PC really is smoother than PS4

KillerMain4Ever Member Posts: 147
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Exactly as the title says, PC is a functioning version of Dead by Daylight, I've had most of my console matches pretty much thrown out because of seconds of constant delays and lag spikes due to in game actions, and the unfortunate process was that I have all my progression on console, all my killers, all that money spent on inferior hardware that still has yet to be addressed, load time into a game can take 2-3 minutes whereas on PC i shouldnt take you more than a minute or two, and I've noticed picking up a downed survivor has more of an open window than on PC, making console killers more susceptible to flashlights, the difference of a couple seconds can be the difference between you winning versus you losing, and what's worse, console survivor has a window where u cant immediately start when spawn drops but I have seen survivors already moving about, I urge for there to be some sort of recognition into the performance issues of console, or hasten the process of cross-progression

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