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The DBD $350k Tournament Disaster

Bhvr Please stop trying to make dbd a competitive game, this is just embarrassing. There's TOO MANY unbalances in this game to be a tournament scene.

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  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Wait, was this even ran by BHVR themselves?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    While this tournament was a disaster, since it had mainly players that never touched DbD, a tournament per se isn´t a bad idea.

    I mean, imagine a CS or LoL tournament with people that never played any of those games. Same result.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    The video didn’t really seem to explain anything about the tournament in the intro but from the logo and a Google search it was an AT&T event where streamers played five different video games, one of which was DbD. I have no idea how much involvement Behaviour had with the tournament, although it seems pretty likely their marketing department would have worked with AT&T on it in case people has questions about the game and to help promote it if they wanted. The super complicated tournament rules for DbD seem kind of bizarre to me though so I don’t know if Behaviour was involved in that part of it or not, that seems more like something from an unofficial tournament organizer. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 1,814
    edited April 2022

    Boy, sure would've been a lot less embarrassing if DbD had a "tournament" game mode the players could've turned on, with all the limitations pre-programmed in.

    But who in a world would spend time making a new game mode? That'd be CRAZY. They have to spend their time NOT putting in search/sort options on all those 200 perks. And even more time NOT making a balance changes to character/skin/perk selections. And let's not forget the back-breaking work it takes to NOT make the game's core systems transparent, especially in the new tutorial.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    PLEASE let this be a wake-up call to BHVR

  • Member Posts: 564

    What makes DBD extremely awful is how it has be been balanced. Survivor perks use to be insane and extremely strong. They are mainly perks that are available any player starting off and they are the best perks in the game. That's not to say the new survivor perks are bad, but the they are more balanced. By comparison the new killer perks are far stronger then the survivor perks, as killer perks have been getting stronger over time. So new killers will need to buy a lot of DLC to get the better perks, which will require far more time commitment the survivors.

    So yeah the New DBD player experience is weird and awful.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Honestly not really a game for big time streamers too much grind and queue times to give usually 30000 plus viewers content

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    No but just knowing it's there and with data mining you can.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    There were also 4 other games(5 in total) to practice with a 7 day notice.

    So that's 1.4 days to practice barely 1 day for each game when you consider their jobs and needing to sleep.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    This is one of those "No duh" videos. Anyone that's played a real comp game, 1v1 or team based game knows right off the bat that this game is not ready for prime time tournament action. It may have some depth.. but c'mon.

    Shroud has already said a long time ago that this game wasn't for him. That thumbnail was damn funny though.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Just shows how unnewbie friendly it is.

    All the "rules" just made it far worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Tournaments and comp wouldn't be so bad if the meta hasn't been the same boring schlock for 6 years.

  • Member Posts: 267

    lmfao that was painful to watch

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    One team was one of the former winners of this AT&T tournament. His team was coached for a week by Dowsey.

    This team was the only one with some real clues how to play. They destroyed the other teams most of the time. They also won the tournament. And they had some fun.

    Some killers and (a lot of) perks were banned and they were only allowed to use a perk once in team.

    It was kinda funny to watch - but every normal thinking person would really not let completely new players of your game compete in a tournament. Some didn´t know anything what happened and therefore had a really bad experience.

    But i like the idea with the tournaments.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Yeah, they summed up pretty much everything wrong with the game in one "tournament".

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