Survivor tutorial bots apparently can be toxic, too.

I was playing the killer tutorial a moment ago to test some technical settings when I witnessed something incredible.
A Dwight bot who had managed to free himself from a Trapper beartrap started spamming his flashlight like a madman in front of me. It reminded of those flashlight macro users, it felt completely unreal. I am not kidding, this was the most bizarre thing I've seen the AI do so far.
I wonder, are there others who have experienced similiar weird things with these bots?
I got teabagged by bot Jake. I’ll never be able to forget that.
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I got teabagged, also. By claudette
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Also teabagged.
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Nea did the same thing. Started spamming the flashlight she found. Had me confused.
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Well, it's a tutorial after all. It's meant to prepare you for tge real thing.
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The bots are preparing you psychologically too.