Omega Blink
Spoken like someone with 0 awareness of how the game is played.
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I guess you're just feeling attacked, it's ok, eventually you'll learn to play her without slowdowns
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Yeah they were far more powerful before, Nurse was far more powerful in every possible way.
People tend to forget that in tournament she's far from 4k'ing every game. She's fine, the double range is currently a problem, but she's fine (well, it depends also on the map but it's like that for a lot of killer, if not all of them).
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Tournament level nurses average 2k (and that’s with slow downs.) you simply don’t know the game if you think otherwise
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If I'm bad at the game then leave my MMR.
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It's not just the Nurse's add-ons. It's the Nurse, she is absolutely broken. I guess the developers are keeping her so she can compete against the high level SWFs, maybe... I don't know.
Eventually, the developers will have to nerf Nurse hard, because everyone is switching to Nurse and learning her. When she only showed up in 1 out of every 100 matches, the 1 minute survivor 4k curb-stomping from a broken killer could be ignored because you got normal matches after.
However, now survivors are seeing Nurse much more frequently.
I checked and based on NightLight, Nurse is the second most picked Killer, right behind Huntress, with a 6.83% pick rate. And I bet that pick rate is higher at mid and high levels of play.
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Or learn how to play against her instead of begging the devs for nerfs.
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Go play only in SoloQ and come back to lecture me on my level.
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Here's a super way past cool idea: What if we were able to see the percentage of swfs and solo players? That way we can make an educated decision on whether or not we want to wait a bit for a better chance at a solo team! It doesn't split the playerbase and it lets killers know whether or not to play right this second.
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The double range are not the problem, the problem is, as said before, that the survivors are not used to playing against her, and therefore do not have the appropriate mechanics.
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It came back recently, the only difference with Omega Blink before, and Omega Blink now, is the different charge time
It hasn't been in the game long tho, Sadako's release or the mid chapter before that at the latest I believe (at least thats when it was discovered)
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The problem is always with the survivors, with you.
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I do play solo. Survivor isn’t hard.
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Tueur l'est encore moins. Surtout avec l'Infirmière.
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Don't generalize, you know very well that I was only referring to THIS particular subject 😉
If one day, I see a killer who starts to camp / tunnel / slug in a gratuitous way from the beginning of the game, don't worry, I'll be the first to say that it's his fault 😋
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I mean, 33 killers to 4000+ survivors at one point in the last month speaks for itself.
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I specifically said in public games. Again, if one needs stacked slowdowns to feel like they have a chance of winning, then they just gotta get good at nurse
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"Omega Blink"
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In public games with good survivors, no killer is killing everyone. Even Nurse