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What would you change about DBD if you worked at BHVR?



  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I don't know about most of the time, I think the stories being told are often pretty decent, but there are definitely some stinkers out there.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Distortion really does need some love!


    Description: “You prefer to fade into the background, letting the noise of life cover you in the safety of obscurity.”

    Start the trial with 2/4/6 tokens. Gain an additional token each time you are hooked.

    When your aura would otherwise be revealed to the Killer (after all other perks and effects considered) a token is expended to activate this perk.

    For 12 seconds, you and other survivors within 6 meters gain the following effects:

    Aura is concealed from the killer.

    Scratch marks are suppressed.

    While in chase, the killer does not hear the direction of your audio.


  • Member Posts: 50

    Remove bloodpoint cap.

    Make it so you can combine outfits in the Store without purchasing the pieces first. I don't like buying pieces and finding out a second later that they actually don't look that good together and I can't return them lol.

    Prime gaming rewards shall never be a charm by itself, an cosmetic must at least be included with it even if it's like just a Shirt. Imagine buying Amazon Prime to get an awesome DBD outfit only for it to turn out to be just a charm for this month. I think I'd cry.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I honestly can't think of any that I find truly "incredible". They have some that are quite simple and straightforward, yet relatable and nice (Meg, Yui, Claudette, even Dwight), and others that are quite intriguing and involving (Billy, Clown, Spirit, Deathslinger, Blight), but it often feels like they don't really know how to work them without being redundant, exaggerating on points that don't really need to, being plain edgy in ways that break you from the narrative, or just not following a consistent line of thought (like how they did Nurse's tome and how Hag and Wraith's lore sound weird when you compare their tome entries to their original character lore).

    What I notice is that when you simplify any character's story in a sentence, it works fine and good (Ex: Legion - Rebel teens united by their disdain for society turn out to be a dangerous group that commits a series of reckless acts, including murder / Doctor - A sadistic scientist that is backed up by the government goes too far with his researches on the field of pain / Meg - A teenager with lots of energy turns to athletics until her mother falls ill and she has to face situations that are far beyond her capacities / Yun Jin - A self centered music producer that relutanctly discovers the fact that her most prominent associate is involved with sinister habits that are too dangerous to leave unchecked and turning a blind eye could deal more harm than losing all she fought so hard to build), but when they put it in depth it feels either dragging, confusing, senseless or unnecessarily "complex" in spots that don't really need to be.

    I think in the right hands pretty much every story they have been telling so far can be much more than just decent or cool, but to this point I personally haven't felt like they did it to the extent it could be yet.

  • Member Posts: 941

    That would help the game a lot tbh, not a bad idea at all.😂

  • Member Posts: 941

    The grind is definitely something that needs some attention.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Definitely. I'm surprised it hasn't been dealt with already.

  • Member Posts: 349

    Create a Strenght Rating to Perks and Addons.

    Create a Different Gamemode in wich you are paired with People based on what you have equipped (Based on the Overall Strenght)

    Every Free Perkslot gives 50% more Bonus Bp in all categorys at the end of the Game.

    Create a System that detects cheaters, but instead of banning them, they can only be paired with other cheaters. May the best Cheater win (The one who pays more)

    Create a Personal Rating System. So you can give People a rating on how fair and fun you thought the Players are. Based on this System. People have a higher chance to get paired with People closer to their Rating.

    So sweaty or toxic players have a higher chance to go against each other and leave Casual Players like me alone.

  • Member Posts: 793

    I would do a sanity update of the game. Stoping to create any content for the game, and just work on properly re-making the game.

  • Member Posts: 576

    This is the one thing that would make me play this game regularly again. I used to play this game countless hours. The thing that finally pushed me to the point I rarely play anymore is the fact that there are so many little things that need to be fixed. For me the perfect example of this is that after all the time this game has been out you can stop working on a gen, hear the sound for a skill check, and even though that skill check doesn't appear on screen you will "miss it". To a degree things like that may be minor, but there were countless times this alerted a killer to where I was at because I "missed" a skill check that was impossible to hit.

    Having said that I don't expect BHVR to ever do anything about such things. For BHVR this is a business and they are in it to make money. I'm sure it comes down to a cost benefit analysis. They are going to make far more money putting new content out than they are going to lose by the few people like me leaving because of these issues. So in the long run the small issues aren't going to be fixed unless they start causing losses that make a difference to their bottom line. That's honestly not even a criticism. It's how business works. I get it.

  • Member Posts: 4,884

    I'd bring back Old Freddy.

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