Key addons

Having two key addons providing survivor aura reading is outdated and redundant... to provide addon diversity and to stick with the theme of aura reading, who thinks trading one out for pallets (like windows) would be favorable?


  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I think keys should be reworked entirely. Keys are outdated and most addons for other items are outdated as well. Keys are useless, they need a rework.

  • unholy1991
    unholy1991 Member Posts: 9

    keys are worthless, who cares about their addons, what a waste of every ones time.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Personally, I would rather remove some Add Ons to declutter the Bloodweb a bit. So instead of 2 Add Ons you most likely wont use anyway (because Keys just suck), there is only one Add On which shows Survivor Auras up to 48m away and the 24m-Add On is just removed.

    In general, the problem is that Survivors have 3 times as many Bloodweb-Items compared to Killers. Which makes it a pain to get certain Add Ons. So I think, that they should remove Items completely from the Bloodweb and make them a Power of Survivors which they can equip. So instead of 3 Flashlights, 3 Keys, 2 Maps, 4 Medkits and 6 (!!) Toolboxes, there is only one of each which cannot be found in the Bloodweb, but can be choosen via a menu. To avoid 4 Survivors with Medkits every game, maybe change it that a certain Item gets blocked for a few matches (2 or 3) after it was used.

    Then, you already have 18 Items less in the Bloodweb. And the Add Ons will be reworked, removed or merged (e.g. a Map should show everything like a rainboy Map, which allows for the respective Add Ons which grant the abilities to the green Map to be removed), which results in a much lower amount of Add Ons (which will be gone after each game, unless the Survivor has a White Ward).

    But I guess this is way too complicated.

    So, yeah, at the very least Keys should get some Buffs to make them worth taking for their Aura Read-feature.

  • ActualCasual
    ActualCasual Member Posts: 36

    I think aura reading can be extremely valuable, especially in solo q

    What are some changes you'd like to see to keys to bring the incentive back to taking them into trials?

  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    Keys are strong in Solo Q with the right add-ons and that's it. I really like the wedding ring add-on the best as it gives you basically a 5th perk slot.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    All the existing aura reading add-ons are beneficial, even to SWF. But that’s not usually a good enough reason to bring a key since the hatch and key nerfs. I wouldn’t mind if they replaced Gold Token with the WoO effect, and upped the radius of Eroded Token to 36m.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    They are definitely still useful. All too often I find myself as the last survivor alive and keys are way more reliable than camping a door with wake up.

    Solo Q teams fall apart pretty easily and it's very nice to have a plan B with left behind.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I agree that we desperately need a Blood-web/add-on squish at this point as it has bloated out of control.

    Its also even worse when you consider that some add-ons such as the "Black Silk Cord" no longer do anything after the recent hatch changes.

    As for example making it so the base map has all "pointless" add-ons made baseline:

    Yellow wire/Glass bead(The yellow add-on not the infinitely better purple one)/Black silk cord.

    Maps wouldn't realistically be that much stronger but it would squish the Blood-web.

    Another example for things like med-kits which you CAN'T make their removed add-ons baseline:

    Make make all brown med-kits into yellow med-kits(Maybe make yellow med-kits both yellow and brown rarity so they show up as often) and convert the rubber gloves/butterfly tape into bandages and turn all medical scissors/sponges into needle and threads. Finally turn abdominal dressings into surgical sutures.

    Med-kits would be too powerful if you made all removed add-ons baseline so converting them into the non useless same tier/type of add-on(If possible) would help remove the clutter without breaking the item.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Just curious, if you’re willing to share: do you reveal your key beforehand, or last second switch? How often are you dodged by teammates and killers? I feel a key is a red flag to both sides even post-nerf, but probably more-so for survivor because of what they mean now (‘I must be the last remaining survivor in the trial if I want to use my item for its primary purpose’).

    I almost exclusively run a hatch offering and key strat myself in DbD Mobile solo queue. Killers can’t switch their load out after queuing (nor can the survivors). Additionally, the hatch and key nerfs aren’t live on there yet. But I will probably continue to do this even after they come, as you can get some real potatoes on that platform. The matchmaking is wonky.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The difference between a team with 2 Brown Medkit and a team with 3 Ranger Medkit and Syringe...should not be a thing. Item overall should only have 1 version of them to make it the same as Killer's power.

    Make items free, but nerfed. Buff add-on alot more. Bring item without addon would only able to help a teammate rather than themselves.

    Broken key (free): Can be used for 10sec.

    • Addons that increase the time to use
    • Addon that unlock see teammates' aura at certain range
    • Addon that unlock see killer's aura at certain range
    • Addon that unlock seeing Obsession's aura at all time
    • Addon that increase seeing range
    • Addon Dull blade: allow to instantly open a chest
    • Addon Skeleton blade: allow to open hatch

    To OP, Key allows survivors to reading someone's thought. Which mean other players' aura. Reading windows should be a Map thing.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Medkit is lot better.

    Also I dodge any survivor with key, in my xp those want you dead so they can escape, usually sandbagging or just hiding doing nothing.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Imo after their rework into only one escape with a key they honestly should just be removed all together

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    As long as more than 1 survivor alive the hatch won't ever spawn, so yeah key doing nothing, might as well remove from the game

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    6s swap, I do that with all items. Usually from a firecracker so the animation is more subtle. So never dodged by killer or teammates. Alot of the time the killer does not slug for the 4k and it's a nice escape plan. You hit the ruin undying tinkerer blights / nurses and such with solo Q and there's usually no chance, so I am not usually bringing in builds that even pretend there is unless I am memeing or don't care about dying that day.

    There are also a few characters left who it is extremely hard to see the key on, so naturally I play them too.

    Even if it didn't reveal hatch, the wallhacks addons are still both extremely useful. Blood amber is still super strong, both in loops and outside of loops.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I’m genuinely surprised if you never get any lobby or loading screen dodgers doing last second switching. I’ve had killers DC mid-loading screen for last second firecracker switching! Firecrackers!

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah even if he switches last second, the killer or one of the survivor can leave during loading, so game is cancelled

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited April 2022

    That is why as long as DC penalties are active, should apply to mid screen leavers as well. And give priority requeue to all the other players.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Well like I said, there's some characters who it is extremely hard to see the items on still. So much so that even your own team won't know you have the key until it's too late.

    I would say that + Sprint burst means I make to the last survivor a ton of the time. Sprint burst is such a huge deterrent to being chased as opposed to say dead hard. If the killer wants to chase me, and I saw them early, first they gotta hold W for a year and it will be very costly if my team is still alive.

    I have made it to 15+ escape streaks solo using a key which I think is pretty impressive given the state of MMR. You are never, ever, doing that with any other item