emblems requirements needs a rework

NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was playing as sadako and I got some bad games so I used a pink mori tho they useless when I do I sometime don't use it in match anyway

match was'nt as bad but I mori one person and sacrifice the other 2 last one was on death hook there was 1 gen left but i let her go after finding hatch and got merciless victory 2 pips.

next match

this one was little harder then the last one but I sacrifice the other 3 and the last one was on death hook find the hatch find the survivor but she was good at looping so the entity took them but I got ruthless killer 1 pip ok all 5 gens were still up

I had a match where I sacrifice all 4 survivors got brutal killer no pips

so what this game want from me to pip?

survivor is not much easier to pip unless your in swf group and do everything.

both killer and survivor is a back and forth form depipping to pipping which not how grade should work if grades are time played.


  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    Read the emblems. Do the objective, get two pips each match.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    that's impossible to get 2 pips in every match for 1

    some parts of the emblems using the killer powers hurt it something with some killers

    with survivor you got to do almost everything to even pip

    so yea the emblems requirements needs a rework some how

    with both killer and survivor both trying to do they objective as fast as they can most games people will just safety pip sometime depip how short matches can be.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    The general rule I play by is to do 2 gens, 1 totem and 2 safe unhooks, and the rest fills itself up usually. Makes it easier to have in mind while you are in a game. Once you learn it you will see you will almost always pip up unless you get taken out the first minute by a face camper. So by playing the game casually I almost always get at least 1 pip up on survivor, which is the side that is hardest to pip up on.

  • GrafSchalke
    GrafSchalke Member Posts: 29

    Emblems are sometimes really random.

    I´ve got 179 (!) heal points for 2 simple survivor heals. Insta-Iri, no matter how many survivors were hooked.

    I´ve got 28 points for Cleansed Hex Totems when i didn´t cleanse any totem and the killer didn´t even have any hex perk.

    I´ve got 3 chase points after a bad Nurse missed ~12 lunges in a row. Bronze for a good match with lots of chase.

    But 60+ stealth points is standard on any indoor map with a no-stealth killer...