A Legion Main's Thoughts on the Legion Buffs

I want to start this off by saying: Great job!

I know there are many people who will say that the buffs to Legion don't bring them any higher, and that's fine. However, I believe that the buffs make them more fun to play. The add-ons aren't as necessary anymore (Rest in peace, Cold Dirt + Joey's Mixtape), their power is more fun to use, and the chase music is god tier.

I played Old Legion and the only fun was the prospect of getting a 4 hit combo in Feral Frenzy. Certain add-ons (Cold Dirt my beloved) were necessary to actually enjoy playing as Legion, the power was often punishing even if you were using it right (Why was there a power drain for successful Basic Attacks? :/ ), and the chase music was just basic and boring music. Now, with New Legion, I get hyped in Feral Frenzy and the music and bonus speed per stabs are hyping me up with the idea of getting some sick 4 hit stab chains.

I think Behaviour did a pretty great job on the update. Anyone else can join in to discuss other things in the 5.7.0 update that you enjoyed.

Run fast, stab fast boiiissss
