Go Home SBMM: You're Drunk.

Playing a bit of survivor. Got paired with a 1300 hour player, a few 700-ish hour players and...what felt like an almost completely new killer. Took one pity kill otherwise it would have been an almost flawless 0k.
EDIT: Next match was:
1600 hour survivor
900 hour survivor
13 hour survivor
Me (about a 55 hour survivor)
Killer once again, completely clueless - evidently just experimenting. Perfect 0k, only 1 hook. Cable pulled in frustration (was trying to give a pity kill).
Poor guy. Probably Ringu/Ring fan. Saw Sadako in game. Bought game and dlc. And then faced with exp players.
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Probably a backfill situation.
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SBMM has sucked all of the fun I had out of this game.
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This can happen all the time.
Did a Killer dodge your Lobby before?
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Must have been.
Ranks were way worse.
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This is me all the way right now. Hardcore surv main, over 3k hrs. I *want* to play killer, but everytime I even try I get paired up against survivors wayyyyy above my league. It completely sucks the fun out of the game. I've made do with survivor for 4 years now, but it's starting to get a little stale. BHVR needs to deal with matchmaking before it kills this damn game.
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Yeah something's off this morning.
My second game (the second one I linked) was a fresh lobby.
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1600 hour survivor
900 hour survivor
13 hour survivor
So was the 13 hour survivor in a swf with the others? If so the system just takes the average MMR of the group to find a killer so the killer could end being somewhat low rated.
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I think the 1600 and 900 hour were in a SWF, but not the newbie (arrived separately and didn't appear on friendlists).
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It's either pulling from well beyond the stated 350 max range, or 350 is too wide of a range to pull from. Matches have been mostly awful since they made the changes. Arguably worse.
The major issue for solo survivors hasn't changed. If you're a good player, you'll get one good teammate and one or two absolutely horrendous teammates that make the game unwinnable.
I can't boost my MMR when a teammate with three tier 2 perks lets Pain Resonance/DMS proc 4(!) times in a single match and gets found injured out in the open near a hooked player twice. That's an unwinnable game.
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That poor baby Mikey. Distressing on a scratched mirror build.
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I've played today to see how the MMR changes felt and it feels absolutely no different. Still getting matched with bad teammates and sweaty killers. Or situations like your caps above. Absolutely no changes I feel like. What exactly, did they change?
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I like how BHVR completely ignores any threads about MMR that provide visual evidence of it not working.
I guess they only read and remember what suits them.
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Yeah most likely backfill, or they had other Killers with high mmr so the new killer was an average rating.
Honestly think they should just remove the backfill. I don't mind the extra wait, since the backfill system only hurts players by the end of the day.
Killers should have their own MMR, and your first time playing a new killer shouldn't be based off the average of your other Killers.
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According to some people, if you can't run the killer for 5 gens and do all 5 gens for your incompetent teammates and still escape then "you're not as good as you think you are." 🙄But that is true. Those are the types of games I've had as well. The icing game on the cake for me that has made me quit playing for the day was this match against a Bubba and Claudette got hooked in the basement. I waited until I knew for sure he was in chase, no one was going to get her so I go, injured. I have BT. Instead of making it a free escape out of the basement, she goes into a freaking locker, Bubba comes back and I'm screwed because Claudette didn't bother to take the BT hit to get us out of basement. So naturally I go down and hooked, she threw the game.... for one... head on stun.... that failed. He gets her before she even gets to the basement steps and she dcs.
I'm honestly so done playing this game in my free time. I've made up my mind I'm only playing during events and rifts solely for the challenges because I do like this game but the only truly good days I had was during the MMR testings and it's gone and I'm back to just pure unfun matches. And I was very excited about the changes to but it doesn't feel like nothing's changed or it's gotten worse, I can't tell.
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This is exactly what happened with resident evil. The license brought in a massive influx of players, only for those players to be met with some of the worst glitches the game has ever seen. Not to mention the map itself being pulled for over a month certainly didn't win over the new resident evil fans. When you throw in SBMM on top of all of that, it's no wonder that the game hasn't seen a surplus of players ever since.
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That sounds super frustrating and I think it's a huge friction point for many survivors who play solo but try to play smart and optimally.
Your effort in learning the gaming mechanics, game sense, situational awareness, etc, isn't valued or respected at all by SBMM/BHVR. The system throws you in with someone who has no idea what's going on in the match and doesn't seem to care about winning. And that feels absolutely terrible and unfun when you're a player who tries and has their matches constantly sabotaged without a way to do anything about it.
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Apparently they are going to fix the backfill thing eventually.
Yes and no.
Here's the thing. If you can run the killer for 5 gens, that means you are pretty good compared to the killer and thus you are at a lower MMR than you should be. That skill will amount to more wins overall, and your MMR will rise until you can't run the killer like that.
The only major issue is pipping, which - yes - can be very unfair on the survivor end.
It's concerning, but I also see it as a somewhat old game experiencing a sudden rush and then gradually returning to the status quo. All games will eventually peak and begin to decline. We'll see what happens this anniversary.