A Legion Main's Thoughts on the Legion Buffs

I want to start this off by saying: Great job!
I know there are many people who will say that the buffs to Legion don't bring them any higher, and that's fine. However, I believe that the buffs make them more fun to play. The add-ons aren't as necessary anymore (Rest in peace, Cold Dirt + Joey's Mixtape), their power is more fun to use, and the chase music is god tier.
I played Old Legion and the only fun was the prospect of getting a 4 hit combo in Feral Frenzy. Certain add-ons (Cold Dirt my beloved) were necessary to actually enjoy playing as Legion, the power was often punishing even if you were using it right (Why was there a power drain for successful Basic Attacks? :/ ), and the chase music was just basic and boring music. Now, with New Legion, I get hyped in Feral Frenzy and the music and bonus speed per stabs are hyping me up with the idea of getting some sick 4 hit stab chains.
I think Behaviour did a pretty great job on the update. Anyone else can join in to discuss other things in the 5.7.0 update that you enjoyed.
Run fast, stab fast boiiissss
Run slightly faster, get stunned 4m away from the pallet
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I'd say that's the only problem I have with the new update and playing on Xbox in general: The weird lag spikes that happen when I'm trying to stab and I end up getting screwed or when I get stunned when a pallet was almost completely dropped.
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The buffs to legion absolutely do make him stronger than he was before. How much better depends on where you thought he was before. A lot of people put him as the absolute worst killer, which he definitely is not now. But even if you rated him a bit higher, I think that Legion is better than doctor now, which he wasn't before. Comparable in strength to Demogorgon from my experience.
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Ngl his chasing music is pretty dope, the removal of the power regressed once you m1 someone and the stun decreased from 4 to 3 seconds after the feral frenzy was a breath of fresh air and a much needed buff, but overall he didn't changed his place sadly... He's in the same position as before when aganist competent people...
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Agree M1 killer need movement speed like this.
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That's an insult to Demogorgon