This game is dying?

I a little worry about numbers on steam charts, this game still lose players every month? Why? BHVR do you can explain that? A lot of people doesnt matter about that, but, other people like me, be worry, because i love this game, what’s happening?
The game saw a gigantic spike in players during the Resident Evil chapter, leading to an all-time-high of players that slowly started to trickle away because a lot of the time people just don't really stick with new games for all that long.
If you're worried about the game's overall health, you'd have to check the numbers from the last 30 days compared to the same time last year, not only six months ago. That's a better indication of how the game's doing, since those numbers would go far enough back not to be affected by the Resident Evil chapter.
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Game player counts are cyclic always for lots of reasons.
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Yep, been dying for the last 5 years. Medical technology has really advanced.
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I'm surprised to see it's still going down slowly. I was kind of expecting it to stabilize.
Between the cheaters, the MMR issues*, and the imbalance, the game can be hard to love.
*) Today I got beginners in almost all my games >_>.
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Say it with me here.....Steam. Is. Not. The. Only. Platform. Plus it will pick up when new DLC releases like always.
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Again, soon will stay anyone in this game? still every month people saying goodbye, and BHVR still silent.
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July 2021 was the Resident Evil chapter, which is why that number is so high, and game player counts tend to be cyclical in that they gain and lose players regularly anyway. For a better idea of how the game is doing, you'd want to check for something like March 2021, a year ago. If that number is significantly higher than the numbers for March 2022, that's more of a reason to worry.
For the record, I haven't checked, so maybe that number is higher and there is cause to worry. If that is the case, though, you're not going to see it on this cropped image because the dates don't go back far enough.
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The average number are the same number with a March 2020, 2 years ago. so...
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I'm no expert, but I feel like having a stable playercount average over two years is a pretty good sign? If nothing else, it's completely neutral, it's certainly not evidence that the game is dying.
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Ok, but, still stable for 2 years, after a lot of update, content, graphics and other things, you just still be the same? its not a huge pround
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Its not dying but it is bleeding.
So Its slowly going down but can theoretically be fixed.
Also for those who say "Its only steam" just remember that when one platform is having trouble its usually an indicator that either something is wrong with the platform or the game itself.
As problems with the game itself effects all platforms and PC isn't having platform related issues(Unlike consoles with historically poor optimization and performance).
So the PC numbers probably reflect falling overall numbers but given the small % loss its probably not effecting consoles much just like its not effective PC much.
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I mean, higher numbers would be nice, but stable is what you should be shooting for. You want enough players to fill the matchmaker, and DBD is still comfortably in that range.
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dw they just went to play hokey so they can be better at the game
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Dying? Probably not. Hemorrhaging players? Absolutely. Game has been pretty consistently growing since 2017, with the decline of the past 9 months being unprecedented in the game's history
There's no proof (or seemingly any good reason) that the numbers from other platforms would be varying greatly from the steam numbers. Everyone used to point to steam charts as signs that the game was growing whenever it would hit a peak
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Don't worry. Game isn't dying. Everyone on steam is moving to Epic launcher so the actual player count is actually higher than ever.
Source: You know.
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There was a recent article about how there are two million daily logins into DBD between all the platforms. Over fifty million total users.
On steam the numbers are reducing. But as others mentioned, its really just reducing from a recent all time high.
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Always has been.
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2 killers are viable, the maps are balanced terribly in favor of survivors, and swf is busted. MMR blows and makes everyone sweat there @ss off.
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I don't know if it's dying, but it dying to me.
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It's the only info we have.
All you're doing is telling us to not think logically and simply assume the game is fine elsewhere, despite the fact that the game performs significantly WORSE performance-wise on consoles
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Which isn't exactly good.
DBD has managed to keep ZERO players from Resident Evil, The Ring and Hellraiser, all very important licenses.
That's terrible.
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The numbers are fine. APvP games are niche as hell anyway, and it's astonishing how much of a cultural touchstone DbD has become.
That said:
This is the first year though that has seen a return to the numbers of last year, suggesting that DbD might just have peaked.
This anniversary is going to be telling.
It's really tricky. I'd say that numbers have certainly stagnated. Was last year a fluke of RE, anniversary and lockdown? Has DbD just peaked?
Again, this anniversary will probably be the best test.
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You also know that this game may not be for everyone right? Mechanically it is a different kind of game. Elden Ring is dropping numbers also but that don't mean it is still not played by a lot of people!
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Elden Ring is essentially a single player game though.
Ockham's Razor this one. Why wouldn't other platforms have seen a similar falloff to Steam?
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Elden Ring isn't a live service game.
It really seems like you're grasping at straws.
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I mean a lot of people have school, work and families. This isn't Summer vacation. Alot of people just don't have time to play as much.
Pandemic is ending. It's not like when the entire planet took weeks off to do nothing but sit home and game.
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too many hackers, will die soon I think
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Too many survivor nerfs, thats why game losing players
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What a surprise, game is losing players since matchmaking implementation
Yet bhvr dont want to remove it to get back to the old system. Yes, because sbmm is such a good idea and could never lead to sweater matches all over the ladder :)
I truly hope people dont come back for 6th anniversary, maybe bhvr will stop being stubborn about a thung they don't understand
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watching dev play dbd is alot more entertaining
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It's been for 6 years. True story.
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Considering that DBD lives rent free even in the minds of those who wish it was actually dead, it is far from dead.
The fact that people still after they have demonstrated that they do not like nor they are happy with the game do not move on to something else and reside like a tick on a dog speaks for itself.
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The moment something lives, It is dying.
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I came to the point where all my characters are P3 level 50, All the tomes are finished
What I could do is unlocking all the perks on all characters, but I am not sure if it is really fun...
Which means I have nothing to win when I play, I must wait for new content to have fun since getting stuff is already too easy
I do not see the point of playing, even alone if I can't get any reward for putting time in the game. It doesn't mean I can't have fun in the game, it's just frustrating at the end.
Maybe they'll find something to do because ngl, it's getting (a bit [lmao]) boring
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You really think the Resident Evil chapter created that much of a high, that losing thousands of players every month over the course of the next year is simply returning the playerbase to normal numbers?
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I do think so
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The last time the numbers were that low was around February 2020. It's not just RE fans leaving.
However, we know they've massively banned some cheaters and it may account for some of this.
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....Yes? You can see that on the image in this thread?
It's also worth remembering that playercounts go up and down for online games pretty regularly, so some loss is expected even without a huge influx of players.
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Concern troll.
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"This game is dying?"
It always is and always shall be.
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Yep it should be remembered that Steam is the largest/most successful PC platform by a long way. Also worth considering that DLC's did bump the player numbers upon release and while they still do, the bump is marginal at best and doesn't take away from the overall trend of people leaving the game.
Either way the game is not dead but if something doesn't change it will keep heading down the path to being a dead game. The more this downward trend continues the worse it will get as matches will be harder to find and they will start substituting bots for players just to get a match happening.
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It looks like they're gearing up for something big for the anniversary this year.
On the bright side, if the game continues to shed players for the 2nd quarter of 2022 - Executives are going to make some major pushes, which hopefully will motivate the game into a healthier place.
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So right before all the lockdowns started and people started staying home more.
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But going back to normality shouldn't mean that acquired players would leave too.
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It’s loosing players yes but not dying they seem to be making good changes that could start to turn it around.