Why is losing your Feral Frenzy after a missed attack still a thing?

I thought you guys removed that? Legion shouldn't lose feral frenzy after a basic attack, especially with all the bs lag.
What was removed is the extra cooldown when doing a regular M1.
Beyond that, I believe the change was made to not have their power be an absolutely guaranteed hit.
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You’re right, it shouldn’t have any skill input or counterplay involved.
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Yes, just like Dead Hard.
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So you're argument is one bad designed perk justifies a badly designed power?
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I love Legion, but you obviously did not play against release legion..
Legion right now is the best spot they have been in a long time, so I and many other people are happy with that. I also hate to see people specifically the ones that only play survivor being like "wow this forum is so biased all killers want is 4ks blah blah blah buff ds" and so on so forth because it's annoying. So please think about how unfair that would be balance-wise if a killer had zero cooldowns after missing.
(Also yes before people are like, "but solo queue is worse than any killer they should get buffs", I agree, it takes time I mean people waited 4 years for ds to be changed. It's not other people's fault that it takes time, so don't go blaming random people lol if you are so mad about the lack of solo survivor changes complain to the devs.)
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This game is too poorly optimized to force killer to suffer a self stun for missing a basic m1 attack, people who are overly invested in this game have this idea that legion power is a free hit but it really not, I really hope they take away the cooldown from miss frenzy slash.
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Pretty sure it's because repeated lunging is slightly faster than just running with Frenzy, and they don't have a better (or simpler) way of preventing that. It was a common cheese strategy when Legion was released, or so I hear.
I do think it's on the punishing side, though. Maybe I don't play enough Legion, but it seems bizarrely easy to get spun while I'm in Frenzy compared to the usual. Possibly I'm just not used to the increased speed.
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The power drain on m1 was unnecessary and they got rid of that; but losing your power for a missed swing in frenzy makes way more sense imo. You already can fast vault windows and vault pallets, and run way faster than normal. You should be punished if you miss your attack.
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It’s not just a basic attack, though. It’s their power that can quickly injure, give deep wounds, and locate (among other things) an entire team of survivors - and now even down one.
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still not really good to justify being stun for 5 seconds because game is poorly optimized to have fluent animations without constant freezes. Legion already have the most downsides in the game for no reason. Actually buffing him instead of adding a lame gimmick is what he need
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He is objectively stronger than he was before, how is that not a buff?
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its really not a buff, but it doesn’t matter what they do to him, any killer that can literally swing a weapon can 4K stomp any baby survivos if they’re bad. he still gonna be the same mending simulator. Also they nerf his most fun addon iri button for no reason, I guess baby survivors can’t even handle the terror radius
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Alright youre just baiting at this point
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I want to be able to be peaking of heroin while recovering from severe brain trauma and still be able to play dbd at what I convince myself is the pinnacle of mmr bro fk off
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Got em lol
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I agree Legion is in the best spot since release, but they're still a very weak killer. Legion's true strength will only come once CoH isn't used every trial
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You have 3 seconds of fatigue after a missed swing now, it was 4 before,
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Yeah, he is still a M1 simulator for survivors. He is one of the, if not the, most boring killers in the game to play or face, in my opinion. I would have preferred a rework, but it is what it is.
You say nerf; I say buff. As soon as you would just randomly hear a full-on terror radius out of nowhere, you’d know the add-on was in play. Now it is a surprise when you see a pallet destroyed by Feral Frenzy. But go on.
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The reason it is removed because before Legion was able to exploit the no cooldown miss and get extra distance from all the chain lunging, so it will continue staying the way we have it already
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Then give him the usual basic attack cooldown that would stop people from exploiting it. There is literally no excuse for not to make it happen.
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Console players have low fps and are forced to play on controllers. Getting spun around by survivors and being unable to keep up with their movements is part of life. Getting taken out of Legion's power because of that makes playing Legion on console miserable. Legion's increased movement speed is nice, sure, but it makes whiffing more likely. For a lot of players, these Legion changes are a big, "Okay, whatever. But when do we get something that matters?" because we still can't play as them.
Missing an attack during Feral Frenzy should just have a normal missed attack cooldown.
I wish I could get back the Auric Cells I spent on outfits for them. They are so damn unplayable.
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hehe legion miss go br-
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new haddonfield map, on 4th stab running after a survivor
going in for the kill, stab air and get stunned
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Yea so don't miss? lol
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Feral Frenzy Wallhacks needs a counter like Calm Spirit or Iron Will. It's ridiculous that it can see you hiding in a locker.
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i literally didnt miss, i know i hit the survivor but it registed as hitting a wall, if you played the new haddonfield there are spots with invisible collision
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Don’t miss then. Skill issue.
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It's justified with the insta down stab now gives the option to use dead hard or sprint burst against it
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because you should get punished for playing badly?
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I would like to see Distortion block killer instinct too. Besides survivors not having a perk for blocking it, it’s one of Jeff’s perks.. who came with the Legion DLC!
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Yes. Survivors should have the ability to deny the Killer their whole power by equipping a perk.
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Which console do you have?
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The entire reason that isn’t the thing is cause killer instinct is only used by powers and nullifying a core aspect of a power would be dumb.
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I play on both PS4 and Switch.
I know some people on PC have problems, too. A lot of actions in the game, like survivors unhooking someone or searching a chest, cause frame drops, and if frames drop when you go in for an attack then that becomes a miss. Small punishments for whiffing are understandable and even necessary, but large ones like being taken out of your already limited power are too much.
I'll never stop being annoyed that this game has no controller settings, either. Making corrections when trying to aim is awful without a dead zone setting.
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Yeah I used to have same problem when I played on xbox one. But now I have series S and I almost never experience problems but I still have bit hard time keeping up some pc players who have 144hz or more screens. Devs definetely should add deadzone settings on console
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Because you messed up using your power and you survivors should have the option to slow down Feral
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Some people say upgrading to the new generation consoles fixes it and some say they see the same problems creeping in. Either way, DbD is the only game I have issues with on PS4, and a PS5 is waaaay more money than I'm willing to spend just to play DbD. Especially after I bought an external SSD solely to fix what the RE chapter update broke.
Some QoL improvements like controller settings would go a long way to making console play feel better, but it's been years and there's no hint that that's coming. Even with a smooth 30 fps and more controller settings, when you take into account the higher fps and the precision of M+KB, requiring console killers not to whiff against PC survivors is just cruel. Forced PC/console cross-play is good for BHVR's queues but it's bad for players (I've tried turning cross-play off on Switch... after an hour I still hadn't gotten a single match).
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If the person playing Legion has at least one functioning braincell, it is more than a guaranteed hit
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You can say that to any killer, a good survivor know how easy it is to dodge his feral frenzy, like spam vault because legion can’t attack after vaulting so you can just spam vault, run into him because killer fov is fair and fun, dead hard, instant 360, etc if you can’t do none of those then you’re not a good survivor
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Ah yes, old legion
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Most people are not asking for old Legion. They're asking for Legion to have a missed attack cooldown instead of being taken out of his power. BHVR went from one extreme to another when there's a middle ground they just skipped over.
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You still have full control over your camera when lunging in Frenzy... its not like Oni or Blight for example where your view angle gets locked and you can only go so far. Every single trick except for Dead Hard (if a Survivor is using Dead Hard to avoid a Frenzy Hit, they shouldn't be an issue to catch anyways) is VERY easy to deal with. If you can't deal with none of those then I'm sorry but you're just not a good killer
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lol I can 4K with clown with no perks and addons, I can tell you don’t play killer legion is still a weak killer. I only use him to farm bp against any good survivor you will never catch them yeah you got killer instinct but survivor is also in your terror radius and know you just injure someone, his power last like 10 seconds so good luck trying pressure survivors who are split across the map and multiple floors. If you can’t loop a legion for 10 second oh wow your bad
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It's fair counterplay. Dodging a PC Legion is tough, but if you can do it its devastating.
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There are instances where frenzy causes a split second of lag which causes a miss. I wouldn't mind it not canceling your power but instead either a miss animation or it takes a quarter of your power bar per swing or something.
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Most people are not asking for old Legion. They're asking for old Legion
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Sometimes you get screwed by auto aim, though, so not always a skill issue. And by sometimes, I mean frequently.
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What? Old Legion didn't have a missed attack cooldown in Feral Frenzy.
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Being slightly less terrible still makes you terrible. Spread and don't waste time healing, unless you have a good spot for CoH. Legion got slightly better at killing babies and solos who self care in a corner. Yay?
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I mean.. I know Legion is a weak killer, and I play about 50/50. How ever a Legion in Frenzy is almost guaranteed to get a hit. Thats why healing against Legion is basically useless.
How ever if you have some forbidden technique only you know of, I would love to see it first hand, since I guess looping a Legion in Frenzy is easy, you should have no problem demonstrating that in a 1v1 right?
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we can go from there