn't played more, because I always get teammates who don't understand how to play around her traps and throw the game.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I just play whatever killer I have a mission for each night, but I like Hag well enough. 🤷‍♂️

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,228

    Hag is absolutely miserable to go against. I'm glad no one plays her.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    She has a very specific playstyle that is different from pretty much every other killer. She's less focused on chases and more on planning ahead and controlling a part of the map. This playstyle just isn't for everyone.

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Excactly that...

    Sometimes it feels like if you see more as 3 gens, you play her wrong 😕

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited April 2022

    Shes just kind of boring, all you do is plan out spots to place traps and wait for survivors to run into them and maybe occasionally try to engineer a situation to make a survivor run towards them. Then once you down a survivor, you hook them in the middle of all your traps and now you camp that survivor and your 3 gen and its nearly impossible for survivors to stop you from camping by pressuring gens because their escape routes and saftey are all invalidated by your traps and they cant safely unhook either because of your traps they either have to apporach the hook incredible slowly at which point youll likely intercept htem while you patrol the hook or they rush in and you teleport back and end up trading.

    Slap on NWO, NOED, Corrupt, and one free choice, and by the time survivors even manage to slowly and painfully grind through your defensive playstyle and they get hit with a 60 second gate blocker and incredible lethality that will often net you 1 extra kill but often times more with basically nothing the survivors can do about it except get lucky and find the NOED quickly, by which point they've almost certainly lost at least 1 survivor but there's a good chance 2 will be dead.

    Her entire kit is built around a defensive playstyle and that naturally synergies with camping it out during the early to mid game and cleaning up with some strong late game perks, but thats just kinda boring.

    When I play hag my brain turns off, I bind teleport to mouse wheel and just walk at the first 3 gen I see, trap up the loops and push someone towards it, get my first down. Hook someone right in the middle of it and just patrol, anytime a trap triggers I instant teleport from scrolling the mwheel and will get a hit most of the time, then I just redraw the trap and go back to my patrol. You only take hits that survivors give you. You never chase them, you never outsmart them. You trap up areas you know they will go, and just wait and patrol while only ever using yourself as a threat to someone doing your 3 gen, going for your hook, or steps on your trap.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    Most people don't play Hag because her power is primarily designed for camping. Chasing survivors in a 1V1 style is a very bad way to play her. She can be played in a "Hit and run" style, but even that is not that strong. So to use her effectively you get a down, and camp the hook. Not facecamp, but rather leave attempting to get hits, but always returning for when they trigger trap.

    This sort of style is frowned upon and is extremely frustrating to go against, and some killers (not all) but some don't respect this style of playing DBD. This is why she is less common.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    She's easily countered by coordinated teams, so there go the hardcore players.

    She's very simple to use - M1s only, so there go your core players.

    She's hard countered by the current healing meta, so there go the informed players.

    She lacks charisma and she can sport poor performance in chases while being item dependent, so there go the niche players.

    She has weak lore and is a big mud woman, so there go the character fans.

    And to top it off, she's DLC that's all Hex totems - which are countered by the current meta - paired with Ace who has very bad perks, so there go the new players.

    I'm not sure what demographic is going to pick her up and play her these days.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    looking at dollmaster's design in vhs, that what hag should have been tbh but it's too late for that now. she could have had more potential to be a fun killer.

    dollmaster can set dolls around the map that he controls for a limited time and can switch between them with a short cooldown (ridiculous map pressure) plus they also work as an alarm of nearby survivors and survivors can disable his dolls (giving them decent counterplay) and he can get them back with successful hits, he's basically twins and hag combined but instead we got a slow killer that camps and never chases.