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"Bully squads" arent an issue, your skill is.

Hi this is my first ever post on the forums and i'd like to talk about my thoughts as someone who has 1.4K hours on the game! So, theres many killers that usually complain about bully squads being "Toxic" or "Unbeatable" which i'd like to argue they arent, and they are actually an asset to you as a killer player. For those who dont know a bully squad is classified as usually a 4 man swf with flashlights with the intent of bullying the killer by flashlight clicking at them, tbagging and using meta perks. The thing is, these swfs only go for mainly stupid plays and safes they dont intent to win the game or do gens they just purely want to get chased which in my opinon is the best part of dbd and we shouldnt be complaing about them and more encouraging them because I hear so many people complain about 5 minute games and when they finally get a bully squad they call it toxic and unbeatable when it simply isnt the truth. Anyways, what are your thoughts on this subject matter? i'd like to know!

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  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I won’t lie these toxic squads are annoying but beatable so I can get over them because I know what they’re gonna do. Oh they have flashlights in lobby they’re not gonna do gens and just try and blind me easy enough use it to snowball, look at wall, or run lightborn if you want to skip looking into wall same thing with pallets and body blocking.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    Ill be honest, normal players can be boring. I love the rush I get when facing a good bully squad. It's like 6 + minutes of adrenaline drops, win or lose, it is fun at that level of gameplay. Saw one in lobby, put on Franklins and Mad Grit, oh its so lovely to get thyat flashlight drop while carrying someone to hook.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    There’s sort of two types of bully squads, one is a problem and the other isn’t. The first type just runs around going for flashlight saves and trying to get chased all match, they’re not doing anything particularly destructive and if you’re any good as a killer they’re not even really a threat since they’re extremely time inefficient. The second type are the ones that abuse exploits to make it impossible to get hooks or downs, those types are more of an issue.

    And outside of the game itself there’s the question of toxicity in aftergame chat. It’s one thing to run around like idiots in the match, it’s another to harass and insult other players after the game is over.

  • Member Posts: 8,589
    edited April 2022

    I agree that it's a problem, but that's 100% the fault of the matchmaker. My friends and I faced two killers in a row last night that got 0 hooks. We're not a bully squad at all, just business-like and optimal. There's either not nearly enough killers to fill outlier spots at peak hours, or 350 is too wide of an MMR range

  • Member Posts: 968

    "BULLY SQUADS" ARENT AN ISSUE, busted map tiles IS.

    quick fix 😉

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    To be fair it's not that they target new player as much as they'll get away with as much as possible during the match and the less skilled you are the easier it is to get away with some pretty ridiculous stuff

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    It's both. The gap is to large so it often happens that someone from the lowest possible matching point meets a group that is just so not above there matching group. And that's gets worse because we don't have enough killer players for a multitude of reasons. Matchmaking, balance overall, balance of the majority of the killers that leads to a shortage. I also startet to play less and less because in the time I play a round as killer I can play something else that feels better

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    I mean if I play Blight with best addons, best meta build, map offering or Mori... Then sure, it's not THAT bad yea.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I love these kind of teams.

    When I close my eyes I can still see a particularly good group that gave me some trouble. I couldn't hook them but they didn't account bleeding-out was a counter for their very aggressive tactic. They've DCed when the last unbreakable and the last boon were spent.

    Good times. 😄

  • Member Posts: 570
    edited April 2022

    Ok, lemme give you a scenario that actually happened to me as Doc on Blood Lodge once against a 4 man SWF that all knew how to loop.

    Game starts and all 4 of them are together in the middle tbagging and/or doing clicky-clicky. None of them is afraid to get chased, there is NO weak link. I start a chase with one of them, I hear the sound of a Boon go off in the distance while they loop me, 2 gens pop and I am finally about to down em (no pallets let on that edge of the map, they used their DH) and right then 2 people come in body blocking me. My original target manages to get into another safe zone and the other 2 also split up into new safe zones. Meanwhile another gen popped...

    I go for one of the two who took hits, meanwhile the other 2 healed up and they do the same thing again, when I am about to down my target, they come to take hits. This time however I manage to down someone. Another gen pops in the distance (means its 1 gen left).

    I know the two clicky-clicky are around to attempt a flashlight safe and cause they are super cocky, I mange to get a three people slug. The last guy comes to the rescue and I go for him, down him quickly but someone had Unbreakable and he picked up the other 2. They are already there ready to fl safe the one I just downed. I slug one of them again while I chase the last guy who still tries to attempt a fl safe. Meanwhile the last guy popped the last gen...

    I return to pick up one slug (the other one got picked up already, thanks to another Unbreakable...) only to realize they crawled into a corner. One person bodyblocks me after I pick the survivor up so I have to hit em to even be able to move. Meanwhile the other two healed up as well, coming in to take hits as well. The person wiggles off and I simply give up and open the exit gate.

    They stay in there tbagging and flashlight clicky-clicky the whole time of the egc as well and now tell me how this match was a "skill issue" please. If you are matched with 4 people of equal skill where there is no weak link and you aren't playing a top tier killer with full meta perks?

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    You are correct that as a killer gains experience they can see patterns and know how to react. Recognizing a good runner. Understanding when you are being pulled from generators to a dead zone, not focusing on any particular survivor, and just reacting to what develops. Remember where the dead zones are and hide your red light. Pay attention to status indicators when hooking. Learning and paying attention to your killer power and perk cooldowns and noise indicators.

    The problem is maintaining that level of brain focus for several matches in a row can be draining. Go hard in your matches but take frequent breaks. Or you could just meme

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    This is assuming a "bad" bully squad. Groups equal to your skill at high mmr and not making mistakes this doesn't apply. There's a difference between good and bad bully squads.

    It's like saying 4 man SWF groups at top mmr really aren't an issue guys if they play terribly...

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    This is what happens when they don't balance for high mmr. High mmr killers quit because of the imbalance and then it starts putting those insane groups against lower mmr players because there aren't enough high mmr killers left.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    based fr, welcome to the forums and it is nice to welcome another long time killer main that knows how to play

  • Member Posts: 396

    And then we lower the mmr cap to mix stuff up even more because... variety :D

  • Member Posts: 13,671
  • Member Posts: 3,259

    They were talking about the bully squads that don't do gens and try and get a DC instead, what you're talking about does exist with efficient bully squads but Im pretty sure they're talking about a full troll squad more than a bully squad like one that runs head on builds and doesn't touch a single gen but decides to head on the entire match at somewhere like the main building of dead dawg, even at the highest of MMR you'll eventually run into these types of people just because playing normal for long periods of time gets boring and it's more fun sometimes to create you're own little game within the game.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Those types are pretty rare. Since he was also mentioning skill and beating them his phrasing tended to lead me to believe he was talking about the other kind.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I don’t find the “toxic bully squad” types of teams unbeatable. Like you said, they often go for risky plays. The teams that are near impossible to beat are the super coordinated SWF teams who 1) know how to optimally run every loop and loop combo in the game; and 2) use their comms to split up on gens so that at all times someone is working on a gen. These types of teams don’t beat you by bullying, they beat you with the broken design of the game (map layout and gen speeds + ability to coordinate via comms).

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Gen speed has always been an issue, map design isn't the issue it's the fact that survivors all on separate gens is OP all it really takes is have the killer commit to 2 good chases and it's over they have like 1-2 hooks with all the gens done, all these anti gen perks coming out are helping but it's really like trying to put a band aid on a wound that needs stitches.

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    It has got nothing to do with being unbeatable, I main Nurse and win most matches and statistically most killers do win.

    However it is about how you get there and dealing with a bunch of immature children in a SWF who click and teabag is not my idea of an enjoyable experience. I would rather lose but have fun chases with a team of adults, than win a match where I have to endure 15 minutes of childish morons who attempt to bully and get clips for their Toktics or whatever

  • Member Posts: 12

    Sometimes I run a bully squad with my SWF friends. I can totally agree that we have 0 intent to do any generators and more than half the time we are easily at a disadvantage with light born, franklins, and mad grit. Even with the killer getting a 4k it’s still such a fun match in the end and beats getting the quick 5minute matches. I also love seeing how killers adjust to using new tactics when trying to kill us, they learn from what we’re doing and it eventually doesn’t work anymore, then we die (lol)

  • Member Posts: 869

    Against the power of true friendship, there can be no victory for evil.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It depends.

    Beatable? Sure. In theory.

    But when you factor in:

    • Deliberately dropped MMRs.
    • Multiple offerings and addons.

    Then no, it's not realistic. Plus, a lot of the ones I run into aren't so much there to win as to basically stall things out at 1 gen left and meme on you with sabos, or just play hide and seek around the map to be annoying.

    You aren't going to magically 'outskill' a coordinated, deranked 16000 hour Russian TTV SWF as a 60 hour player.

  • Member Posts: 336

    Two words: Insidious Bubba.

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