A simple statement about Bubba

You have a killer who can 100% prevent hook saves regardless of how many survivors attempt.
You have a killer who can easily nullify one NECESSARY aspect of your game. He can also nullify 1/4 of the possible scoring.
Its why you changed mori’s, because the game isn’t balanced when a survivor is eliminated on their first hook. Bubbas ability should be addressed.
What I do not understand is that they did fix the "facecamping issue with victor" on Twins. When you are controlling victor, you cannot switch to charlotte while near a hooked survivor. You would need to place victor near a hook before hooking, which wasted a little bit of time and may give the survivors time for a flashlight save, pallet safe, etc. and even then, victor cannot insta down or hit multiple survivors.
So why do Twins have these restrictions, but bubba, who can deny or punish unhooks in front of the killer better than any other killer, has none? It's a little weird.
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Making Bubba Clunky around hooks won’t fix his issues. It will make annoying to use
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"You have a killer who can 100% prevent hook saves regardless of how many survivors attempt."
Translation: we want to hook farm bodyblock booly da killer but Bubba wont let us
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I did not see any complains when victor got the "anti-facecamping change". in fact, I saw a lot of agreements from other twin players that this was the right choice, since it did promote an unhealthy playstyle. Fact is that a facecamping bubba is an unhealthy thing to have for both sides, since the killer won't move and just waits to use his power while staring into the hooked survivors soul, while the other survivors need to hold M1 as best as they can until they are out the exit gates.
In return we could buff bubba in other aspects to make him better in chase or reduce the amount of punishment he gets for hitting an obstacle or make it easier to navigate around tight corners.
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This is called a ‘slippery slope logical fallacy’ it’s where you take a simple request like ‘hey this killer has too much power in one key area’ and take the idea to the furthest extreme to make it sound unreasonable, like suggesting a small tweak would result in aggressive bully hook farming and body blocking.
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Bubba was given to us specifically to deal with those types of players. Hence Franklins, BBQ etc,... to understand Bubba you have to remember where the game was at that time.
Bodyblocking and hookfarrming is meta. I record all my matches, play Bubba daily, you know how many times 2-3 are at hook to save the one person?
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Just because bubba is good at shutting that down doesn't mean his facecamping ability is healthy for the game. If he wants you dead on that hook you will die.
What they need to do is find a way to change it without nerfing his chase power because there's no issue with that.
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My post was nothing about facecamping, it was about hookswarmers and body blockers.
If you swarm the hook as Bubba you get what you deserve. And I am putting 500 hours into him right now and see it every single match.
Don't swarm the hook, that is literally WHY BBUBBA EXISTS, if Bubba catches two or more at hook, it's not his faul;t, it is yours
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The hook swarming is necessary. Bubba traditionally camps, one person usually tries to bait him away while the other person goes for the hook. It’s not some toxic or idiotic survivor tactic, it’s a direct result to Bubbas play style.
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Sooo, survivor hook swarm, cause Bubba to stayy there now it's his fault?
i see this almost everyuu match, you guys swarm the hook then blame Bubba for standing there. I have countless videos of this. It happens every day, and it gets old survivors blame Bubba for their own bad plays like hook swarming against a killer who can take you all out.
If you hook swarm against a Bubba it is your bad play, Bubba is doing his job
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I’m not talking about hook swarming specifically, but I understand that with the wording I chose about ‘no matter how many go for the save’ it would seem that way. I was saying that with Bubbas power, he can 100% prevent hook saves by insta-downing survivors, and even with more survivors involved, doesn’t necessarily improve chances of success. Sorry I should have taken more time to write it out, I just wanted to keep it simple.
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A killer that can down both the unhooker and the unhooked survivor in one attack THROUGH BT should not exist, period. It doesn't matter how it happened.
Yes, unhooking behind the killer's back when the killer doesn't intend to camp/immediately swarming hooks is stupid. That's why hook grabs exist.
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Bubba exists, deal with it.
He was given to us to specifically counter the hook swarming. Every other killer cept maybe Trickster or Plague with corrupt bile, has to sit there smack one and watch all 3 run away.
Bubba exists and always will.
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Bubba needs to be left alone. I'm not a fan of being camped but guess what, it happens. I have an all new respect for Bubba because a lot of cheeky survivors (mostly SWF's) enjoy the art of "Team Body Blocking." This is essentially when they surround a Killer and prevent them from moving or they can physically force you into a wall. Leave Bubba alone and stop annoying Killers. Do your gens. Antagonize the Killer with your "Click Click Click" and teabagging and guess what, you'll get face-camped just on principle. I'll take the 1k.
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I lot of what gets complained about with bubba could be solved by making his saw single down, kinda like Billy.
Problem is the tantrum is too big of a drawback if you remove the multiple downs, so it would need to be reworked and bubba basically just becomes second Billy without the speed boost, which is meh.
I say leave him as is, he's scary to face when you're stuck in the basement.
A rescue against him isn't impossible its just hard if not well coordinated. Something solo queue will struggle with vs SWF. But again we hit the same problem of you shouldn't expect solo to be on par with swf competitively because swf is broken. A PUG will never equal a premade.
Go for the single trade over the 3 player all get downed hook bomb. Remember when hook trades were a thing, you had time to swap places on hook and still get stuff done and have a full match ah the glory days.
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I think the obvious answer is what everyone is suggestion. Make it so Bubba can't use his power within so much distance of a hooked or recently unhooked person. If it works for the Twins and the Artist, there's absolutely no reason not to do the same thing to Bubba.
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I mained Bubba even before his rework when he was a bit awful to play and I don't understand the neccesity of camping with Bubba. He nows is in a good spot and has great chase potential.
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The developers should just revert the Bubba buff, to how he played before. If he has the ability to camp as effectively as he can, there's no reason he should have the current buffs he has.
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Because camping with Victor was just one thing they can do.
Bubbas Chainsaw is the entire power.
IMO the issue is camping in general. Because usually, camping results in at least a trade. Bubba is just really, really good at camping.
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not really, thanks to his buff he is able to chase and actually down people with the chainsaw, I've tested pre bubba with my brother and you could never catch a looping survivor with it... the only way for Bubba's power to work was being in a very bad position.
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Isn’t this what all those killers picking Cannibal are trying to do? Get him nerfed? Seems like it to me.
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Here's hoping their changes to facecamping gut leatherface camping god it would be amazing after 4 years
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I would actually start playing more if they finally addressed LF. Like 20-25% of my matches in my last session were camping Bubba. It's just completely non-interactive and makes me want to play anything else instead.
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As an Insidious Bubba, I say leave him alone. It's still 4 Survivors against 1 Killer. I'd be for changes but only if the following conditions are met: 2 Killers, 6 Survivors, 8-10 Generators, and Map expansions. Again, it's 4 against 1 and the chainsaw evens the odds against toxic SWF's.
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When will they deal with the REAL issue plaguing DBD?!
Obviously, I mean the camping T2 Myers at 99% T3 while the survivor is on stage 2...