Lets break down this midchapter patch

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

Legion got overall an amazing update, the changes feel very good and smooth. Legion is really fun and the addons are overall great. I personally dont dig that new addon philosophy with only browns and yellows giving percentage increases and green, purples and iri giving own unique effects. That takes away the uniqueness of purple and iri addon imo.

Also yes Legion is really fun and feels good but sadly Legion STILL remains very low tier, you still barely manage to maintain pressure or down ppl. You basicly play Legion to have fun and after a few games you realize you also want to get kills then you switch back to Blight, Nurse or Oni in my case. Great changes but you shouldnt sacrifice fun over results.

Ghostface changes where really good too and are better then many ppl think, I still wish though that ghostface would have a second ability to prevent beeing revealed for a few seconds, some kind of "super shroud" to protect yourself from beeing reveal, doesnt has to be long. The reason is some maps are WAY too open and you will still get revealed very easily by survivors, you can try to hide and take as many detoures as you want, you STILL have to waste alot of time and that sucks. Besides that amazing changes.

Haddonfield also is overall great, a pretty balanced map and THANKFULLY the second god window in the myers house has been removed. There is still 1 left though but I prefer this over 2 honestly, still promotes boring w chases. But overall a great rework and well done.

Last thing a huge hacker and subtle cheater banwave has been occured. Thousands of hackers have been banned and I have been never more happy then now after I heared this, BHVR pls keep up the amazing work you have been doing till then.

Boon nerf sucks though its just a brain dead nerf without any understanding what makes the perk good.

8/10 Midchapter patch


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,342

    I wouldn't say it sucks (the CoH nerf), better than no change but it's still too strong imo.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    ye thats what I mean with it. The best way to deal with CoH is still to give it tokens that are beeing used up for each compelted heal action and once the tokens are gone the boon snuffs itsself. The heal speed could even go back to 100% then.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    nope. tokens are not the answer to boons, the solution must be permanent or have a heavy time delay like 2 minute cooldown.

    Even better. delete the abomination that killed the game and think of something that isn't awful for the game.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Regarding the Circle of Healing nerf, the healing speed is a vital stat. Say it took 60 seconds to self heal using the perk, nobody would ever bother doing that. You’d probably throw the game trying. On the other hand if it took 10 seconds to self heal that would be really overpowered. So where that time is set can make this perk go from extremely powerful to hopelessly weak and everywhere in between.

    If I had to guess it should probably be at or maybe slightly faster than the standard speed for Self Healing (32 seconds). I say slightly faster because I’m guessing the downsides of having to spend additional time setting the Boon up and it only working in a small area and being snuffable somewhat outweigh the benefit of other survivors being able to use it. Right now as of this patch I think the speed is 23 seconds or something like that? I have no idea if that’s still too fast or in the right ballpark but it definitely moved in the right direction from the original 16 seconds or so it used to be.

    My main point though is adjusting that self-healing speed for Circle of Healing actually is the most sensible way to tune it. It’s an amount that can be finely adjusted to any desired degree and which can directly make the effect range anywhere from super strong to super weak, all without having to entirely reinvent the wheel. In fact the hardest part isn’t changing the number, that’s easy, it’s the testing afterward to pivot out how much impact the new version actually has on escape rates which probably takes a while.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    yes many ppl request a cooldown after the killer snuffs the boon but the thing is there are some maps with very dumb totem spots where you literally have to give up your entire game pressure just to snuff it. The cooldown wont do much, my idea here is much more better since the boon has now only limited use and then needs to be blessed again without the Killer needing to do anything for it. It opens up the counter play to keep injuring survivors so they waste time running to the boon and use up tokens from the boon so the boon snuffs itsself.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    No the self heal speed isnt an issue at all. If you self heal 32 sec or 24 sec will not do much. The whole point of SELF HEALING itsself is the issue, the self heal action itsself is one of the strongest actions survivors can do in the entire game to hurt the Killers pressure and time. You can tinker and adjust as much as you want with the heal speed it wont do any good nor fix it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Honestly, i think Boons would be totally fine IF killers Hex perks would work the same way.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    nope. full self team healing at the cost of 1/16 perk slots is just bad.

    it should NOT be better than bringing your own including self care.

    Self heal 32s for the owner and 42s for others. there, if you don't want to remove a mistake then make it balanced.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    If you think being able to self heal but it takes 60 seconds would be too strong you’re crazy.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714
    edited April 2022

    But it’s not “full self team healing” because it’s limited by range and snuffable and setup time. Those downsides can’t be entirely dismissed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Ooh, a stinging rebuttal! I’ve totally changed my opinion, good job. 👍

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited April 2022

    That is the issue with Coh regardless of the healing speed they can heal themselves which gives you barely any pressure, the time you used to hit the survivor is basicly nullified by the ability to self heal, especially if it is infinit with Coh.

    Injuring survivors used to be strong, why? Because they needed a second person that has to get off the gen to heal them OR they used self care which is a -1 perk for a 32 sec self heal which also benefits you as Killer.

    Because of one single Coh ALL survivors can self heal without using up an perk slot. I really dont get why so many ppl dont see this simple fact lol

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Because it's still time wasted. You are on a clock as the killer anyways, I don't see why you should be expecting permanent pressure without actually downing people. With hit and run your first hits should barely take much from you. Wraith, Sadako, Demo, Hag, etc can all do the playstyle fine now.

    Hitting someone and them taking, what, ~40 seconds to heal now? That's literally half a gen of time wasted for your hit, and that's not including travel time to the boon, and the time someone wasted finding and blessing that totem. Considering on someone like Hag the time invested for that is literally 1 second to set the trap and then 1 second to teleport to it and hit it.

    It's fine, self care is garbage for a reason. Giving the entire team self care is honestly a good thing as the killer.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Can't change the impossible. You think the range is a limitation and that says enough that the discussion is pointless. You also think setting time matters but fail to realise that there are 4 survivors who never stop their objective while a killer snuffing a boon loses 100% efficiency compared to the survivor setting at 75% efficiency.

    A killer walking to the edge of the map to snuff a boon is getting nothing done while a survivor running back to set it isn't stopping the other 3 working on generators.

    A survivor only needs to get within 24m of a boon to heal and can be on a different floor. A killer needs to snuggle up to the boon to snuff it even then they are designed to be annoying and bounce you off them.

    Want another nerf? The survivor should have to tbag the boon to activate it and heal just themselves, after that it turns off again until the next survivor touches it.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited April 2022


    Here you go people that think its fine. Watch this and see if it changes your mind.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243
    edited April 2022

    yeah, sure, but any survivor who memorizes totem spawns and sets up at a reasonable time wastes maybe 10 seconds to run to and from the totem, and then another 14 sec to bless. divide by 4 to adjust for teamsize and you just wasted a total of 6 sec in order to give everybody 4 stack desperate measures + selfcare in a very comfortable radius. thats just insane, and makes other very servicable, fun healing perks pale in comparison.

    but hey its not permanent well make it anymore so tbh thats a significant improvement.

    EDIT: i forgot to consider the snuffing, i've found that a killer wastes too much time, and its better to just forget about hit and run and play a killer that can just commit.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    You’re just totally discounting the time it takes to run back and forth to a Boon site as if it was zero seconds. And likewise ignore a 14 second setup time as being zero. Neither of which is true. They’re not large times but they do add-up to some non-negligable slow down over the course of play. And I have definitely seen survivors sometimes lose games because they get so focussed on running back and forth trying to reheal and replace Circle of Healing they ignore gens too much.

    And you’re totally dismissing the killer’s ability to snuff totems as never being worthwhile when in fact there are many times a Boon is fairly close to a killer after a down and snuffing them only takes a few seconds compared to the 14 seconds it takes its owner to replace it (if they’re even still alive.) Sure, there are some specific maps and totem locations that are problematic like the top floor of Ironworks, but generally speaking the Boons are accessible in the normal course of play.

    I’m certainly not saying Circle of Healing isn’t a strong perk, but to say it has no downsides that can’t be balanced out by adjusting its healing speed is hyperbole at best.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714
    • You divided the 14 seconds by 4 for some reason but in terms of total gen lost progression it’s still 14 seconds total time lost. If I knock a person out for 14 seconds that is that much less time spent on gens, not that amount divided by four.
    • You also forgot to include the time taken running back and forth every time a survivor goes to the area to heal. That adds about 5-10 seconds each way to and from the totem location per heal. If the survivors are healing 5-15 times per match each that adds up to a pretty good chunk of time lost compared to if they stuck to the gens instead.
    • Snuffing isn’t a waste of time if you do it opportunistically. There are often times you chase a survivor and after a down or hit there’s a Boon right nearby you can snuff in a few seconds, a lot less time than it will take them to replace it. I agree you don’t want to go too much out of your way to find and snuff them, but there are plenty of times where snuffing is time efficient enough to do it in the normal course of business.
  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    I divided by 4 in order to demonstrate that you "gained" the killer 6 seconds, if you slug someone its different, since you force somebody to come pick them up and thats more time gained. The 5-10 seconds are neglible, since thats about as much time as the average killer takes to injure you in a dead zone.

    if the survivors heal that much without boon, it takes a LOT more time, since they are forced to do it together + strategic downside of not being split up. Thats why it's, quite surprisingly imo, way better to stay injured very often, unless you have a coh up

    Unless one gets lucky and downes a surv next to a boon you will probably run by, hear, and then hook before you go after it. snuffing also takes ~10 sec killer time, which after hooking gives survs 20 secs gen time instead of only 10 assuming 1 chased one going for rescue one on hook. You also lose any immediate pressure you would gain from 1 chased. Any info gained trough tremors, bbq and painres also loses some relevance, although thats negligable.

    I do snuff every now and again, but i primarily play billy so the value i get from sprinting to a surv is greater than the value i get from sprinitng to a surv. makes wraith, sadako, and other killers who benefit from hit and run feel bad though.

    I dont think its busted or too strong, but it's veeeery powerful, and outright broken in a coordinated team.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I think it should work like waking up survivors vs Freddy. Everytime you activate the boon it takes longer to do it next time. Possibly getting to the point it takes too long to activate so survivors don't bother if the killer keeps destroying it.