I am not such a good looper as survivor. I play only solo queue, and predominantly die. And YET, I keep getting matched against god-tier Nurses, who mow me and my solo queues teammates down at 5-4 gens left. It's no fun. It's awful. I'm f-ing sick of it.
On the other hand, when I play Nurse, I am not really good at her, and I get matched against sweaty competent SWFs. What the f is your MMR??
I don't want to be forced to play awful matches like these. Until/unless you fix MMR/matchmaking, or remove MMR altogether, give us the ability to DC without a penalty. I went against so many god-tier Nurses today, it's obnoxious. If the match starts and I hear her shriek, I want to DC and immediately move on to another match, that has a killer that I can loop at least for a bit, not this unfair monster that predicts every juke I attempt, even if behind a wall.
God-tier nurses are fine, if they go against competent SWFs. I wouldn't mind facing god-tier Nurses if I were an excellent survivor. But since I'm not, no where near it, I should not be matched against them.
REMOVE DC penalties since these unfair matches are obnoxious and not fun at all. They are probably only fun for the OP side, which gets easy pickins as opponents.
Remove the DC penalty and watch the already obnoxiously high rate of DCing skyrocket like it always does anytime the penalty is disabled.
18 -
No thanks, I already get the majority of my games ruined cause my teammate dc's
I don't want a DC every game cause someone thing didn't go someone's way.
just cause something is not going ur way, does not give you a right to ruin a match for ur 3 teammates.
14 -
Yeah and then you would never be able to play a proper game because everyone would dc for any impulsive reason.
7 -
No. If you can't be mature enough to stick out a match where you're losing, and want to run away & screw the other 4 players; you deserve the DC penalty.
Heck; if you can't be mature enough to complete a match for ANY reason short of 'Other players were obviously hacking & I could not leave any other way'; don't log in. Not trying to be a jerk, but every ragequit ruins the game for 4 other people, and it's selfish to think you should be allowed to do so whenever you feel like it.
12 -
Sounds like a you problem. Stop DCing, or quit.
11 -
INCREASE the DC penalty!
8 -
If you're gonna DC, then just don't get in a match in the first place. You can't just DC out of all your problems.
7 -
Do Not Remove the DC penalty.
8 -
The DC penalty is there to deter the very behaviour you are describing. i.e. The rage quit.
7 -
The DC penalty is totally fine, as long as my opponent(s) are not way better than me, to the point that I don't get to do anything in the game. I love going against Nurses that I can loop at least for a little bit, even if they kill me in the end. That's fun. What's not fun is not being able to dodge a single blink hit, 'cause the Nurse is top tier, and no juke I attempt works against her. Now add to that me going against a top tier Nurse 4 matches in a row.
1 -
Don't care. Play it out. Same for opposite side. Don't like it? Don't queue up or quit the game.
2 -
Not only should DCing from a match reward you 0 points and keep you from playing for a bit, it should probably subtract points from your BP bank.
There are certain IRL things that deserve DCing for. Sometimes you simply can't continue, sometimes something comes up and you have to leave your computer ASAP. That's more than fine.
On rare occasion, if you absolutely have to put the game down because it's lowering your quality of life, you got bigger fish to fry than a DC penalty.
If someone thinks that having 0 BP and a re-que timer is too much for ruining a match, they're just the kind of person the penalties are designed to punish.
If anything DC penalties should be harsher - not lighter.
4 -
Rage quitting's not cool.
however, I wouldn't mind if the penalty was always 20 minutes.
you have to go for an emergency? it'll probably take more than 20 minutes to resolve.
rage quit? go sit in the corner for two games.
Internet crapped out? That sucks, come back in 20 minutes when your internet stabilizes.
2 -
Yeah the accumulating penalty can be a bit harsh toward legit loss of connection or real need to go afk.
The shorter initial time isn’t a bad thing though, ramp up at 5 min intervals and cap at 20 mins.
Is that enough of a deterrent though?
2 -
what if it started at 10?
the average dbd match takes 8 minutes, so a ten minute ban for bad behaviour would still be a good starting deterrent.
1 -
If you’re losing connection that often and choose to keep playing anyways, that’s on you. Sure, it’s not intentional. You’re still screwing the other 4 players whenever the internet cuts out. Same with going AFK for some legit reason that often. If you know you’re in a situation like that, that is on you.
1 -
Just read the RPD threads and you get why there have to be dc penalties. Sadly.
0 -
so according to you if the killer decides to slug me and look for hatch for the extra points I should be willing to just sit there/crawl around for 4 minutes and let him do so? Or should I be able to DC without a penalty? in actuality I should be able to slice my wrists and get out of it... but ya know the game is killer sided and controlled so that wouldn't make any sense amirite?
0 -
I don´t know. I always want my bloodpoints. If you dc you get 0 bp.
1 -
I'd rather take 0 bp and give the killer less points for not getting hatch than sit there for 4 minutes waiting :/
0 -
Have fun with the deserved DC penalty then.
3 -
as a killer main when 3 gens pop before i get my first hook i dc because it's not fun and a waste of time
0 -
I agree, it was more a response to the idea of setting the lock out at 20mins.
Personally I don't mind the accumulating lock out because A. I have a good connection that doesn't time out, B. I don't rage quit.
0 -
We already have way too many players DC, removing it would literally make the game unplayable.
2 -
Play it out and learn from mistakes.
Rather than blame stuff on killer or noobs. Everyone was a noob at some point.
I have probably quit about 3 killer games out of thousands. I'm not ashamed of those SWF after SWF can get to anyone.
Never quit as a solo survivor.
You get such babies play this game. They get hooked once and DC.
Have a bad game big deal move on to the next. It isn't broadcast on national television.
No one cares.
I have dominated another online game before for a year 1/2 even beating out cheaters in a leaderboard. Until hackers.
It didn't change my life!
Just try and have fun and if you can't play something else. What does a DC get you exactly apart from a rep for being a poor sport?
3 -
I would totally agree with this idea If I could only use it on Huntress or maybe Blight, any other killer is ok
0 -
I agree bc my GE force kicks me out suddenly sometimes due to connection even if it's fine and then it shuts the game completely and i can't get back into it even if I try and then i get penalty and WHEN DO THEASE RESET?? I literally had to wait now 27 MINITS bc this happened and i have had disconnected from host issue what I now got fixed but yeah too late still got 27 min no matter how many games i have played after waiting the before bans and NOT DC:d. At least reset them when u play a game it's really unfair........ Please fix these it's not good at all ....
0 -
Dc penalties need an increase. Having to deal with 3 back to back games where a survivor d/c'd on first down, the penalty is clearly not doing enough.
3 -
nah. you just need to get good
1 -
I understand the frustration of what you're saying but removing the DC penalty would do more damage than good, players already disconnect enough as it is, and admit I disconnect from matches as well. You essentially already have 2 free disconnects, as it's 5 minutes penalty for the first 2, which is easy to sit out and essentially is free.
If anyone wonders why I disconnect, usually tunnelers and hard campers but yesterday I disconnected twice
1) farmers and wanted no part of it
2) I unhooked survivor, we both run away from the hook and it's Plague, I don't cure and go on Gen, teammate cures then joins me on Gen and by this point, other survivors had cured multiple times and we on Dead Dawg, I was like nope and called it a day.
Hence my point to the original post, it's Dead by Daylight, there always going to be frustrating game sessions but removing the DC penalty will really hurt the game more.
1 -
Never. If anything they are not harsh enough.
1 -
No. The DC penalty needs to stay. If you are mad enough to rage quit then you need to take a break anyways. You will go in the next match with the same feeling and it would just spiral from there. Play the game out. Learn from your mistakes. And get better
2 -
Yes... Yes you should.
You lost the game, just as a killer who's watching 4 survivors t bag them until they get bored and leave or the egc timer goes down enough that they have to. Sometimes losing sucks. That's life.
0 -
It should be the opposite, the DC penalty should be even longer to prevent people from ragequitting almost every game the second something goes wrong.
0 -
Yeah sorry no.. im tired of having baby ragers like you that hit that quit button instantly when they realise they are matched against a killer that they dont like or that are good players.
As a killer i feel bad for the other teammates when people like you just rather deal with penalties that die on hook and as a survivor i feel annoyed when teammates like you screw the rest of us by not *having fun*
Hopefully they increase the penalties because this happens way too much. What i dont understand at all is survivors that DC on their deadhook and lose all their earned bloodpoints...whatever floats their boat.