Stop asking for shirtless survivors...

It'd be too hard to play with one hand. Plus, SHIRTLESS NEA? We don't need instablind back.


  • Bjorn02
    Bjorn02 Member Posts: 3

    Shirtless nea? lol

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @Bjorn02 said:
    Shirtless nea? lol

    I'm thinking more of a bikini with a tattoo that says "Killer" on her back or leg. Sexiness personified.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    You guys are banana pants 
  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:
    I swear, there's probably some Huntress x Reader comic or something SOMEWHERE on the internet. Not gonna go spelunking in those corners though.

    Y'arr there be monsters.

    I vote for Borat style banana hammocks for all male surivors and killers and animal theme onesies for all female survivors and killers.

  • Bjorn02
    Bjorn02 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018

    @Mringasa said:
    I'm thinking more of a bikini with a tattoo that says "Killer" on her back or leg. Sexiness personified.

    Good idea!

  • nooxet
    nooxet Member Posts: 88

    I'm still waiting for the shirtless Hag :|

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177
    Y y'all so fixated on having naked people running around in a gore game.......... 
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    @ACoolName said:
    Y y'all so fixated on having naked people running around in a gore game.......... 

    The horror films of the 70s, 80s and 90s were always good for some naked flesh. Every slasher flick had to have some overbossomed heroine in it that conveniently took a shower or spent some extra time dressing/undressing for the fans. It was a very common occurence.

  • SkyeLovesCats
    SkyeLovesCats Member Posts: 7

    @guest602 said:
    I want shirtless Myers

    Don't we all?

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i play on a PS4 so it'll be a while before i see any dlc.... BUT i'm certain that my future lobbies are gonna look like closing time at a gay bar.... shirtless davids everywhere....

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @deadwolfwalking said:
    i play on a PS4 so it'll be a while before i see any dlc.... BUT i'm certain that my future lobbies are gonna look like closing time at a gay bar.... shirtless davids everywhere....

    I've seen maybe one shirtless David so far. They made it pretty pricey.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918


  • Glossed
    Glossed Member Posts: 49

    @Jack11803 said:

    Bikini David would be great. Just thinking about david in a bikini makes me laugh.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DepravedKiller said:
    That's right we need shirtless Killers!

    I am still waiting for shirtless huntress

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    @Mringasa said:

    @ACoolName said:
    Y y'all so fixated on having naked people running around in a gore game.......... 

    The horror films of the 70s, 80s and 90s were always good for some naked flesh. Every slasher flick had to have some overbossomed heroine in it that conveniently took a shower or spent some extra time dressing/undressing for the fans. It was a very common occurence.

    i know bro.... i know that all too well, actually. though dwighty whities are a need

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Pantsless Michael.

    The Shape has a shape-ly booty.

  • OXY
    OXY Member Posts: 68

    @DepravedKiller said:
    That's right we need shirtless Killers!

    Shirtless Clown! Show off that big-boned body of his!

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    If i can get my Beach Body Myers I'll pay whatever you want!

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:
    How about bikini skins for Kate, Nea, Laurie, Meg, and Feng, and shirtless David, Tapp, and Bill (lol) all with abs. Then topless Huntress (my main, love you bae <3), topless Amanda (she's cute), and shirtless Trapper, Hillbilly, Doctor, and Michael, all with abs. We love our cast, Survivor and Killer alike, and we apparently have the balls to take our love even further. I swear, there's probably some Huntress x Reader comic or something SOMEWHERE on the internet. Not gonna go spelunking in those corners though.

    Hillbilly needs to shave his shoulder before joining the shirtless crowd lol

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    LeveNuke said:

    It'd be too hard to play with one hand. Plus, SHIRTLESS NEA? We don't need instablind back.

    We NEeD SHiRtlEsS LaURiE

  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73

    Stop asking for shirtless survivors, start asking for pants-less!

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    LOL Shirtless Trapper tho

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    Coriander said:

    Beach Party DLC $14.99

    Hell, they could probably sell that one for $50.