Who do you think is in the wrong here?

Had a 4 stack against me as Myers (not a fan of Myers just want to get his stupid 300 Tier Increase achievment done and never play him again). All 4 used Bloody Party Streamers. Two are TTVs. I decide since they were kind enough to use Streamers I should just convert at the start and all of us get points.

But that is not what happened. I try being nice and they all hide around corners and click flashlights trying to deny an Evil Within increase. I try swinging my weapon at the generator to show I want them to do it and be nice. They won't come out so I just leave and come back, all 4 disperse again in different corners.

I decide fine I will just try to play then. Try chasing, they use typical sweaty tactics but 3 of them always run close together and flashlight click and tbag spam the whole time after vaults and pallets for about 1 minute. I decide you know what I'm in Tier 1, and they are trolling just to be rude so they can't get any boldness from me and go stand in a corner as I don't need these bloodpoints. I sit there the rest of the match. I pull up one of the streamers who is live and they are raging out of their minds that I'm wasting their Party Streamers throwing all kinds of insults my way.

At the end of the match they all say they are reporting me for abusing mechanics so they can't get points from their Streamers and go for a solid minute with insults about me and my family. Am I really the one being toxic here or am I just giving them their just desserts?


  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    So.. they attempted to play a match with party streamers. You wanted to farm and they didn't.

    You then changed and tried to play the game and they were to good so you gave up.

    You then instead of leaving afterwards you stayed because... I'm not sure. Then stalked their twitch streams.

    This is all because they flashlight clicked and teabagged. Yeah you're in the wrong.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    More often than not, anyone playing surv with TTV on the end of their name is toxic. It's directly proportional to the amount of TTVs in your lobby. It's multiplied when they bring BPS in attempt to keep you from not DCing or AFK since they will usually gen rush, stun you in every way imaginable and use every tech trick in the book to make your experience as miserable as possible. Dodge these lobbies unless you're playing your main or top tier killer.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    Sounds like they just wanted a real game.

    You wanted to farm, they wanted bonus bp for playing normally.

    Sounds like they overreacted if they seriously overreacted if they started hurling abuse like that.

    You're in the right because they started being childish and stupid, but it sounds like neither of you did anything wrong in-game.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I may not agree with anyone's decisions in this game, but I agree with your resolve. They were out of line, you walked away from the problem. You did the right thing.

    A breakdown;

    • Just because they took party streamers does not mean the players want to farm. If players don't want to farm you can't force them to farm.
    • Being toxic, and bullying the killer is not okay. Players who are desensitized to the horror aspect of the game should take a break instead of resorting to this kind of behavior.
    • Going AFK is against da rulez, I don't condone it often, but this time it seems merited. You tried to get along with them (Farming and playing normally), but they woke up and chose violence. A victim shouldn't be forced to interact with an abuser, and walking away from bullies was the right thing to do.
    • Harassment and hate speech is not okay. How they reacted is typical of bullies, don't feel bad or regret your decision for walking away from an abuser. Take pride in that you did the right thing, and they were the ones to pay for their mistake.

    BHVR needs to take more action to prevent this kind of gameplay from happening to the Killer. the Killer is meant to be a terrifying entity in the trial that pressures Survivors, not the other way around. Even a surrender option for Killer that doesn't result in the Killer getting penalized would suffice, even temporarily.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    A few thoughts:

    • Dodge TTVs. Just...trust me. Unless you want to bring your best addons and builds and have a massive sweatfest, multiple streamers in a lobby are a no-go. I've also met some of the most poisonous groups I've ever experienced going up against streamers.
    • In games where I want to earn some extra BP (or well...in any games) I go in super hard at the beginning and once the game is mine to control, I can choose to ease up. Nobody thanks you if you play nice from the start - and they can be outright nasty. However, I've only been BMed twice for easing up once I'm winning.
    • I've never seen anyone banned for AFKing, even anecdotally outside of obvious botting. It's not something to do often, but in games where you're clearly dealing with trolls, at least you spare yourself a penalty. Don't make a habit of it and you'll be fine.

    I play no differently if someone brings streamers or not. I'll generally ease up if I'm stomping face and let people heal/unhook/do gens before I end things, and that's something I do in most games.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Yeah, I hate to say it, as someone who very infrequently TTVs (but never puts it in my name); people who put 'TTV' in their name tend to be the more toxic TTV people.

    I don't know why, but in every game I've ever played where someone has 'TTV'; they tend to be right bleepers. Even in freaking Guild Wars 2; I ran a world event in Maguuma Jungle last week, and a TTVer who admitted it was his first time running it was demanding the veterans do what he wanted. He was pausing to type, in the middle of time-sensitive events, to order people around, and complain when no one listened to him.

    Of course; when we won it, the dude had an utter meltdown about how we would have won better if we listened to him. Blaming the veterans for him dying while he was standing still to type out commands. Insulting the other groups in the North, South, and West areas. When, at the start, he said 'This is my first time doing this'. Oof. 😑

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Well, for what it is worth, this is my opinion:

    Nothing you did IN GAME was wrong.

    Nothing they did IN GAME was wrong.

    Their horrible behavior towards you OUTSIDE OF GAME was very, very wrong.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    You're in the right. They don't have to farm so you tried to play normally. They were toxic and tried to bully you. You walked away essentially. Tough luck for the TTVs; if they're upset they couldn't get massive BP for their streamers then they should play normally instead of trying to bully someone.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Them insulting you in chat isn't okay. It's a video game, it doesn't matter how you played, they're in the wrong.

    If you're not having fun in a match, you're not required to play it out. You tried a couple different tactics and you didn't enjoy any of it; however, you didn't disconnect but instead let them do gens and escape. You didn't abuse any mechanics. If what they care about is BP, they can search chests, cleanse/boon totems, possibly break hooks, and maybe try to apologize and get you to farm with them (it happens, I've had survivors offer their items as an apology). I think, if they're just outright raging, then they're probably mad that their 4 BPS failed to trick you into letting yourself be tormented. It's a psychological tactic to dangle an incentive and then punish your opponent for any attempts to take advantage of it, so good on you for not falling for it.

    Your biggest mistake was thinking that burning BPS is a kindness on their part. It's not. BPS are a curse. I stopped burning those things myself because BPS always lead to the worst matches. My friend's game strangely crashes in the loading screen when anyone burns a BPS, because he just doesn't want to deal with it, and I can't fault him for it.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Ha ha ha... They were actually mad about it? Wow... if you are wrong, I do not want to be right, baby. I guess I am glad you showed them what's good. Get wrecked, baby survivors (that I respect and who are incredibly kind and skilled at the game).

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    Ignore that kind of offerings.

    Given the difference of strengths and that it was SWF built to "bully" a killer, I believe not letting them have fun at your expense was the right move.

    In the future, you want want to be mindful of TTVs in lobbies. Most often than not these guys are ruining games, one way or another.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I would have to see footage of what actually went down.

    Nothing against any party involved, but one's recollections are rarely completely accurate.

    With that being said, in general, there's no excuse for chat harrassment.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498


    interacting with people in end game chat.

  • Blasphemy_Kitten
    Blasphemy_Kitten Member Posts: 11

    Might not be the best take, but those people are just kind of trash. Not for wanting to play the game, as many people have said, but for acting disrespectful and rude to someone who tried to be kind and thought it would be okay to bad-mouth them when they decided they were done being mistreated.

    No one should let themselves be tormented for the sake of other people's fun/points in a game. If they were having a match with toxic survivors, then they don't have to take the bait and put up with that kind of behavior.

    OP also never said they never expected to farm, they just offered it to try and be kind to the survivors and then even tried to play normally after they didn't want to. Damn. People on here get so combative about everything.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    There is any possibility to see the live or there are some rules of the forum against links?