Haven't seen a single Ghostface

Is he really that unpopular? I've seen quite a few Legions but they were never rare to begin with. I honestly saw more GF before this buff lol. I've probably only played like 25 matches since the update so far but still
Edit: I finally saw one but he DC'd / crashed before the game ended.
I played some Ghostface; both versus and as. GF is better but he's still really weak since he can be revealed from what feels like the next solar system. The add-ons are definitely better but his main power right now still seems to be being Undetectable. Exposing someone isn't that easy if the survivors have any situational awareness.
I am terrible as Ghostface so take what I say with a grain of salt but I still don't see Ghostface doing anything that Myers can't do better.
In contrast, Legion, while still not high tier, is dramatically improved and has really good chase music that you can vary up. I'm not surprised the main focus for most people trying out the changes is Legion.
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it's hard to play a stealth killer with a chase music like that, it's making my ears bleed
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That's what I have been hearing, Is people don't like GF chase music it also is hurting peoples ears so everyone is opting out of playing him until they change the music.
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I've seen 2. And he feels exactly the same to play against
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Even before the patch, Legion was way more popular in my games than Ghostface ever was.
But the truth is the legion buffs were a lot more impactful. GF got some better addons and a couple other things but with it being easier to reveal him than before I’m not sure he really got buffed much. And his music is still terrible which from what I’ve seen is a contributing factor towards why at least some people aren’t playing him.
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Same here.
Not playing him because of his Chase Music. I am also happy that I did not verse a Ghostface so far for the same reason.
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Yesterday was all legions and leatherfaces
Leatherface has weird collision on new haddonfield definitely should've been some situations where I died
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Must have been facing some damn good Ghostface's then.
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Updated the game last night, haven't played GF for months, will give him a go tonight though.
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It's because he's even worse now, which is hard to believe I know.
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Legion is just more fun than him.
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I'm really eager to play some Ghost Face but I'm gonna have to wait until the chase music is bearable.
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They said they made changes to it... Doesn't sound ANY different to me....
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Faced 7 Legions and 1 Ghostface in 4 hours yesterday.
I swear when I'm playing the game now I can hear Ghostface's chase music from another trial on another server 😂😂
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Played a couple of matches of Ghostface yesterday and he feels exactly the same to play too.
I don't really mind that though.
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His reveal mechanism feels even worse now. I played 10 games with him yesterday and I was getting revealed in even wackier ways than usual. They really need to make it difficult to reveal him because it's the only thing he has going for him.
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Prob cause hes still really bad even with the addon rework.
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I'm still getting revealed by survivors after losing their line of sight behind walls, so makes it really unfun to play as
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Can yall please reduce the distance he can be revealed from...
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Thank you. Good news!
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even with the changes he is still weak. sure his addons are better but he can be revealed much easier against any coordinated survivors that puts him at a huge disadvantage.
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I don't mean to be rude since I know it's someone's time & effort for a pretty big inclusion for the mid-chapter patch - but it might be worth going so far as to revert the music to the default chase theme for the time being!
Edit: But really happy to hear, regardless!
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I hope you don't change it too much, I really like the current version as it is to be honest.
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Not surprising seeing as his music is downright horrendous and alone makes him almost unplayable to me. Not to mention the fact that his "update" wasn't even anything huge. The new addons are cool but he is exponentially easier to reveal now, playing against him doesn't feel any different but now you have the added benefit of having your ears bleed.
Legion definitely got way more attention and they feel like they actually did get a character update, still surprised it took them this long to do. I feel bad for the ghostface mains.
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I will not play him. Chase Music is terrible, his buffs arent that good. Legion on the other hand is a really nice killer to have fun and his chase music is epic.
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100% this
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Ignore him he’s just a crybaby killer main who thinks acting like this is cool but it’s not
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I've seen one (and a tsunami of Legions).
I find the biggest issue with him to be how hard Spine Chill counters him.
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- Thread has a bunch of Ghost Face players asking for him to get buffed
- Dev replies that they are working on buffing Ghost Face
- ”You can only hear survivor mains”
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Thank you! I've seen only one GF so far and i can't play him due to this music so im glad you guys are doing something about it.
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Im a main ghostface and the bufss are really welcome but the only issue I found in ghostface is the survirvors revealing him behind the walls, its annoying af
But so far now I really like the buffs
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The music isn't that bad, it's suspenseful. I'm actually starting to like it...ghostie go stab
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It's cause he's still a garbage killer.
The "rework" didn't really fix any of his problems, just made his brown addons much better than iri/purps.
Huge waste of effort imo, which is amazing because BHvR will make statements about not wanting to reduce the grind until they have a permanent solution in place to avoid wasting effort.
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Same. Not faced a single one. Plenty of Legions though.
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Could you temporarily set it to the genetic one instead?
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About that, why isnt there a option slider for music volume in general? I am not saying that you should be able to town it down that much to hear more in a chase to get an advantage but imo players should have the freedom to change the volume of certain things.
I personally am still waiting since 5 years for a SFX volume slider cuz sometimes the pallet break and screams of survivors while hooking make my ears bleed.
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You did make revealing ghosty a little bit too easy now. Its like everyone has streched ress and he can be revealed from almost everywhere.
He's not great to play.
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This is such good news.
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Holy Christ can you please turn down the legion chase music as well? It's really cluttering the soundscape.
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I like that they recognized Ghostface as one of the absolute worst killers in the game. And then, in the patch that was supposed to buff him, they increased the range he can revealed at, increased the horizontal view range he can be revealed at, and gave reveal progress a buffer so it doesn't go away if he ducks down or goes around a tree.
Did they actually think he needed three additional nerfs to compensate for the extra 15 seconds of exposed he gets if he manages to stalk you?
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yall respond this quickly to a post about gf's chase music but absolute radio silence regarding forces anti-aliasing. :/
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Haven't seen one the whole day today as well. After like 3 hours of playing survivor, I got my first legion. Who camped us all to death (and the claudette did nothing the whole time I was on the hook...).
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I played two games as Ghostface, that was enough for me.
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You hear us? Can youthough, over GFs Terror Radius?
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I really appreciate that the team is working on this. I just wanted to ask if we could just have his chase music reverted until there's a newer one. So far, I haven't really had a problem with the volume. It's really just been the speed of the music that's been incredibly hard to listen to.