How the hell are we matched now?

I have had the same 4 man team 3 games in a row with 3 different killers. They all have over 3000 hours a piece, and I played 2 killers for the first time. Why would I keep getting the same team if they 4 out all 3 times? I dont expect baby teams but #########, seriously?
Nobody has officially confirmed this, but I personally believe there is a delay between you losing/winning and your MMR adjusting to the new score. I have had similar experiences like you, getting the same folks even after our MMR gap should have increased to the point of being put into separate lobbies.
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When will people get it? MMR isn't real they're just throwing you with the fastest possible match, you guys get out of the game same time que back up and that's a instant good connection match. This is another proof of that, MMR doesn't delay it just isn't real and people refuse to accept it because certain streamers use MMR in titles for content and they parrot that excuse when a team beats them.
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Sounds to me like you're playing during off-peak hours for your region and are in a narrow MMR bracket. The game doesn't have enough players available to give you a variety then.
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Who said anything about MMR? I said I got the same exact team 4 games in a row, if I took the time to go change killers, set up perks and add-ons and then go play, how the heck could I possibly get the same team that many times in a row? I am trying to figure out the odds of that, seriously. I am not quoting a streamer, I am not discussing anything any of them have spoke of, I just want to know how the heck I was punished for trying out new killers in the middle of the night when killer queues are shorter.
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- Because mmr bracket is now smaller, means people aren't likely to verse a wider pool of players.
- You're playing off peak like me and the player pool is small
- They're a group so they naturally will wait longer in queues/lobbies
- Killers you have never played get a shared mmr and is based off your other killers, so even if it's your first time you arent placed in a low bracket
- Theres just not many killers in general
I often verse the same people multiple times a day, but iv stopped playing because survivors boring constantly and killer I get no fun at all because the game isnt balanced for people playing well
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I'm not saying you did any of that, I saw where someone made an MMR comment it was just a general comment in regards to your post because some people believe MMR is a thing and something like this totally disproves it
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This doesn’t “disprove MMR” at all. The most likely scenario is this is either offhours when there aren’t a lot of players around or the poster has an outlier rating so is getting backfilled with other players with outlier ratings which there aren’t going to be a lot of.
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Outlier rating??
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Really high or really low MMR.