Is there a reson why we cant see our MMR rank?

Why cant we see it, I just cant think of any reason why.
Because you don't need to. Not showing it helps prevent people from abusing it like they did before.
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Because it's meant to be a hidden mechanic in the background. You shouldn't need to worry about what level of players you're being matched with, if it works as intended. It's meant to be hidden so players can't reverse engineer it and game the system and break it.
Just imagine how much better this game would be if you weren't constantly consumed with matchmaking issues, if you didn't write off every loss as "oh I was obviously paired with better survivors". If the outcome of the match was actually determined by YOU, instead of being predetermined by faulty matchmaking putting you up against opponents who either don't stand a chance against you or whom you don't stand a chance against.
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Personally I need it I absolutely hate the feeling of not seeing my ranking
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So how do we ever know if it is actually working as intended? The devs can claim it is, but we have no way of verifying that for ourselves.
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I mean let them? People will and probably are doing it already either it be afking or just trolling. I personally like to see what level I am playing at just. Just about every other game that I play that has an MMR lets you know what your ELO is at. People will do it regardless of if they can see there rank.
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By the gameplay you experience?
What could the game possible tell you to 'prove' that it was working? Telling you your rank wouldn't work, because how would you know if the rank the system has calculated for you is accurate to your skill level?
Why by correlating that rank against the skill of your opponents, which you can do anyway... "did that game feel balanced?" "did my opponents play as if they were similar to my skill level?"
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Because if the game showed my rating in comparison to others, it would show me more clearly why i'm getting matched with SWF sweat squads every game. Rather than just assuming that maybe it's not working? Why hide it?
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Yeah i don't care how you cope about your losses, i just want to know my MMR. Want to know if im progressing or not.
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But like why would you want to abuse it. Going against sweaty teams constantly doesnt seem fun
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You don't need to know the number to tell you that. What you do during a match will show that. It wasn't an accurate way of telling a how good a player was before. We would see red ranks who's actual skill level during matches was l than green rank players. The way to tell how your doing is by what you do in a match. And it isn't just one aspect.
Generators, rescues, chases, totems, healing and so forth all play a combined role for survivors. If a survivor escapes the match however didn't help with generators, didn't rescue any of the other survivors, didn't cleanse any totems or do anything except escape that would show they are not progressing. On the other hand if they helped repair 3 generators, rescued 2 survivors from the hook however didn't escape the match the were progressing.
What you do is what tells how your doing. Not by looking at a number.
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The cynical opinion is your MMR is intentionally hidden so no one can see how poorly it's working.
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Try to imagine how long would all competitive games last if there was only ranked mode and you couldn't tell your rank. Now try to explain me why this doesn't apply to DBD.
And about your point, I know when i've "won" or "lost" a match, i just want to know how much better I am compared to the rest of players. They introduced a competitive matchmaking but without the competitive rewards.
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It's working considerably better than it's predecessor. Matches have already been better. Matching players based on their actual skill level. As the system continues to collect information it will continue to improve.
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Really cause from all the posts ice read on it I've seen people complaining about it more then I have anyone complementing it
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You could use the end of match screen to compare how you did at least point wise compared to the rest of the players. One match however isn't really a accurate way to tell. One survivor might do better against Legion while another does better against the Trapper. One player might do better in the Red Forest while another does better in Midwich.
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Normally i'd say thats tinfoil hat conspiracy talk. but CSGO doesn't show the MMR ranking and yet everybody enjoys it and says it works well. BHVR is absolutely NOT making an MMR that good, and it would be very unsurprising if the MMR was hidden because they aren't confident in how stable it is.
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CS:GO also has ranks that are meaningful. League of Legends behaves this way too.
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In general though, I have been having better matches after it got activated.
Don't know if it is placebo, but I haven't had a complete curbstomp on either side.
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Interesting because I have seen the opposite. More people praising it.
Also many those I have seen criticizing it have given the impression that they haven't been playing that much since it was enabled this morning. In contrast those who have been praising have been playing match after match. Having used the new matchmaking system more I would rely on those who have used it more over those who havn't.
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The opposite. People would intentionally drop so they stomp people.
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We most not be reading the same forums then cause I can hyperlink and prove my point
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I tested MMR today and my matches were surprisingly decent, as Pinhead they were actually a bit too easy, I was going up against Gold/Red rank Survivors (as Red Rank Killer) but getting 4K constantly.
Last night before MMR this was NOT the case, I was only getting 0-2K matches last night on Pinhead. So I'm certain that the Survivors that I've been facing today since the MMR was added were significantly weaker.
That makes sense though, because Pinhead is a new killer and I've only played a few matches on him in total, so I'm sure it's just going to take some more to get me to the "correct" MMR that I should be playing at. I would much rather that they start me at a lower MMR and give me time to practice a new killer before throwing me into the sweaty teams that I'm used to facing. So far this is going nicely I think.
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So you mean anyone needs to see their rating to drop it? I think everyone is smart enough to know how to lose. Just be afk or dont hit survivor and you get easier matches.
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If this game didn't constantly seem to break would be one thing but without seeing that your actually being paired up with others of the same rank you could have the whole system down and no one realize it. It wouldnbe like when the rankings got screwed up and it took them a while to fix it except without anyone telling them to fix it in the first place so it woukd stay broken.
Also what's wrong with people doing the things to purposely increase their rank? If the things being counted improve gameplau that's a win. If the things being counted don't improve gameplay then change the things being counted. Win win to not only show the ranks but explain how they are calculated
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Dude, CSGO shows a rank related to MMR. We don't even have that I don't know how you can even try to make a comparison between the 2.
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I love how all the people against showing MMR just mimic the same arguments without any proof and that don't make any sense. What stops people to "drop so they stomp people" already? Why seeing your MMR would make any difference? People are acting as if people didn't intentionally lose games in the pip system to go against easier players already.
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There is no real reason to hide MMR except to prevent the players from seeing unbalanced lobbies.
You can say "it stops them abusing it," but legitimately, how? If people want easier matches, they just play like trash or stand afk in the corner. Not seeing a number go down doesn't stop them from doing that until they find easier matches.
From the amount of posts today alone that show yesterday's brown rank players thrown in with red rank players, I think it's pretty safe to say the same issues with absolutely unfair lobbies still exist. Even if there's "growing pains" etc while it calibrates they told us that this is using the last several months' worth of data on our gameplay, so how much is it honestly going to improve?
It's purely a PR move so that no player can show a screenshot of a lobby and say "this was unfair" without them having the option to say "oh no it was fair, it's just using secret invisible parameters that you couldn't possibly understand and that's why you got steamrolled by top tier swf."
The fact that there's been zero transparancy on how the MMR actually works (and more specifically how it differs from the rank and emblem systems that have been called broken for years) is just further indication that it's not better, just hidden.
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Actually Grades no longer matter.
They're mostly an indication of your time playing the game rather than you actual skill.
Although I can see why you would still think Rank matters considering we just swapped over into an MMR system.
However, MMR has been much better for me as Killer and Survivor than the previous matchmaking system. I can now play Killers like Ghostface and Hag without fearing getting roflstomped in Red Ranks.
The majority of my games has been fun, and I've been playing pretty much nonstop since MMR came out. And that's all it should matter.
Your number shouldn't matter if you had a fun match.
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The fact that it's working for you doesn't mean that it's working for everyone.
People who are in ash rank are almost entirely there because they're brand new. Yes, it's not being used for matchmaking now, but their current rank is based on how much and how well they played over the last month. An ash rank isn't suddenly equipped to deal with previously red rank killers the next day just because "secret invisible matchmaking" magically decided they're a top tier player today.
And duh, obviously people aren't posting screenshots of their 4 red rank and a brown lobby where they got sub 10k points because they had such a fun match.
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Shouldn't that be the point though?
Play the game for fun, even if you didn't get much points.
But we are still going through a transitional period with MMR, it's still not absolutely perfect.
I mean hell, I won almost every single one of my games as Blight using that build prior to MMR and these was the survivors I went up against.
In Ormond. Three of them were good and gave me a run for my money, one (the Bronze 4) didn't really know what she was doing.
So while it isn't immediately perfect, it did match me with survivors that are my skill level. Even if one of them clearly wasn't.
I understand if it isn't working for you, but I have been having a lovely experience with it myself (and so do a lot of other people in the forums). And I'd like to share my positive experiences more than my negative ones. God knows this forum can use for less complaining and whining.
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Oh, is it?
I couldn't tell since we have no numbers.
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I guess you can't tell with your actual games?
You don't need a number telling you you had fun.
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I certainly didn't have fun, since I play at what I can only assume is high MMR.
I get 35 minute queue times and 7 minutes of match time. Extremely fun.
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Honestly i think it's good it's not shown so people can't abuse it to either go super high or super low and bully other players.
BUT it's kinda frustrating not knowing as well. I think it could be a good thing to have it shown every 13th ( Grade reset ) but not in term of "you are 1278 pts" but more like " This month : Survivor = +25 pts / Killer = +14 pts" (killer would be an average of all your points on all killers) So you would know if you performed well and if you actually improved.
I don't need to see everyone MMR, only mine to know if i'm getting better or worse ^^
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They're scared that people will figure out how to abuse a system with no incentive or rewards outside of MAYBE getting easier games. You can't make this ######### up.
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I may be thinking too deep into this, but maybe they are hiding the number to avoid the crazy player that will experiment with every aspect of the game to come up with an importance chart of every possible action in maybe a month.
Because if that happen we will, with time, go back to a matchmaking somewhat similar to the old one where some player abused the system and are now way above their skill level. It's a dumb thing to do since you can't see your MMR ranking, but i'm sure some player would still do it.
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It sounds like you might be part of the reason it's hidden.
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Ok and?? People can already do that. My mmr on bubba is absolutely terrible because my last 50 or so were all doing basement defender or speed limiter so if I ever play bubba normally its just 4 ######### survivors. Like people can still throw/be afk to lower their mmr without seeing it.
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No you don't need it. Play the game and enjoy the level you play on.
Well fi it works cause for now it's really inconsistent on my side.
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Because seeing it would enable the derankers and smurfs to test it thoroughly, seeing exactly what actions tank your MMR the most, and then share their findings.
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I'm not sure what to think of it yet, my jury is still out. I played a lot of Killer yesterday, since I am out of Survivor challenges for the moment. My grade level for Killer was rock bottom(Gray 1)since I hadn't played Killer in a couple of months The first 2-3 matches I played(Trapper, Huntress)were clear SWF squads---gen rush, flashlight spam, slam in and out of lockers, teabag, You know, the usual suspects. In all three of them, there were two that were at 'Red' grade level. After those initial matches, it seemed to even if the game actually did learn a bit about how I was playing and adjusted opponents accordingly, at least to a degree. The later matches were a good bit more enjoyable and seemed somewhat more balanced(I played as The Plague for most of those matches). Will have to play around with it some more.
On the Survivor side, we just got a DLC and almost everyone is playing Pinhead, and no one is very good with him yet, so I can't really say yet how it's working there. Two survivor matches with Pinhead. One we got aced, and the second we aced him.
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Why is it wrong to care.
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Because it's SBMM
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MMR is hidden because Killer player egos are to fragile to handle the fact they are "yellow" rank Killers instead of the "red" rank they achieved because of the previous "skittle" matchmaking system.
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If you can see your MMR you can no longer claim to be top % for epeen score my guy.
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Interesting that ppl are saying it's hidden so 'we can't abuse it' when the way to abuse it is very obvious.... play horribly and throw matches. Same as any other game with mmr.
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Nice assumptions
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I would be happy if they showed us where we are in the leaderboards, like say top 500 nurse. If it does happen it's gonna take another 3 years
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Sorry, but not showing the ranks is BS.
I played today against a killer who probably never played as a killer.
Missed a lot of hits, so the system is BROKEN yet.
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Because "feelings".