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3m40sec 5 gen pop, normally possible?

Match is at timestamp

This is their build:

This is the second time I got a 3m40s 5 gen pop, without prove thyself and only 1 toolbox. The other I even had 2 hooks in between. While this one I chased little to none throughout the pops, there were points for sure there were 2 people away from gens and most of the time always 1 away.

So, is it possible legit? Did I just get gen rushed hard or there is subtle cheating here?


  • fernandosilveirasc
    fernandosilveirasc Member Posts: 37

    In case you are wandering about the other 3m40sec 5 gen pop match, here it is.

    But I didn't take screenshot of the build in this one.

  • fernandosilveirasc
    fernandosilveirasc Member Posts: 37
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The issue is, that the devs are against stacking slowdown perks. They also said once, that a killer shouldn't feel forced to equip a gen slowdown perk.

    Yet, when killers actually play without them against decent survivors, than the match won't last 5 minutes.

    The last 4 killers all had 1 or more slowdown perks. So the devs see the issue. But try to fix it with perks.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    This looked legit to me. You were only pressuring one survivor from 0:00 to 1:22. That's almost two minutes for 3 survivors. Ten seconds to find the gens, 75-80 seconds to work on them, getting 3 gens to complete or near to complete. Between 1:22 and 1:43 you have pressure on the hooked survivor, on the survivor that's going for save, and on the survivor that ran off to your left (who was probably doing the gen you found immediately later).

    Between 1:43 and 2:19 you have no pressure whatsoever. Survivors have almost nothing to do but gens. That's 36 seconds * 4 survivors, which is 144 seconds. 2 survivors stopped to heal, which accumulates to 32 seconds out of that total, so there's 112. Between 2:19 and 3:38, you only pressure one survivor for the duration, which gives survivors 3 * 79 = 237 seconds of gen time.

    In the two times above, there are 381 seconds. Only 160 of those seconds had to go to gen time. That leaves 221 seconds for survivors being in transit and goofing off, which is about 55.25 seconds transit & goof-off time per survivor over the course of the game, which seems reasonable. These survivors were on-task, but it's not suspect because of the sheer amount of time they had where you weren't pressuring them.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Survivors: "AFK Killers should be banned. Like, I didn't even get to play. There's zero interaction with the Killer. Why should I de-pip because of this? Holding M1 on a generator is boring, man."

    Also Survivors: DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! **3 minutes, 40 seconds after map load**

    Just pressure gens, 5head!

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    I didn't realize you were posted two videos. My last comment was in response to the Hawkin's match. I don't want to super-analyze another match like that, but the Tinkerer tells the story. Before every gen got done, you got Tinkerer at least the expected amount of time prior to the gen pop. I didn't pay as much attention to that one, but it looked legitimate to me, too.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    To be fair, the core gameplay isnt rich, Killers' perk is mostly about Gen, Aura

    One biggest issues that in order to make 2K 2E balance. 5 Gens must be done every match, because thats the only possible way for 2E.

    I wish they could make the core gameplay to make 4E is almost impossible, in return there is more accessible way for 2E without requiring all Gens to be complete.

    It could be simple as the completed Gen required = number of alive survivor + 2. Where Killer can either try for more hooks at 5/6 Gen done, or kill a survivor to trigger Gates powered.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    In the Leary's match, he spent ~35 seconds not doing anything to hamper survivors, and he spent the other 3 minutes only chasing one survivor at a time. The outcome of that time discrepency was, as it should be, his loss. Dead by Daylight is all about trying to force survivors into a crawl through damage until either one is dead (pushing time efficiency in your favor) or an oppurtunity to 4-slug appears (which pushes gen speed down to 0). If you can't reach either of those states, you lose (barring esoteric win-cons like Bloodwarden and Devour).

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    Agreed it is absolutely possible. Sorry if this is overkill but I love analyzing matches.

    Match starts at 00:58:40.

    You start on the top side near the mine where you find Felix and Mikaela both on gens. (59:15). Scare both away, spending some time stalking and then kicking the near completely cold gens.

    You then head to the bottom of the map where you find Cheryl and David tag-teaming a gen and they complete it in your face (59:41). It takes 80 seconds for a single survivor to finish a gen, and with two on it the time goes down to 47ish seconds. This means those two spawned near shack together and jumped to the gen right away (as the match is only about 60 seconds from start when you find them).

    Get a hit on Cheryl and some stalking on David when you head back to the top side of the map after a tinkerer prompt on the mine gen on the top side of the map (1:00:28). Mikaela has been solo on the gen it seems since you chased her off another gen about a minute ago.

    Hit Mikaela and kick the gen when you get another Tinkerer prompt on Felix's original gen (1:00:44). You head right there.

    4 gens are left when you chase Felix off the top side gen near center left (1:01:05). Another quick hit on Felix and a kick of the gen.

    Another tinkerer prompt on 1 bottom side gen near Shack and the center gen (1:01:26, 1:01:34). These have to be Cheryl and David on separate gens. This checks out based on where you last saw them (David running towards shack - bottom gen, Cheryl near center).

    You decide to head back to check Mikaelas gen near the mine (perfectly correct call ignoring those other gens IMO) and find her correctly working on it where you also hear Felix inside the mine shaft (1:01:37).

    Small chase with Mikaela ensues and during it, David and Cheryl's gens pop (1:01:48, 1:01:51) and Mikaela escapes after a pallet stun (huge thank you to Dead Hard) leading to you breaking the pallet and kicking the gen. Unfortunately, this is also when Felix's gen pops (1:02:00).

    You catch an injured Cheryl sneaking up to another top side gen where a quick chase and down on her leads to allowing Mikaela to return to her gen and complete it (1:02:19) which powers the exit gates. By my rough timing then, all gens were done in 3 minutes and 40 seconds.

    If anything, this match shows that kicking gens without a specific perk or camping in the area is nearly completely useless. You kicked 4-5 gens and it may have saved you 10 seconds total, if that, which is essentially a loss of time when you factor in kicking speed.

    As for the survivors, they completely ignored healing and totems to slam gens like professionals and you still managed a 2k out of it which is stellar! Arguably, this is only really possible thanks to your appropriate add on and the survivors trying for the altruistic save but you played the end game absolutely correct. Definitely a tough match but some small changes (not kicking the gens, focus on a down then stalking to make the save more difficult, knowing when to ignore Tinkerers prompts, positioning for the dead hard better, etc) could have been the difference between the result that happened and a major snowball.

    Definitely a frustrating match, and clearly showing why I wish kicking gens actually meant anything, but unfortunately completely plausible. At least it seems you had a bunch of good matches leading up to it though!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

    I've only watched the first half of the Lery video and it looks legit.

    With the duration of the chase plus the far survivor on a gen plus a gen popping and and another sounding almost done then popping : I would have rushed back to the hook to defend it. Then I would have proceeded slugging/tunneling/camping depending on how the next interaction goes. I don't see another way to attempt to save this Kobayashi Maru and maybe try to get one kill.

    Your first chase was fine though. I wouldn't have done it the same but I don't know if I would have got it faster. I feel I may have given up with the sprint burst but maybe not on that stupid map.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    That is enough time without any perks or toolboxes if they find 'em easily.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Balancing around kills/escapes is a mistake. Someone could get 3 hooks and 3 kills and then would be considered a better killer than someone who got 8 hooks but no kills.