Nurse needs nerf



  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Her primary balancing element is that her power demands perfect skill

    This isn't a balancing element. It just means it takes longer to learn her.

    The hard part of learning her is muscle memory, once you've developed the muscle memory to know her blink distances, you just decimate survivors unless it happens to be a really good SWF with comms.

    This is like saying a bicycle requires skill to use. Sure it's hard to learn, but once you learn it, you keep knowing it. It's not like you have to relearn the Nurse every time you play her.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    So, do you have any meaningful proof to back up those claims yet? Cause she consistently averages out to a 2K in even matches. And no, self-reported aggregation of just a few thousand games is not meaningful proof.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    AH - nono, II didn't mean that in order to use her one must be perfect.

    I meant to say that - if you use her power perfectly 100% of the time, you will always get a hit.

    It's not realistic, because you cannot always see where survivors are - or predict where they will be in a second, but that's the point.

    The killer requires muscle memory to learn, she needs the human element.

    Human elements are really good at guestemating, but not often good at making precise calculations quickly.

    If you hooked up some fictional computer to Nurse that perfectly understood the distance and traversal time of her power - and coded it to perfectly land on a survivor, she'd be stupefyingly powerful.

    If she was able to land her blink accurately 100% of the time, she'd be absolutely broken.

    What keeps her from being broken is the human element - that 'muscle memory' as you finely put it.

    Her power demands machine perfection from a person - and punishes mistakes. This is how she is balanced.

    Her primary balancing element is not that one must re-learn or anything, sorry if it sounded that way, the primary balancing element is that one must be perfect to excel at it, which means that most humans will struggle to accomplish such perfection.

    It is a clever way to balance something that no other killer can truly boast of.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    If you play any killer perfectly 100% of the time, you will win. It means you outdid the survivors in every single thing. It’s kind of pointless to even say something like this.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    There is no other killer power in the game that completely circumvents the conventions of distance, location, or terrain to effectuate a hit.

    You can play flawlessly with many killers and still not win, succeed, or simply snowball too late.

    Spirit's power - phase over to a survivor. You can get the hit, you may not, but you can still follow up on a mistake.

    Oni, miss a charge, try again - it took you time to cultivate your rage, now you have the time to use it.

    Cannibal, they can vault - huge margin of safety.

    In truth, no killer expects perfection with their power. Even Huntress can choose to chase down targets on foot when out of hatchets, and has a generally beefy hit box.

    Nurse is highly particular with her power, and is incredibly punishing to those who do not execute it near flawlessly. She cannot even chase survivors on foot if need be. She must use her power and use it correctly, or suffer the fatigue.

    i'm saying that her power is highly demanding of skill. I honestly didn't think anyone would suggest that she does NOT require more skill to play well - or that her power isn't as punitive as other killers'.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Oh c'mon, man, is this where we're getting at?

    No, it's where you're stuck at.

    I don't see where the straw-man is here

    Then let me break it down, and be done with it.

    You said...

    A mind game is ... forcing a killer or survivor into making a play against their best interest.

    To which I said

    No, you're completely wrong here. A mind-game is where you force the opponent to have to choose correctly for success. It's not forcing a player to play against their interest.

    I further expanded on this saying

    when Nurse is holding her blink, she is definitely going to blink. She cannot cancel it, and the longer she holds it, the more problematic it can get. There is 100% a mind-game here because you can use your knowledge of Nurse's mechanics - that is assuming you have any - to force her into mistake.

    You didn't like this, and claimed..

    I have very clearly and deliberately outlined the differences between guessing and mind-games from an objective point of view.

    Except, you didn't.

    And, here come's the straw-man!

    But if anything that involves guesswork, anticipation, or uncertain prediction in this game is considered a 'mind-game', then literally every faculty within Dead By Daylight is.

    That's NOT what I said. I very clearly stated on each occasion that mind-games are where you're able to force your opponent to have to choose for success... will you vault, won't you vault, etc. The straw-man is you reducing this down to any choice, which isn't a mind-game. It's not a mind-game which gen you'll do first, etc.

    I further emphasised my point in stating:

    Fact is, you're saying that the Nurse having to guess which way a survivor is going to go, and having to make predictions, etc, is not a mind-game... when it literally involves having to make guesses based on cues the survivor is giving and completely in control of! Seems to me the very definition of a mind-game.

    If the survivor is giving cues to the Nurse that she has to read and react upon, then that's mind-gaming because it's completely in the survivor's hand to give false cues, etc.

    But again, you went and made a straw-man by repeating...

    if anything that involves guesswork, anticipation, or uncertain prediction in this game is considered a 'mind-game', then literally every faculty within Dead By Daylight is.

    And supplementing it with

    My friends, you're saying that the minute decision to walk in any particular direction at any time for any reason is a 'mind game' if it is at all influenced by knowledge of the opponent's actions;

    No, that's not what we said. That's a straw man you keep constructing, presumably because it's the only way you can satisfy your cognitive dissonance.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2022

    Prove it with the numbers then. Nurse has the lowest kill rate of all the killers. Where's your evidence for your claim?

    Your problem is, presumably you're only going against Nurse's that have put in the hours to compete with survivors at your level. You're not seeing all the Nurses that are crashing and burning at the lower levels where other killers can get success much more easily.

    You're literally only going against the battle-hardened Nurses, and presuming that they're the average... when in fact the average Nurse is being matched with opponents far lower than you because she's so difficult to play.

  • Exelero
    Exelero Member Posts: 22

    no you just bad

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    It's not difficult to play, it just takes time to learn. After I found out, all the killers are the same. But none of them can pass through pallets, walls, ceilings or objects like a Nurse. After learning to play, all the killers are the same. But none of them can pass through pallets, walls, ceilings or objects like a Nurse.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Could we please see some of your Nurse gameplay? I want to learn how to get easy 4ks!

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    If you call me 'rookie', how about you play a custom game with me? I'm going to use Nurse, and if I get more than 2k, which is 2k too good because I'm a 'rookie', how about you stop crying more? Find 3 people like you who say that the Nurse is 'balanced' and let's play a custom game ourselves. You can also choose these people from the crew who constantly say that the Nurse barely got 2k. After all, she is a very 'balanced' character. Thanks to this, we can all see how many people even a 'rookie' can kill with such a 'balanced' character as Nurse.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    Ok, do you wanna play custom game with me? Also i didn't say ''She's so easy''. But she's best killer in the game. You're very smart (!). Proof it if i said. Btw not easy 100 win streak.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Still waiting on your Nurse gameplay footage! Help me get ez wins!

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Several of her yellow and green addons are tapered versions of her purple addons. So I'm not quite sure 'no in-between' is accurate here.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited May 2022

    I would add the mid-tier range increase to the Recharge opinion. Nurse with no range/no recharge addons literally get's W'd on big maps and she has to blink all the way down until she can corner them.

    The point is exaggeration isn't helpful. These Nurse threads are filled with exaggeration, and it induces players with less-informed opinions to accept those claims because they support their personal experience that Nurse is frustrating - instead of inducing them to actually pilot Nurse occasionally and learn how to play as and against her.

    Post thought: Felix should absolutely be bi.

    Post thought edit: Yes, some of her addons are completely pointless - and some are actually poison pills which is bizarre.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    I'm waiting to play a custom game with you too. Besides, this way we will see how "balanced" the Nurse is and how much of a "rookie" I am. What is it about? I promise to do at least 2K. After all, the Nurse is a very "balanced" character, and you "pro" players can get a max of 2K Lmao. Right now, I'm iridescent rank and the Nurses who are against me are doing 2K at worst. But in your opinion, the Nurse is "very weak" and you still continue to play #########? Lmao. Let's play custom game once and I'll show you how "balanced" Nurse is. I'm still being judged by a bunch of idiots for a word I didn't say. It's a joke.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    And you didn't provide any evidence. But I asked you for proof. If you don't have a proof, don't talk to me anymore.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    DBD forum user understand burden of proof (impossible)

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    If there is anyone else to cry to, let me show them how "balanced" the Nurse is. Just find 3 people like you who think she is "balanced" and let's play custom game once. You call me a rookie, you question my game experience, and I'm judged for a word I didn't say, but no one accepts my invitation. You're ridiculous. If you think you're better than me, prove it. Just prove it. Don't judge me anymore. I'm inviting you to a custom game, and you're running away without saying anything? Lmao. Let me prove to you how "balanced" she is. We'll take a screenshot of the endgame and throw it in the discussion title, so everyone will see that Nurse is very "balanced". What are you afraid of? After all, you say that even the "good" players barely do 2K with the Nurse, and I'm a "rookie". I claim that I will do at least 2K, which must be impossible for a "rookie" like me. And yet you are afraid and run away. Come on, come on, and I'll show you what a "rookie" Nurse can do.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    A single game is not representative.

    If at the end of this single game, the nurse has made 4K, some smart guys will conclude that she is OP.

    If she makes 0k, others will conclude that she sucks.

    Basically, people know that playing against a nurse is possible. They just don't want to admit... that they are lazy to practice 🤔

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    I can play 10 times in a row, and I can do at least 2K

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Please, I would love to see you collect a bunch of Nurse mains to play against this guy who brags about being able to draw. Like honestly unironically would make my day, because I'm so tired of people acting like they know everything.

    Also to you, being able to 2k means literally nothing skills, I can 2k with every killer in the game does it mean I'm good with those killers? No, absolutely not, nor would I claim to be because that's dumb. Like 2k is a draw in this game, you do realize, it doesn't mean you won, so please tell me how being able to draw in something = you are good?

    When I first started playing I got 4 kills like 10 times as trapper pre buff, does that mean I'm an expert at trapper? No, I'm a godawful trapper, this game isn't really balanced matchmaking wise, sometimes you will be facing people your lvl or way below your lvl or way above it.

    I mean you can't even see your own mmr lvls, so how exactly do you consider yourself to be experienced? Meanwhile, the person you are talking to has been playing for way longer and I honestly rather believe what they are saying than someone who has an ego the size of a moon and reminds me of the one person who 4ked as a clown as said clown needs nerfs. (Though they were more fun to read than this.)

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited May 2022

    Complaining about Nurse, DC penalty and tunneling/camping in one post? Providing zero suggestion or explanation at all? Yeah, makes sense for why you'd be complaining

    Considering this reads just like a troll copypasta, I'm going to go ahead and assume that's what this thread equates to.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited May 2022

    Evidence of what? Here is a screenshot from this past March, where I escaped against Nurse as a solo survivor. I had the most points and don't even think I was downed or hooked once. You can see she had BBQ, Starstruck, Agitation, Infectious Fright and the purple range add-on (the commonly complained about Nurse build and add-on). The other three survivors had Flashbang, essentially a meme perk. One brown toolbox that I don't think I used. She got one kill.

    Now, what more evidence do you want?

    Sure, I'll custom match you. But why can't you show us these 10-win streaks against people the game determines are of your own skill level? I dunno, I might be too good for you! Don't want you to get creamed too hard. I'll be livestreaming too, if we do.

    Edit: typo.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Anecdotal individual evidence isn’t proof either way. If Puppier wants to claim Nurse is overpowered, they need actual conclusive evidence, not personal anecdotes. You’re free to still compete with them but it won’t determine anything either way.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    You cant nerf this killer, if you do the whole game will fall apart. Maybe instead of whining you could provide buffs for the weaker killers first so we can finally fix the game?

    But no this just seems like a vile attempt to make every killer completely useless besides being hook campers.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    Since many people say that even "good" Nurses barely do 2K, I also said that I can do at least 2K. Also, against a good swf team, even if you play well, it may not be enough. When you enter the Swf, you can barely do 2K, even if there is a good Nurse against of you, it is true, but it is more difficult to kill a survivor with other killers than Nurse. Because the Nurse takes away many of the advantages of the survs. There's no point in dropping a pallet when you're against a good Nurse player. If you don't normally get hits, the probability of getting hits becomes almost certain when you drop the pallet. When there's only one person left, and the Nurse finds the hatch, you're definitely losing it. Because she can control both gates in a very short time. In this case, many other killers are at a disadvantage. Some killers also have this advantage.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    Lmao. I wanted you to show me evidence for the lie you told me about me. You're still making ridiculous requests of me for something I didn't say. Besides, the Nurse against of you only has a meta perk. You can't expect her to win when she hasn't got any gen perk. After all, the survs do gen rush as soon as the game starts.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Still waiting for your evidence she consistently overperforms against players of equal skill on an even-sided map. If you don’t have proof, your claims are meaningless and irrelevant.

  • MrPuppier
    MrPuppier Member Posts: 27

    Because at least half of the killers in the game use Nurse. If you have a high mmr, one of the 3 killers who comes every day becomes a Nurse, and this is very annoying. Beginners to the game also often use Huntress or Nurse. That is why Nurse has less clay in the statistics. Because Nurse is more difficult than Huntress, novice players cannot get a kill at all. But those who play Huntress get at least one kill by doing camping or tunneling.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Nurse has only those addons viables :

    • distance
    • cooldown
    • special purple with ability for teleport backward
    • And done.
    • you need to play with the environment and If the nurse is too good, you loose, like 2/3 of the dbd killer roaster.
    • it’s hard risk high reward.

    the DC penalty are currently scaled on your dc of the day for the duration of those.

    camper and tunneler ? Meh I’m out with those strategy too

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    I mean I'm just starting to accept that survivors will continue to keep crying until the strong killers are all nerfed into oblivion.

    *mourns old spirit*

    *cries cuz no more gen grabs or totem grabs are possible*

    *cries to silent phases being able to be performed by phasing between 20/24 metres away* not anymore

    *cries for the loss of all her green add ons being changed for trash*

    *cries because devs believe adding dried cherry blossom fixes the issue of iw totally destroying her* dont like this add on

    And before anyone says but the standstill mindgame... I never used that. They should have just given her an actual phase animation.. Or better still, survivors actually take the time to learn that her animation actually resets when she is phasing. Shocking I know. But they need to know where you are at all times duh

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited May 2022

    Nurse actually is fine as she is, though. That’s the difference. It’s almost universally accepted Spirit was not ok for years. I’d argue she still has unfair things going for her. Nurse gives visual and audio cues for all that she’s doing, and never even with her strongest add-ons immediately gets her power back (anymore). Same can’t be said for Spirit.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Of course she needs a nerf, and it should primarily come to her having an actual punishment for her powers. An exhaustion of 1 second whether she's successful or not, whether she missed or not, in exchange for all the broken things she has to her is by far not enough. If you want to have a powerful killer, you need to give her much harsher conditions to work with. You can't have both broken and easy, because might as well play against bots if all you want is a match against yourself.

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    Spirit doesn't get her power back straight away what are you talking about. It's 15 seconds recharge at base and then youre a useless 4.4 killer until its back

    I'd argue nurse is/ was stronger than spirit ever was. Yet spirit drew the short straw

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524

    Ist swf incredibly easy while having the potential to dunk on almost if not all killers?