Please STOP With the Backpacks

And all the other 'cool' accessories on skins. Does anybody actually like those things?? I've only ever seen complaints. At the very least make them optional
I like the backpacks. Not a big fan of brightly coloured outfits though.
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I like the backpacks aswell I wish they made more cool Backpack for nea
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I like backpacks they are usefull and look cool.
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For $10 each skin should come with an RGB slider that allows us to change the color to whatever we want. Not to mention OP's suggestion which I agree with, there should be a toggle for backpacks or other accessories.
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I love the backpacks on certain skins. Helps make them more unique
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There's so many cosmetics I would like if they didn't have backpacks or some other accessories. I wish you could choose to have the backpacks/accessories.
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I wish backpacks and accessories where separate categories, they talked about it but I don't know if they ever will
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asking for an option is 'forcing' things on you.
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Stop the backpacks to nea, feng and dwight. I want Jeff with a backpack...
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Please wear as many things as I can see you around corners etc,... thanks
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I mean it depends on the backpack for me.
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I don't think they'd be able to make things like backpacks optional without it somehow unintentionally letting you equip the backpacks on any other cosmetic, just like people glitching sets and such. It is a solid idea though.
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This is BHVR, you really think they are gonna go that far to making sure you get your moneys worth?
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the best cosmetics are the simplest ones
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I like Jake's deliverance tome cosmetic because of the backpack
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I like the backpacks on some of the outfits, but others not.
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It'd be nice if backpacks (and Kate's big pink cowboy hat, that looks so weird if you want to wear a head cosmetic with a hat) were optional.
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I would like a backpack but they keep wiggling off. 😥
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agreed i wish accessaries were optional aswell