Something seriously needs to be done about Bubba's prevalent ability to facecamp.
Oh, sorry. Do you want a hug also?
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No, but clearly you have a splinter that needs tending to.
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I agree something should be done about facecamping Bubba’s.
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No it's only reason I play him to be able to camp
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Watch the original Texas chainsaw massacre.
Spoilers... he gets three kills in the shack that he never leaves then one more from a chase and the last gets away.
Leatherface is on exactly on theme, the original TCM is basically a template for a game of DBD.
I appreciate him for that and I hope they never change him.
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I'm laughing because it sounds like Survivor-Mains are complaining simply because Bubba isn't as easy to bully especially with the right build. I only became a Bubba Main a few weeks ago because I got so tired of the group body-blocking and outright harassment. They're upset because it's harder for all of the Survivors to converge and block Bubba from securing even one kill. I've gotten so many nasty messages from so-called "skilled" survivors about downing 2-3 at once just for trying to unhook. To prove it's just about entitlement and having something to complain about, these same survivors also complain about my using Lightborn. Why? Because they can't abuse me with constant blinding.
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And if memory serves correctly, he only proxy camped the house and didn’t facecamp the hook. He only hooked one survivor once. And he only used the chainsaw during chase. Once on a wheelchair-bound survivor in the cornfield and the other time on Sally as she ran away. So should we disable his power outside of chase?
Because video game characters and design aren’t always exact replicas of the films, in case that somehow wasn’t clear to you...
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You are complaining about the killer giving you basically free reign to do all the gens and leave why exactly?
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The last paragraph
"For the future, we’re still hard at work implementing various improvements to the matchmaking system. These include making Survivor ratings team based rather than personal (so dying heroically to save everyone else isn’t as punishing) and improvements to backfilling lobbies to prevent players from outside of the acceptable range from being pulled in. These improvements will take longer to implement, but rest assured, work is already underway on them. You can find a full list of changes we’re looking into in our January Developer Update. "
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Sorry if I was misunderstood or am misunderstanding, but what does any of that have to do with facecamping?
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Basement Bubba is funny and not effective.
Facecamping Bubba is NOT funny yet it's effective.
There's the issue.
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just do gens and leave. and before that dont drive killers to play facecamp bubba.
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But I can appreciate that fact it does replicate it to some extent, similar to Myers slow burn stalk playstyle, which is best represented by infinite T3 Judith's tombstone you stalk all game then slaughter everyone at the end, kinda like the film. I hope they never change it.
I'd also argue he doesn't proxy camp ######### because he never leaves the house, its more akin to insidious bubba than face camp bubba but really those terms are just splitting hairs for sore losers.
Being on theme doesn't mean mechanically identical to film replication. You know... in case somehow that wasn't clear to you. <- see what I did there? 😝
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Facecamping Bubba and Tombstone Myers are still both unfun and unfair
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i could agree with you but with some condictions:
1 you have to make more viable and incentive the "going for other people" strategy (meaning that you should nerf map layout, survivor's perks and genspeed generally speaking... this would also fix the tunneling meta strategy)
2 punish the general toxicity present in the game (most of the killer that i faced as survivor camped cause the chosen survivor was toxic toward him)
after those changes are made, i bet that really few people will still camp
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Delete him from the game I honestly can't stand him and the people who play him they're always toxic 😞
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Yeah he's boring. Delete trickster too and this game will be 9x better 😍
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The fact you unironically called him weak is very telling.
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He is somewhat weak, outside of camping (especially facecamping) and finding survivors in dead zones. Doesn’t excuse him being the only killer in the game that can guarantee a kill by standing still.
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There's an easy semi-fix to that. If they change it so that players who bring both Deliverance & BT who unhooked someone earlier are on the receiving end of Bubba's face camping, them getting the endurance effect while unhooking themselves would give them a chance. I would change Deliverance to remove the broken effect (which is BS since you have to use up a perk slot for it, plus it could only be performer once per match and may even be unusable if you get hooked before you unhook someone else---so having Broken take effect is an insult). I'd also say give them added/longer endurance that players getting unhooked by another player don't get because those players have the benefit of the unhooker taking a hit for them whereas someone unhooking themself wouldn't have that benefit & should get more endurance. It could be set up to detect & only kick in when a killer is with a certain face camping range of the hooked survivor.
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Ranking killers is a rather iffy subject, as personal opinion plays a big role. However the fact that most people in the community seem to consider him towards the top, at worst maybe middle tier shows there seems to be some general consensus that he is certainly not weak. His anti loop is extremely strong and his ability to insta down gives him one of the fastest downing speeds in the game. Where his sits on a tier list, is not really important TBH but if you can't at least recognise him at minimum an average killer means you don't play or verse experienced leatherfaces.
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Unless you’re playing survivors with below average skill, he’s a weak killer. The only anti-loop he has is chewing through pallets to make dead zones.
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He is low A-tier if you have a lil bit of skill in his power
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They don't bother me.
I think tombstone Myers is DBD at its best. Both to play and to face.
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Tombstone Myers is broken. You should not be able to kill someone and remove them from the game without them even being hooked.
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It takes your team mates dropping the ball for you to get Insta killed by tombstone piece early.
Myers with tombstone is potentially one of the most threatening killers in the game, making him one of the more exciting killers to face.
what build is he?
there is the threat of the unknown, the threat of elimination, varied play style based on build and the need to be mindful of positioning in chases. It’s probably the best combination of things in DBD and base wise he isn’t even that strong.
People get caught out by Myers because when playing survivor they all mindlessly want to do the same thing and have it work against every killer all the time. Guess what you may need to think a lil while playing against him and you will be punished for your, and your teammates, failure to do so, as you should be. It’s a team game after all.
The threat of elimination is what makes DBD what it is.
Everytime they water down the threat of elimination the game loses something and we chalk another win for sore losers who can’t handle being eliminated in an elimination game. It’s a shame.
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These survivors will literally let you stalk them, point at you, and then come to forums and claim Myers is OP>
so tiring.
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Never said Myers is OP.
Learn to read.
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You implied it by saying tombstone was broken.
If people inferring meaning from what you write and taking a dig about it is confronting to you, then I suggest you learn to write in an unambiguous way.