Gen Rushing - Please Explain

So I am genuinely curious about this. I see killers complain that survivors are "gen-rushing". This to me is incredibly confusing because as far as I know... there is 1 objective in the trial for a survivor: complete gens. Thats it.
So if they dont want survivors to continuously complete generators... what the heck else are they supposed to be doing? Running around letting killers beat them to death with no promise that if you dont "gen-rush" and "play fair" that you, or -anyone- will escape the trial at all.
I'm sorry I just dont understand this logic.
If killers don't like "gen-rushing" then cry to BHVR and tell them to give survivors another objective/option. Thats the only suggestion I've got.
The complain is not directed at the survivors. It's about how easy it is to do it and how stupidly impossible it is for a killer to handle gens done in parallel optimally.
Some will compare this to tunneling, but at least in tunneling some interactions are happening.
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Gen Rushing (much like tunneling and camping) are also used to often to just...describe playing the game that it's more or less meaningless
"True" Gen Rushing are survivors who put the gens above all else. They won't heal, they won't go for saves, they bring tool boxes and parts, etc. They're the players who would make a professional speed runner look at them go and say "Calm it down guys".
Those are the players I don't really get because you fly through the game so fast that nothing could happen (especially when those people or the killer is bringing things like BPS since Gen Rushing is worth such a low amount of BP). Ultimately it's your choice as a survivor if you choose to gen rush but I am not going to pretend like I understand how that's a good time.
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Legitimate Gen rushing is 4 survivors with 4 toolkits and 4 brand new parts and at least one Prove Thyself. The Gens get done so fast it is ridiculous.
Most complaints of gen rushing are killers who lost track of time, in my experience.
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People have been asking for secondary objectives for survivors for years.
Instead we got secondary objectives for killers (breakable walls and boons).
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This much I can understand. Survivors played at the highest echelon in an organized team are definitely going to be awful to deal with. I respect the teamwork and cooperation it takes to achieve that though.
But the issue then lies with - with balancing a game for the highest skill level, the players below that suffer tremendously for it. And these high tier players are -always- the minority. There are far more casual, or lower tier etc players in this game than these mega players.
So to fix that imbalance between the 2 types of players--- why not a "ranked mode" -- somewhere these people can go and be sweaty and not ruin the game for the other people just trying to have fun. I dont know... but I for sure don't agree that games should always be balanced based on the best possible outcome.
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„Gen rushing“ is often used as an excuse for bad plays by the killer
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B/c doing the gens is how you survive, lol. More time in the trial is just more time for the killer to kill people. You can't really complain about people doing gens. Especially right at the start of a match you have no idea if you are gonna get a sweatlord killer or a baby and the best thing to do there is hold M1 for dear life
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DbD is the only pvp game that doesn´t balance around the best players. Imagine LoL, R6 or CS balancing around copper ranks.
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Its not really a blame for a mistake, its more a thing of expectations. The survivor objective time is unbalanced to what the killers have to archieve in that time. You can do all gens within 4 minutes with no toolboxes but for most killers it wont be possible to get an equal part of his objective in this time through chases. Hence is the reason why killer camp, slug and tunnel alot.
If you want to have a casual match with some interesting chases dont hardcore rush the gens, so the killer has the actual time to go for chases otherwise it will convert into a boring camping and tunneling match since the killer runs out of options for his gameplay, when you see the killer gets momentum you can still easily do the gens because survivors have so much free time and dont have to play efficient. After all this is no promised rule, the killer will follow his own will in the end and if he gets a big momentum it doesnt mean there will be mercy.
If you care only about to escape you can play the competitive way and hardcore rush the gens but the match will be boring. Just do the killer a favor and dont accuse him then for playing competitive as well.
Many players wish it would be different but thats how things are.
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Ranked mode is a dead horse topic. Just use search above to see what I mean.
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First, your attitude is very biased. Telling killers to "cry" to BHVR gets you nowhere.
As a killer main who has enjoyed a long retirement from the game due to its horrible state, I can tell you gen rushing is NOT a thing. Survivors do gens, that is their whole focus. Blaming them for focusing on their one real objective is short-sighted.
The problem is 100% game design. There should not be an ability to do gens in inder a minute. Boxes, perks and multiple Survivors can knock out 5 gens in 5 minutes easily. Many killer and map combinations make it very difficult to stop a 4 man SWF hell bent on gens. The game has major design flaws that seriously hinder the killer vs a group focused on doing gens asap.
Some killers get very frustrated and blame Survivors for this. Many killers know the blame is on BHVR. Boxes should be limited in the number allowed in a match. There should be a soft and hard cap on gen speeds. Gens should have a natural regression to them. There are many ways to slow down gen times without handicapping Survivors to the point it's a reverse of the current situation.
I don't expect Survivors to run 2 laps before engaging a gen. I don't expect them to take a time out between gens. They should focus on gens. I should not be handicapped because I have an M1 killer and your crew has 4 boxes that you switched to at the last second, and a full round of gen speed perks. That is poor design.
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Survivors could be doing totems so they don't have to come to the forums and complain that NOED is OP.
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Its just how killers describe how stupidly easy and fast gens are compared to the killers objective. You can down survivors in 30 seconds or less and it won't matter if the team is efficient enough on generators.
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Much like the term "face camping" gen rushing is a term from a time when BNPs were pre-nerf and prove thyself was stronger I believe then too, but things were indeed faster.
The terms have been used after the nerfs by killers to mean "doing gens fast" but reeally those "gen rush" days were much faster than now
Face camping is a term from before we had swivel hooks, and has continued to refer to anytime a killer is near hook. But in reality those terms described different things in the past
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...did you read my last sentence? I'm not sure how you can call what I said "complaining".
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One only needs to be able to hit the skill checks to do a gen-rush. It doesn't require high skill. Only the realization than doing one gen slightly faster is way less efficient than doing gens at normal speed but in parallel. I'd say a team of players with 3 or 4 hundred of hours (for a minimum of game sense and some life expectancy) could be able to pull it of. (Although an experienced killer can power trough them with shorter chases.)
The thing about a ranked/casual split is that the sweaty teams will be able to ruin the game for the casuals simply playing with them. Points do not matter that much when you have played for a long time. (e.g. I "only" have 2.5k hours and I've stopped caring about them a while ago.)
I'm not sure what the change should be. Maybe if getting a game over in 5 minutes wouldn't feel like such a waste of time, it wouldn't be that much of an issue. It could be as simple as taking that into account for the point distribution, or changing what is a win. It could be as complicated as making parallel gens counter-productive. If the fix was easy, it would have been implemented a long time ago.
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Well you said "I don't understand why people rush the gens" and I told you why. Not saying you were complaining that was more a blanket statement for the thread
But I am one of those people. I usually use iron will, left behind, sprint burst, and am basically planted on a gen all game.
If the team dies they die but the gens are getting done lol. About the only time I am not doing gens is because I am too busy being murdered. I am not stopping because my baby claud with 50 hours got 2 tapped by an M1 killer, someone else can deal with that I don't even want to bother saving those people because MMR should not even be putting them on my team
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You realize to get a nice score (BP don't matter but it's nice to get them to keep track) you need to do saves and chases? I'm not sure you are getting many points past two gens.
I usually go to save the silly beginner (and then swear when they insist rushing to the corner of the map for a heal). I also run to the killer when me being hooked would be less damaging for the team. (I'm not too good either, unless against Nurse, Spirit and, in a lesser extent, Blight)
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Genrush is just an alltime excuse for killer misplays.
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"Gen-rushing" can mean a lot of things, it differs from person to person, but it's usually used when Survivors just played better/more efficient than the Killer, same goes for tunneling, camping and slugging
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I have played long enough I don't care about BP or emblems really. Only escaping. Fun chases mean nothing because most of the killers are a misery to play against these days, predropping and holding W is the meta. Most other games you actually get teammates around your skill level but DBD is an anomaly.
I played a demo game earlier today with a 5k hour survivor, and a baby claud on the same team. They were solo Q. The baby claud died super early and the 5k hour survivor died on first hook because of it. Why does that happen? It's trash matchmaking which only benefits the killer and my patience for it is completely gone on the very rare occasion I play survivor.
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Fair. I don't get how that can be all that much fun but if you like it and enjoy it, ride that gen all you can
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I have nothing to add to that.
300% agree with this.
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That's for mmr to sort out, and it would if more people were willing to touch killer.
Balancing the game around bad players who have the potential to get better is always awful and has no place in a game with mmr because the two clash and cannibalize each other.
You either add mmr and balance for the top so it trickles down and gets sorted by the mmr. Or keep trash balance for the masses but have almost no matchmaking so things are random.
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Gen rushing is not real almost ever. Yeah, occasionally you’ll face stuff like squads with quadruple Commodious Toolboxes with double charge add-ons/Prove Thyself/etc. That’s basically never.
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Gen Rushing complaints aren't directed at survivor players so much as its a complaint about the general speed at which survivors can burn through their objective versus how long it takes for most killers to get properly setup to play the game. When the game is played at its most optimized, fastest speeds most killers can't really respond to it without a lot of effort.
Gen timing is a touchy subject as we're kinda at the absolute limit gameplay that feels good for survivors with the current design of just holding m1 on a gen. At some point a lot of people would like to see gen repair become a more dynamic objective which would freshen up gameplay and generally slow the pace of the game down so people not playing high mobility killers could have more time to actually set up.
Games that are generally considered rushed are ones that will be sub 10mins, but imo a game isn't truly rushed till you're about sub 5-6mins as that usually means killers who have slow starts can't play the game at all, killers with decent map presence/mobility have to work really hard, and killers generally considered best in game are viable, but will need to sweat a good bit.
There are mitigators to gen rushing and balance tweaks to BNP(Brand New Part) and toolboxes have helped a bit, but there isn't a shortage of survivor perks that generate more gen speed buffs to pick up the slack. Keep in mind this also requires a bit of skill to rush through the game so it isn't something that just happens.
Veteran players are often the most likely to genrush as after a while you just get to the point where you want to get in and out of games quickly. Lots of us either have everything unlocked or don't care enough to bother unlocking everything and just want to go through the game so we can have a million bp saved up for whatever the next chapter is.
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Gen-rushing is a stupid excuse. It's basically doing your objectif soon as possible, which is the best thing to do on DBD and even on most video game.
Such a stupid complain like tunneling.