Should you Let Someone Get Their Glyph?

I'm sure this is gonna be polarizing but--as a killer, do you let survivors get their glyphs? Like a red/white/yellow/green/etc in the game? Its usually pretty obvious when someone is doing something because it's the only time they're reaching out into thin air standing absolutely still
PERSONALLY--I let them get it. Its the one thing we dont REALLY have control over because we can't control where it spawns, or if we will even have time to safely interact with it. It's especially frustrating when you pay to unlock the Rift, and you still got challenges to complete, but sometimes I've been stuck on simple glyph challenges because I literally dont have a game where I 1. Find the Glyph and 2. Have time to interact with it. I have had a few killers who would see me interact, pause for a second for me to finish, then continue towards me once I was done--which I really appreciate :)
Then you got those killers who are already LITERALLY about to 4k, and you're just trying to salvage SOMETHING out of the game by interacting with your glyph, and they don't even let you have that and just slug you. Like... why. It costs you nothing to let me have my glyph you'll still get the 4k.
It depends on my mood sometimes I will sometimes I won't
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More often than not, if I see they are actively grabbing the glyph as I get to them, I will wait the few seconds for them to get it before I smack them. I'm still a monster at heart but I DO have a heart :D
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Depends on the situation that lead up to the survivor doing the glyph in front of me. Normally I let them do it, but if I'm annoyed by the survivor doing it then I won't.
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When a killer hits me mid-glyph I know he's a troll
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Yes, unless I'm losing horribly. I know how annoying those glyph challenges can be (that bloody white one...argh) so I'll try to accommodate folks.'s generally more 'I want to win and I don't know yet if this is going to be a hard game or an easy game'. It's usually better to get ahead first and ease up once you've taken control of the game.
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I always let someone do a glyph. I've found someone injured doing a glyph numerous times, and I always let them finish it before trying to down them. In a number of those instances, the survivor has stayed still and allowed themselves to be downed -- in those case, I'm guessing it's a way of saying thanks as in, "I know you could have downed me and didn't, so here's your hook you could have had."
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I'll let them get it unless they were a jerk earlier in the match. It's no skin off my nose, and survivors that stop to do glyphs mid-chase or commit to their glyph as I'm closing in on them are really just making my job easier for me. Might as well return the favor. Besides, if you let a survivor do the glyph, they'll usually let you get a free hit in return.
On the flip side, most killers I've encountered have stopped to let me or other survivors do glyphs. Sometimes I've even been KO'd, then picked up and set on my feet so I could do the glyph, then downed again.
(I'm not going to let anyone do a white glyph mid-chase, though. If I encounter someone carrying the mirror to the basement and I actually notice they have it, I'll follow them and wait, but overall white glyphs are just too much of a detour unless you're the last survivor or I can win whenever I want.)
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I usually let them get it but I still down them afterwards.
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Even as survivor if the killer goes for a glyph mid-chase,I just wait so we can go exactly from where we left off.
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I'm happy to let someone get their challenges done because I know what it's like. The people who don't... well....
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I'm glad to see its not as polarizing as i initially believed lmao. I guess I've just been unlucky these past few games. I've been stuck on glyphs for 2 days because every time I try to get one the killer downs me like as im right in the middle of it. like i just wanna finish these darn things
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No, I've never had a Survivor help me get a challenge done, quite the opposite in fact; back when the challenge to get 4 basement kills was up Survivors would DC after 3 kills every time.
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Thats entirely different from a glyph. You have control over getting basement kills, you can't control where a glyph will appear. Your situation doesn't really compare. I'm not saying we should all hold hands and help eachother complete challenges lol. Killers dont exactly let me stun them on purpose or blind them.
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I let you get your gylph IF you haven't been a dick this game. If you clicked me, teabagged me, or Head On'd me, screw your glyph.
If you played wholesome and I realize what you are doing, I will wait patiently.
I remember one time I was playing Nemesis on Pale Rose, and I downed this Survivor and at the LAST second I realized they were getting a glyph. I picked them up and let them wiggle off, punching the air where the glyph was. The Survivor thanked me after the game.
I know what it feels like to be on one of those things and then get rekt. Feelsbadman.
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Yeah this last game with nurse was just like... really? I had to take a break. It was a cracked nurse on Meatplant so she was just slapping us around like a cat with a wounded lizard, they had like 4 hooks and 0 gens done, and I was running for my LIFE while Obsession was in chase, when I see a yellow glyph. I got it like 90% done when Nurse comes outta nowhere, sees me on glyph, slugs me. Post game I'm like "i cant have glyph?" and then the killer, who got a 4k, proceeds to be toxic post-game chat. As one must do, of course lol
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Many survivors would d/c if you had hooked 3 people in the basement just to deny the 4th and sometimes they d/c while dying which doesn't count either. Not saying survivors should let killers get basement kills, but like if you're already dead does there's no reason to d/c other to spite the killer out of something.
Especially since iirc tome 1 was before d/c penalties so a lot of survivors tended to d/c for a lot of petty reasons.
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I always let them have it. It's such a nice change of pace in all the toxicity and BMing when they give me a thank you crouch before I down them.
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I usually let them get the glyphs especially the yellow ones.
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I mean I'm with the majority here. You are gonna down the survivor (or atleast injure and start chasing) anyway, so might as well let them get a glyph.
But man, I've seen a few survivors by now thinking they can just do their archive (glyphs, opening chests) when the killer is near them chasing someone. Every time they got grabbed off xd (not by me, just seen randomly in game).
Eh, maybe they were newer players, or somethin. for thinking they can get away with it. But yknow, it was at the start of the game usually, so In the end I think they got their challenges
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if killers want their challenges done, then just become friendly, a simple way to show that you are, is down someone regularly and then let them wiggle off
now I will always let a survivor get a glyph, they get their challenge I get a free down, it's a win-win, no you don't have to, but I would love if a killer let me get my glyph so I do the same thing back yknow?
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Don't let anything
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Toxic survivors get hooked
Survivors that aren't little shitheads get their glyphs
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I always give them the hook if they let me do a glyph. I usually give them the single tbag thank you.
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When i startet I was a very kind killer and helped with challenges especially the glyphs but then I had a game where three people over the course of the game found there glyph mid chase. I stopped let them get it they startet running again wich is Okey letting me down you would be nice but no stress. The game ended with every one on death hook but no kills. I come to the chat give my ggs and be greeted by:gg ez scrub thx for giving us the glyphs learn to play or better delet the game noob.
Well from that day on I was ready to throw games just to guard glyphs. But after a cyberpunk gave me a lengthy pause from dbd I startet to be nice to survs again till my trust is betrayed again ^^
To give something nice in the end just yesterday I startet working on the new tome and had a very nice Mikaela that famed a Gen with me to get my kick a bajilion gens quest and as a thanks I stuffed her into the hatch
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Yup, but I also don't play sweaty when I'm playing killer. I'm more likely to goof off when I'm playing killer and the times I take it at all seriously and try for kills I'm pretty relaxed about it because I don't care if I get a 1k or a 4k. Survivors have helped me get plenty of killer challenges done with killers I am terrible with, if I see them trying to do an obvious challenge like glyphs or some of the ones that I know are a pain I'm going to return the favor.
As survivor I've had killers see me trying to do the yellow glyph challenge and just leave me alone to get it done. Once I finish the glyph I find the killer to give them a hook and then at end of match (if I'm still alive) I have them kill me as thanks - although now with MMR if killer refuses kill I leave because I figure they don't want to raise their MMR.
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As Killer I let them get the glyph..
As Survivor, if the killer lets me grab mine, he gets the hook in return
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I let them do the Glyph and the I'll smack them right after
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Sure, if I see someone do a glyph I let them finish it. It's not like it extends a chase, if anything it's a guranteed down cause you have time to get in m1 reach/set up m2. Only sorta-exception is a white glyph; if I find them close to the basement I follow them, let them do their thing and then down them. If I see them just getting their broken mirror I just leave them alone; they're busy running around the map for a while and chances are I'll find them close to basement soon enough. If I remember and the white-glyph-player has been a good survivor (from my perspective) I even let them get out with their mirror. (And with the green glyph I suppose I'll also wait in egc if some poor pebble needs to get their glyphs and couldn't find them in match) --- But I'm also one of those "chill and kill" kinda killers who absolutely refuse to sweat anything 😂
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It depends on when it happens in the match. If it is the start/middle of the match then yeah I let the survivor do their glyph, but I will hit them immediately thereafter. If it is end game - nope sorry not gonna happen.
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If you're injured I'll usually 100% wait and then hook you
If you're healthy its 50/50
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I think it depends on the situation. One match, at the end of the game.. All I cared about was getting my glyph so I decided to go for it once I saw it and pretty much gave the killer a free kill because of that. The killer didn't care and downed mea second before I could finish getting it which was annoying. He ended up only getting 1 kill that match. He was probably frustrated because he only got 1 kill, but he wouldn't have gotten that kill to begin with if I didn't go for my glyph lol. Some killers need to realize that some survivors have no issue giving you a kill as long as they get their challenge done
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I already wrote it somewhere else yesterday.
I had a match on midwich, I was pinhead and all the survivors were dead but one. I didn't know where the last survivor was, I looked for him and found him crouching in a corner near the exit gate. I only saw his back though, and didn´t saw the green glyphe he was trying to interact with until I alraedy started the hit animation. He then went down and I immediately felt miserable because I play both roles and know exactly how annoying some of the glyph challenges are. Especially if your opponent won't let you do them. So I picked him up, let him wiggle free and let him do the glyph. As a little bonus, I let him open the gate and escape afterwards because I already had 3K and because I accidentally almost ruined his challenge.
I find as a killer you lose nothing by seeing a survivor interact with a glyph and then letting them complete the glyph. You can always down him afterwards if you want. But it doesn't hurt to be a little emphatic in some situations.
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I usually let them. I pause until it's done, then hit the air and start chasing.
It will not change how "unfun" I may play the rest of the game though.