Nurse needs nerf

Please nerf to the Nurse. She's so op.
Also shorten the penalty for leaving the game.
It used to be 5 minutes, now it's 15 minutes, look at this #########.
It's been 6 years and there are still the same mistakes. No development.
There are no sanctions against campers and tunnelers.
But there is punishment for dc players #########?
Because the person in front of me is not playing fair, I will be dc and a penalty will be given lmao
Besides certain maps which is the case with many killers Nurse is a balanced killer to face
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The thread title and sentence say nerf Nurse, but the rest of the post seem to be asking for a nerf to the DC penalty and killer play styles.
Also, says Nurse is OP but doesn’t give any evidence why. And given the rest of the post, we’ll just have to assume because you try to face her as every other killer and DC when she first downs you.
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Nerf her good addons and then leave her alone.
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I mean I agree but at least give some points as to why
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As much as I agree with nerfing nurse it sounds like you have a problem with DCing.
The base time is still 5 minutes, if you’re up to 15 then you’ve been DCing multiple times.
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Honestly this all sounds like noob stuff and a fair bit of entitlement.
If you DC take the penalty you earned, I accept that if I DC I will have a timeout and don't blame the game as I understand why they do it (not encouraging it mods!).
Also, what is considered 'fair' is extremely subjective in DBD and for survivors it often borders on absurd and I say that as a survivor main myself.
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There are no sanctions against campers and tunnelers.
But there is punishment for dc players #########?
Because the person in front of me is not playing fair, I will be dc and a penalty will be given lmao
Why there should be sanctions against campers and tunnelers?
Do not DC, there won't be any punishment.
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Nurse needs an entire rework, not a nerf. Her ability to ignore every defense is an issue.
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Shes so annoying to face, I wouldn't mind 😁
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Oh please.
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Survivor OP, pls nerf.
They are basically nurse but instead of one of dozens literally only one playable character.
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I am not saying make them useless, but they shouldn't have a big inpact on the best base kit killer in the game.
Look at the Artist addons. None of them are super good that makes her main power much stronger, because her base kit is allready good. This is how it should be with very strong powers.
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You need to understand, most survivors only know how to press space, hold Shift and W or m1. Any thought outside of pre dropping a pallet and expecting to be safe is difficult and usually results in demands for nerfs like they did to Deathslinger.
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Oof. You are not ready for today’s buffs and Twins Tome.
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No, the Nurse will never be a balanced killer to face until they get rid of teleporting through objects.
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She is already balanced though? 🤨
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How can you call her OP, when she has the lowest kill rate?
Have you ever considered that disconnecting is the core issue here?
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"It used to be 5 minutes, now it's 15 minutes, look at this #########."
It goes up when you DC a bunch within a 24h period.
Try finishing your REALLY helps avoid the dreaded DC penalty.
"Because the person in front of me is not playing fair, I will be dc and a penalty will be given lmao"
Your idea of 'fair play' and self entitlement to DC is also a 'you' issue. Juvenile/ignorant (in terms of game rules, knowledge, etc) attitudes like this are why the community is so toxic.
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Nurse actually should be buffed back to when her blinks didn’t need to recharge, then all other killers should be buffed to be that strong.
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She has no stealth you can get a head start before she tps to your location and from a distance makes the blink predictions difficult
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We haven't heard anything about the Nurse, from BHVR, for a long while. But if you check out the aggregate stat sites, her kill rate has actually begun to skyrocket. She's the second most used killer, under huntress and she has the 2nd highest kill rate, below Blight.
My guess is that everyone has started switching over to Nurse and Blight because they are the easiest killers to get kills with. And think about it, once you learn Nurse, you never unlearn her. So as more people learn her, they keep playing her. So there's more and more people who know how to play Nurse and less people that don't know how to play her. It's really the people who don't know how to play her and that's what keeping her kill rate so low for so long.
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Not possible
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With this dev team, who consistently balance for 0 kills? Agreed.
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Yeah but also how can you get a guy who places down traps to be at the level of someone who can teleport through objects
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That website has a giant warning label telling everyone the data is biased.
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The official kill stats look kinda different though.
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And I did say, that BHVR hasn't released any stats recently, which would be the preferred stats to use. But if the aggregate site is any indication (it processed about a few thousand games a month, so it's has a gigantic sample size), the Nurse has jumped up in kills and usage. The developer stats have probably seen the same thing.
Either way, if that is the case, then the Nurse and probably Blight are going to get the big ole nerf bat soon.
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Give him a ton more traps than he has now, and make them translucent
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The aggregate website is useless. Do you understand that the data is so unreliable that it literally has a giant warning label on it, telling you the data is unreliable? You can’t use that data for anything.
Did you even look to see what that website listed for Nurse a few months ago? It said her pick rate was 1.54%, which is way off from the official stats from a few months ago.
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IMO the fixable weakness is that he has to spend time setting up traps, and that traps are too easy to avoid/disarm with no consequence. Also, his own power can harm him by making him lose a chase/drop someone if he steps into his own trap, which is a pretty stupid drawback for a largely ineffective power.
I’d start by making some of his stronger addons basekit like some combination of:
* disarming traps always injures you
* disarmed traps rearm themselves after ~30 seconds
* escaping traps on your own always leaves you in dying state (or maybe deep wound) if you were injured when you got trapped
* he can always walk through his traps, etc.
I’d also have all his traps start armed and in pallet chokepoints/windows to reduce the need for him to spend the first two minutes picking up and setting up traps. He could move them, certainly, but now they wouldn’t spawn uselessly in a corner.
Maybe those ideas would be terrible in practice, but a killer power should be a constant and significant threat (such as nurse blink or blight charge), not laughably avoidable (like trapper, trickster, onryo).
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Those would work most importantly he needs to start with all traps in hand so he can have an effective set up
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I agree. I mean exactly that. It's bullshit that it goes through pallets, walls, ceilings, everywhere.
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Nurse is one of the hardest Killers to learn and therefore as the best potential.
Here's a tip, stop DCing. The more you DC, the more your time increases.
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Not true. I play the game 2-3 times a week when the Rift is not available and today the penalty time on the first dc was 15 minutes
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I am not advocating it, nor am I proud of it or promoting it as such but I admit I DC on certain matches and the penalty is definitely not 15 minutes for the first time. Sometimes there seems to be none, then 5 minutes next time, then 15 and so on but if I am having that bad a time I usually just go and play something else at that point.
But either way, your first DC will not be 15 minutes
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Man, people will really ask for nerfs to the best-balanced killer in the game.
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I feel like I need a copy/paste response to every one of these threads:
Nurse is in a good spot. Survivors often have a very poor grasp of her counterplay. She does not "ignore game mechanics". Please make an effort to improve at the game.
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The point is: At least devs should have fixed the increased blink speed in range addons. It's the least devs can do and most people agree with it, and it's been like this for 2 months now.
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The stats that people generally go to that site to pull (top/meta perk picks) lines up with what you'll see/experience in any mid-high mmr stream/game.
I'm a fan of the site, personally.
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Only change that Nurse needs is to make her swing out of blink a special attack, so it can't one shot exposed players. Blight's swing out of rush is considered special, yet Nurse's isn't. And she makes perks like MYC, Starstruck, or DHope just really dumb.
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The second part of your comment is telling us that "YOUR THE ISSUE" and not nurse because your not trying to change your playstyle. your just trying to Ring-O-Pallet so that you can have an easy time
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You try running at the Nurse, she blinks at the ground to make sure she doesn't pass you. You hide behind a wall, she can just blink through it and hit you. Pre-drop a pallet to slow her down she just blinks through it. There's literally nothing you can do against her.
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Oh but there is. Again, the best way to experience this yourself is to play the Nurse and see what the survivors are doing against you.
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Because they are nothing alike. Exposed perks are fine on her.
Blight attacks WITH the Lethal Rush. Nurse uses the power exclusively for movement. She cannot attack with the power itself. She moves, and then does a regular normal attack after reappearing at which point she has no momentum.
Mindgame better. Sounds like you got read hard. That's a you problem.
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Blight is a 4.6m/s killer.
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she needs an omega nerf. she's been up there for far too long. and she isn't even the hardest killer to play
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Wraith coming out of cloak gets a speed boost, Spirit’s speed and lunge coming out of phase walking, Hag coming out of a phantasm trap on top of survivors.. yet these Nurse haters about her being able to use exposed perks:
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Lol, no. And who then is the hardest killer to play?
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This unexpected picture made me smile. Thanks, I needed it (came back playing killer tonight).
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Billy and Blight are way harder than Nurse to score ability hits with. nurse just bombards you with a barage of bullsh1t blinks that you can't really dodge as well as any other killer ability