Ghostface and Legion chase music - needs fixing or an update

I have tried to watch streamers now and play this game but its impossible when their chase music is headache producing. Especially ghostfaces. Its so loud and feels like my brain is about to explode. Its much louder than any other game sound. Even if it would be a little lower its still headache producing. I literally had to take off my headset against ghostface and then die on first hook to be free from it.

Can we get an option to have the original chase music for the killers? Like some killers I like the chase music but for some id like the original one. I actually love the original heartbeat. For legion, ghostface and possibly the artist id like to keep the original. It could be in the settings that we can toggle on and off each killers chase music.

I dont know if its just me with extremely sensitive hearing but some sounds just trigger me to have a headache/migrane and some of these new chase music do that.


  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,389

    I have no problem with Legion's, I love it howevr the Ghost Face one is still HORRENDOUS. I am autistic and all they did was change the volume, that wasn't the problem I had with it.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    Legion music is good but it's TOO LOUD, like... astonishingly loud. You can't hear anything, not even yourself thinking.

    ghostface one instead it's just bad and it's impossible to play this killer until it's fixed.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Legion's is fantastic and I'd be sad if they changed the tune itself, though volume's free real estate. A toggleable volume setting seems like it'd solve any issues here, which is honestly a feature that should already exist.

    Ghostface, on the other hand - no. Hard no. Just scrap it and start from the ground up. The TR is great and fits the character, but once it hits chase, it's incredibly obnoxious. I don't find it quite as bad as Doctor's, but it's close, and it's the same kind of problem with loud and grating repetitive noises.

  • Felisong
    Felisong Member Posts: 7

    Just putting in here my respectful agreement. Legion's is great though, I haven't played yet (been watching streams) and can believe it being too loud.

    Ghostface is my main complaint, I kind of like it buuuut it needs to be way longer than this 3 second loop. It's too repetitive and kind of a head ache. This is only regarding his chase music and I kind of like the feeling the song has while you're nearby but not being chased. Please consider taking another stab at this BHVR!!

  • Dragony
    Dragony Member Posts: 5

    Ghostface music is actually migraine inducing, making him unplayable either as or against

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    The only change the Legion needs is that the mid-heartbeat music needs to be toned down if unintended.

    It may be a 'legion buff' but Heartbeat music is typically broken up into 4 categories:

    • Distant, just in radius (<32m)
    • Present, not super loud, but definitely there (<24m)
    • Approaching, it's louder and tells you that you're within a short distance. (<16m)
    • Loud, They're right on top of you, but not in chase with you. (<8m)

    Distant is usually very faint, Present is also usually low to a degree. It's only when you're at Approaching that the volume begins to kick up more - and Loud is where the game is screaming into your ear because you're in imminent danger.

    Legion's Present, Approaching, and Loud music are basically the same - it feels to me - with the only difference being the instrumentals.

    You can tell which one is which by when certain layers of music begin to chime in. Without it, though, it's hard to tell by the volume/intensity of music if the killer is 24m away or 8m away.

    Not sure if it's intended, but it sounds a bit off-balance when compared to other killer terror radius sounds.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,629

    I don't want to hear the chase noise of Ghostface ever again.

  • Zylance
    Zylance Member Posts: 64

    I absolutely despise both ghostface and legion's chase music. The fact that Legion has its moment and 8 of 10 killers play him, I can deal with (tedious games, so glad I have two screens) - But the chase music makes both killers unplayable for me, and being chased by legion is just bothersome. Not scary or thrilling, just bothersome!