Ghostface is still trash tier

Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

The "rework" did nothing.

Sure, mind games are slightly more effective against your mark. He still lacks mobility, pressure, and chase.

He can still be revealed behind a wall by survivors.

60 seconds mark? If it takes you 60 seconds to get your first hit you already lost the game.

Most of the "rework" consisted of buffing his addons. Is this what a rework is? Addon buffs??

Yet most of his addons still suck.

His primary weakness was against SWF. The rework did nothing to address this.

His primary strength was the ambush. The rework did nothing to exemplify this.


This rework was pretty bad. Some of his brown addons are better than PURP/IRI ADDONS!!


"Philly" - Decrease time required to mark a survivor by 20%. Very good addon. Helps with 99ing multiple survivors.


Victims Detailed Routine - After being marked, survivors are exhausted for 5 seconds. This stops what SB and Lithe? Very situational, you shouldn't be exposing survivors as they near pallets/windows/drops anyway just wait till youre close.

Night Vision Monocular - After revealing Ghostface, survivors are exhausted for 5 seconds. LOL.


Ghostface Caught on Tape - Instantly recharges Nightshroud after a successful basic attack puts a survivor into the dying state. Maybe this can be used for Slugface but that's about it.

Post edited by Basement_Bubba420 on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Yep, his buffs are kinda meh. Still better than nothing I quess.

    Legion at least feels better to play and he is more stronger.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
    edited April 2022

    Both legion and gf are still m1 in chases so I didn't expect much anyway.

    I still appreciate legion changes tho.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I've been doing really really well with Legion after his buff. Eventually I'll plateau at his new MMR with his buffs, but honestly he feels decently strong now. I'm not sure exactly where I'd place him in a tier list yet.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I kinda agree that Ghostface doesn't really feel much different and the buffs barely did anything. Also the reveal mechanic feels worse to me because I've had survivors see me for .5 seconds and then run somewhere where they 1000% wouldn't be able to see me and still reveal me so that's nice. I know it was bad before but I am getting the most BS reveals since the update. I wish he got the same treatment as Legion because I am having a blast as Legion.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    I've been having a great time as Legion, which is all that really matters to me. He's definitely a lot stronger. Unfortunately, he went from like 0 --> 40.

    Ghostface got nerfed, I think. Especially with that chase music....ouch

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    Bro, all stealth killers suffer from swf (well, maybe not wraith with add-ons).

    The add-on overhaul is great tho. I hope it becomes a trend (as in overhauling add-ons)

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397


    Wraith + Pig suffer the least from comms but both are terrible at looping, especially Wraith.

    GF + Myers require stalking to use their kit which is easily countered by comms. It's why they needed buffs. Unfortunately GF just got an addon rework so I'm sure we all know what Myers "rework" will look like.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    What would you propose for buffing him then?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095


  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    GF is a killer that is stuck in the 90s. We just had a new Scream movie where they use technology to their advantage.

    1. Add cameras to the map at fixed locations. These cameras are stationary and have a fixed view.
      1. Survivors who are in view of the camera trigger a notification at the camera. The notification takes 1 second to go off. Additionally, the camera will give an audible noise to alert the survivor they are in view. There can be addons that affect the camera.
      2. GF has the ability to take control of the camera so that they are able to move the camera across a wider angle and stalk survivors who are in view.
      3. Survivors can disable the camera for several seconds with a flash light or similar. This will disable that camera for several seconds.
      4. Now GF has map wide pressure being able to stalk without having to physically establish a LoS. Also, they can stalk without being spotted from behind a wall.
    2. Hitting a survivor will no longer reset stalk.
      1. Stalk is still reset upon downs.
      2. Resetting the stalk is archaic at this point. With the buff to the exposed effect stalking can be used mid chase when the survivor is injured to give GF undetectable thus increasing the utility of their power.
    3. GF should reset their power upon hook.
      1. This tends to happen naturally anyway because of the time it takes to pick up the survivor, carry them, hook them, and then walk out of LoS.
      2. Just make it a passive as a baseline and emphasize hooking survivors over slugging.
    4. Change some of the addons that are still garbage.
      1. For instance, Knife Belt Clip reduces terror radius by 8m when crouching. This is garbage.
      2. Instead, change it so that survivors who reveal ghost face are blinded for 40 seconds.
    5. Buff the perks.
      1. Remove the cooldown on thrilling tremors.
      2. Have it apply only the first time you pick up a survivor and reset upon hook so GF can't just drop the survivor repeatedly to keep the gens blocked.
      3. Reduce the cooldown on I'm All Ears to 20 seconds.
      4. Furitive Chase is kinda cool but needs a buff. Make it so that it also hides your red stain for the first 3/6/9/12 seconds in a chase depending on token count.
      5. This synergies well with GF's power of being an ambush one shot killer.

    There are so many more things that can be done. GF just still sucks and its really sad. Maybe GF could interact with lockers, like stalking survivors from them and popping out of them. In the movies GF is scary cause they could be anywhere! In game, we don't really have that and GF just walks around everywhere like a peon.

  • The_Grim_Reaper99
    The_Grim_Reaper99 Member Posts: 53

    Overall this was disappointing; his base kit is practically unintentionally nerfed no thanks to reveal being easier for survivors. The real focus was on the add ons which at least are good but now he was and is still add on reliant, which is a bad thing. I expected more out of the rework for Ghostface.

    I would’ve given him the ability to enter lockers and teleport to another one as mobility. He can exit them quietly to stay in his nightshroud or ambush out of them similar to pigs ambush, instantly downing a survivor if Ghostface hits them.

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    I think the teleport is a good idea.

    I think his addons are still pretty bad for the most part. Some of his brown addons are ironically the best imo.

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    I imagine that when ghostface was checking the cameras, he would act like charllotte. Maybe survivors could kick him in the shins like victor to bring him out of surveilence mode and stun him for a few seconds.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited April 2022

    The Ghostface changes were a good start at in the very least making his addons suitable - Basekit could use some more love but I'm just glad he got a looking at. I feel the changes were the right ones I just feel he needs a bit more.

    I'm very happy with the changes The Legion received - A lot of great changes the community has been asking for from BHVR for a very long time plus Legion has one of the most unique addons in the game now and I would love to see more addons like that in the future.

    Yes I know - It's easier to reveal Ghostface now. I feel the changes make a great starting point where he can get another change. I remember it took Trapper several big patches before he got to the point where he is now and admittedly while he could still use changes I feel it shows BHVR isn't done with Ghostface. The main issue I see is when Ghostface is revealed he's essentially neutered of his power. I feel giving him some sort of utility outside of that would help him a lot. Maybe for example striking survivors with the knife reducing the cooldown on his shroud and downing a survivor instantly recovers it.

    Also one thing I'm keeping in mind with these changes - I don't look at these changes as "Do they bring this killer up a tier" on the meta chart. I more so look at them as "Do they make this killer more fun or easier to play?". When I say easy it's not difficulty per se but more quality of life and less clunky. Something for example The Twins desperately needs addressed.

    I do like this concept admittedly.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I mean they follow casual survivors that had trouble breaking him out while everyone who was experienced as survivor could break him with almost no effort. Add-ons feel worse as well. GF used to have 3 recovery add-ons and now he only has 1. New add-on are just as ineffective as old ones. Pretty sad that none of stealth killers are worth playing. every single one of them is awful.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    The Legion changes were definitely far more significant.

  • Basement_Bubba420
    Basement_Bubba420 Member Posts: 397

    What addons do you like using? Most of them are pretty bad imo.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    They literally took some of his old best addons, like his iri and his green recovery, and made them browns. All his browns are fantastic.

    He can equip straight up wallhacks with a yellow. Olsen's wallet is great. The rest of the greens seem kinda niche although 10% increased crouched speed is probably something I will use a lot.

    Drop-leg Knife sheath is great, especially at short loops you can expose someone and use the speed boost to down them at what would normally be a safe pallet.

    Outdoor security camera is great, mapwide wallhacks.

    He even has exhaust addons. Nothing was worse than sneaking up on someone, marking them, and then they sprint burst away. Now he will pretty much counter all exhaustion perks if he wants.

    I have not used Drivers License yet but it could be really good if it actually works now (it was bugged before). You can stalk at up to 40m but can only be revealed at 24m, it could help a ton on wide open maps.

  • fcb
    fcb Member Posts: 159

    just check the posts on this forum, dev and mods talk more about other stuff than game related issues.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I doing a daily and he to easy reveal also is music get to me so I DC with all gens done no hooks I don't care they messed him up he was my main not going to play him much anymore.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    They obviously don't know how to change him. xD

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    All they had to do was make his Night Shroud basekit cooldown a flat 20 seconds and he would have been perfect *sigh*

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    don't know what can help him now wont be playing him till he fixed.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    Then you buff him since you know better how would YOU change him?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    for one don't make him easily reveal like now and don't make him hard to reveal there got to be middle ground here right now like he got no power on most maps.

    also get rid of his chase music.

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    If I was making Ghostface better in any way, I'd simply add something more to his power besides just being a bad Myers copy/paste.

    See the past thread I made here: