David BP/AC refund?

Pike Member Posts: 26
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

I liked playing David because I could relate to him as an athletic, straight, white male. I have invested millions upon millions of bps into David and probably bought an outfit or two. I can't exactly remember if I've spent Auric Cells on him because I have around 2k hours over the course of 2-3 years and have all survivors, killers, and many cosmetics. I haven't played in around 4-5 months or so but always left the game installed open to the possibility of playing again if the game was ever balanced.

Anyway, I did think it might be nice to see the new Haddonfield revamp and Legion rework. However, today I learned that David King's backstory has been retconned for no obvious reason. I'm not gay and can't relate to him. I'm not sure why the decision was made to retcon a character that people like myself can relate to and have invest tons of time and resources into but none the less I want all the BPs and potentially any ACs I have invested in him refunded so that I can funnel them into a character that I can relate to. Instead of creating a new character that the gay community can relate to, your company decided that my personal preference (not to mention in game time investment) is not as important as someone else's with a different preference.

So, can we get refunds to spend on characters we can relate to? Its very important to many people to have relatable characters in videogames, movies, books, music, ect. If that is going to be taken from one group of people and given to another, thats fine, but I want my investment back. I can only imagine how terrible the gay community would feel if BHVR created a gay survivor they could get behind only to turn around sometime later and announce that survivor to now all of a sudden be straight.

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