We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Killer concept: the saltwater scourge

Sqall_Lionheart Member Posts: 5

So hello everyone, not used to use forum or social in general, but I had a killer and perk concept that a few people liked and encouraged me to share here on the forums.

Disclaimer: I am not a balance god, I am one guy and balancing takes lots of people. I also am not a master of cool names or stuff like that so I gave an historycal twist to the killer. I wanted to take a spin on the pirate concept despite there being a lot of takes on that. I went with the classic focus on powder keg with an interaction that woul involve both a blunderbuss pistol and wall bounce. So without further ado here it is.

Blackbeard, the saltwater scourge: Pillaging and plundering for his whole life, the pirate know as Blackbeard came to be known as one of the most infamous pirates in history. Such reputation and cruelty caught the attention of the entity. Right after the moment of his death Edward Teach found himself enveloped by the fog and awakened into a new real, one full of new people to plunder, and maybe discover some new unknown riches.

Pillage and plunder: The saltwater scourge gained the favor of the entity, which allows him to empoly some more unconventional tactics, not possible outside the entity realm. His blade is constantly on fire and his basic attacks singe the surviviors, inflicting incapacitated for three seconds. Pressing the ability button allows the saltwater scourge to ready a powder keg up for launch. This barrel can be launced up to 5 meters and can bounce one time for 1.5 meters, stopping in it's tracks. The saltwater scourge can then reactivate the ability to shoot the keg at any time and make it explode in a 1.5 meter radius, injuring any survivior caught in the explosion. After the saltwater scourge performed such action he has to press the active ability button to reload his blunderbuss pistol, taking 1.65 seconds to do so.  

Height: high

Terror radius: 32m

Movement speed: 4.5 m/s

Unfair combat: the pirate life isn't easy, so you adapted to use low blows, honor is not a thing for the man of the seas.

When you kick a gen you install a sharpnel trap on it. When surviviors complete a skill check or work on a gen for 10 seconds the trap explodes, regressing the gen for 3/4/5% of the current progress and inflict on any surviviors working on it deep wound. Only a single generator at the time may be trapped, kicking another generator won't transfer the trap.

Treasure hunt: sometimes some people have more valuable possession than others. You become obsessed with one survivior. 

Each time the obsession loses a health state you gain a token up to 8. After an obession loses 2 health states the obsession changes. The first four tokens slow down gen repairing speed up to a 15%, the last four reduce healing speed up to a 15%.

Unhinged brutality: years spent in the pirate life voided you of any mercy.

 Surviviors that lose a health state are temporanely affected by blindness and the inability to see your red stain for 15/17/20 seconds. You are NOT granted the undetectable status effect. Surviviors that aren't injured by you aren't affected by unhinged brutality.

I hope that you found this concept interesting. I would be very curious to find how would people think about facing a or playing killer like this. I tried to make an engaging way to play for both sides while also trying to focus on the chaos and disruption that a pirate like Blackbeard would cause (he had elements in his beard that he used to set on fire to give him a smokin aura so that his enemies would think of him as an unnatural presence).

I have also in mind a berserker killer, but I will post it only if it has some success in another place.


  • Underwear_Model
    Underwear_Model Member Posts: 98

    I like the idea. So he's slightly slower at 4.5 instead of 4.6? The keg wall bouncing sounds cool. It might make it harder to shoot. The perks sound fun too. Good stuff.

  • Sqall_Lionheart
    Sqall_Lionheart Member Posts: 5

    Basically. Initially it was a typo but some people told me that due to the incapacitated status effect from M1. As for the barrel I imagined a curve like a grenade as the trajectory. Think of the power as a fancy C4. I wanted to create a killer that could play loops in some interactive ways without taking agency away from the surviviors.